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Superior Court Asked to Boot Obama From Ballot -- Free Republic Thread

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  • Superior Court Asked to Boot Obama From Ballot -- Free Republic Thread

    Free Republic is running a thread titled, "Superior Court asked to boot Obama from ballot (loss of constitutional rule of law)", which was started 2/17/2012 by 'Seizethecarp'

    The article references a 2/16/2012 article by Bob Unruh in WND

    The following is an excerpt from COMMENT #12 by 'Seizethecarp' in the thread:

    "IMO, Barry will absolutely be given a Mulligan for the 2008 election because at that time there was no on-point SCOTUS ruling that he was not eligible and the entire legal elite chose to “evade” the issue including SCOTUS because Barry was so “precious.”

    On January 26, 2012 for the first time a hearing on the merits took place. Hatfield and Van Irion competently placed the Minor v. Happersett precedent holding before the court on a path that can get to SCOTUS. At least one of the two attorneys attempted to compel production of a copy of Barry's certified HI LFBC, of which two are supposedly in Barry's possession (Ha!).

    Unfortunately, Dr. Taitz failed to competently produce evidence and testimony supporting her claims of forgery of Barry's identity documents, none of which have ever been produced in any court to date.

    I do not for a minute believe that any lower federal court judges will uphold Malihi’s citation of an Indiana state appeals court to affirm Barry's NBC status. Some new corrupted interpretation of precedent will be found first. Then it will be up to Justice Kennedy, as usual, to arrive at the ultimate 5-4 ruling for or against Barry."

    View the Free Republic thread at:

    View the referenced article on WND at:
    B. Steadman