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USCIS Scrubs Page Confirming Native-Born & Natural-Born Separate Subsets Of Citizen

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  • USCIS Scrubs Page Confirming Native-Born & Natural-Born Separate Subsets Of Citizen

    USCIS Scrubs Page Confirming Native-Born & Natural-Born Are Separate Subsets Of Citizen

    Birther Report



    USCIS Scrubs Webpage Confirming Native-Born And Natural-Born Are Separate Subsets Of Citizen
    By Cold Case Posse Supporter @ Free Republic

    Back on April 2, 2013 I posted a thread titled 'Listen Up: Here Is Proof Native-Born Citizens And Natural-Born Citizens Are Separate'. In that thread I provided a link to the U.S. Citizenship And Immigration Services website page that stated the following:

    The Immigration and Naturalization Service:

    “Interpretation 324.2 Reacquisition of citizenship lost by marriage.”

    Interpretation 324.2(a)(7):

    “(7) Restoration of citizenship is prospective . Restoration to citizenship under any one of the three statutes is not regarded as having erased the period of alienage that immediately preceded it.

    The words “shall be deemed to be a citizen of the United States to the same extent as though her marriage to said alien had taken place on or after September 22, 1922″, as they appeared in the 1936 and 1940 statutes, are prospective and restore the status of native-born or natural-born citizen as of the date citizenship was reacquired.”

    Interpretation 324.2:

    “The effect of naturalization under the above statutes was not to erase the previous period of alienage, but to restore the person to the status IF NATURALIZED, NATIVE, OR NATURAL-BORN CITIZEN, as determined by her status prior to loss.”

    The link to the above was this:

    When you click on it now it reads:

    [404 - Requested Page Not Found on Site

    The page you requested is not on our site.

    Please look for related information on the USCIS Home Page.

    Sorry for any inconvenience.]

    The above webpage confirmed the federal government recognizes and routinely restores 3 different statuses of U.S. citizenship:

    1) Naturalized Citizen 2) Native Citizen (as Obama's campaign and the DNC refer to Obama) 3) The Constitutionally eligible Natural Born Citizen that Article 2 Section 1 calls for to be Commander-in-Chief.

    For some reason, that webpage has been scrubbed. The question is why? [...]

    I am wondering if the webpage was scrubbed because Sheriff Arpaio's Cold Case Posse's evidence on Obama's fraudulent birth certificate and birth origins have been distributed to multiple Congressmen recently at town hall meetings? If true, it might explain why the proof showing Native-Born Citizens and Natural-Born Citizens would be scrubbed.
    If you recall in 2008 on Obama's own campaign website Fight The Smears, it stated:

    'The truth is, Barack Obama was born in the state of Hawaii in 1961, a native citizen of the United States of America.'

    Does Article 2 Section 1 Clause 5 of the U.S. Constitution specifically call for a native born Citizen to be president? No it does not. It states:

    'No person except a natural born Citizen, or a Citizen of the United States, at the time of the Adoption of this Constitution, shall be eligible to the Office of President;....' [...] - More @ Free Republic. Hat tip Joe Mannix.

    Wayback Machine via Red Steel:

    View the complete Birther Report presentation at:
    B. Steadman