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Video: Sunday Sermon; Pastor Rips Professor Spiro Over Natural Born Citizen Lies

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  • Video: Sunday Sermon; Pastor Rips Professor Spiro Over Natural Born Citizen Lies

    Video: Sunday Sermon; Pastor Rips Professor Spiro Over Natural Born Citizen Lies

    Birther Report



    Neither Obama nor Ted Cruz are Natural Born
    “I can tell you now – it won’t be long before the truth is known.”

    Via David LaRocque & Pastor James David Manning

    VIDEO ... :

    The highest class of citizenship under the U.S. Constitution is “Natural Born Citizen” which requires that you be born of two American citizen parents and be born on American soil.

    The only persons required by the Constitution to be a natural born citizen are persons seeking or serving in the office of president or vice-president of the United States.

    George Washington and John Jay both stated emphatically that the president must be a natural born citizen in order to protect the executive authority of the nation from foreign influences.

    John McCain is not a natural born citizen. He was born on the soil of Panama.

    Senate Resolution 511 was sponsored by Democrats McCaskill, Clinton, and Obama in order to circumvent the requirements of the Constitution as to McCain’s eligibility.

    (Note: S. 511 was in effect a gentleman’s agreement between Democrats and Republicans in the Senate to ignore the presidential eligibility requirements of Article II of the United States Constitution in the 2008 presidential election.)

    At some point, continuing controversy regarding the presidential eligibility requirements of the Constitution needs to be resolved in the high court. However, the courts are not going to touch the eligibility question now. Were it anybody but Obama who would be potentially affected, they would.

    Obama supporters are now bringing up the eligibility of Canadian-born Republican Ted Cruz. This is a transparent effort to immunize Obama from eligibility challenges by focusing eligibility questions on Senator Cruz.

    What do they know?

    The thing that every criminal and every liar fails to realize is that the truth is more powerful than man, it is more powerful than a lie, it is more powerful than your wishes or your personal desires.

    Truth is central to the breath that we take, to the life that we endure. Truth must prevail against untruth if humanity is to proceed.

    Jesus said:

    “Everything spoken in the dark will one day be shouted from the rooftops”.

    [Note: The related Bible passage from John – “For every one that doeth evil hateth the light, neither cometh to the light, lest his deeds should be reproved. But he that doeth truth cometh to the light, that his deeds may be made manifest, that they are wrought in God.” (King James Bible, John 3:20-21)]

    The thing that every criminal and every liar fails to realize is that you are going to get caught.

    They are hoping that Jesus will be put to shame.

    Ain’t gonna happen!

    The truth will come to light.

    I can tell you now – it won’t be long before the truth is known.

    Pastor James David Manning
    Atlah Church, Harlem, NY

    View the complete Birther Report presentation at:

    B. Steadman