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Why Obama Is Not an American Native Son -- h2ooflife, A.R. Nash

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  • Why Obama Is Not an American Native Son -- h2ooflife, A.R. Nash

    Why Obama Is Not an American Native Son


    A.R. Nash


    "By natural law every living thing is the same as their parents. Lions don’t give birth to donkeys, but to lions.

    Natural inheritance is an inviolable law of nature. Whatever the parents are, -their off-spring will be the same. Members of species or groups don’t give birth to non-members, nor do non-members give birth to members anymore than donkeys give birth to lions. If born within the group to a non-member, one isn’t a natural group member even if granted membership by their permission or law.

    The most fundamental right in nature is property ownership, which begins with the mates (wives, concubines,) and children of the Alpha male, -”the leader of the pack”. Hence the basis of patrilineal inheritance by descent. The children belong to him and inherit what pertains to him, be it his nature or his name or his possessions or his guild membership or national membership.

    Place of birth is only an issue in regard to “The Divine Right of Kings” and the nobles Lordship over all born within their domains. One was born where one’s parents lived and they lived with their group for generation after generation. Fathering children with a member of another group is not a natural situation. Such off-spring aren’t natives of the group because they aren’t natural members.

    After over 100 years of a colony’s existence, its inhabitants became the new indigenous population, -the new natives, and their colony was their only homeland. Their children were natives by birth in the homeland to parents who were indigenous members of the colony. They were the new natural natives through natural inheritance by birth to native parents.

    Understand this: No one who was born of a father who was not a native indigenous member would be a native of the group. Only those born to natives would be natives, all others would violate natural law and unwritten human membership law. A transient male outsider cannot father an indigenous native child anymore than a native male could father a foreign child."


    View the complete post at:
    B. Steadman