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American Autumn -- My Very Own Point of View

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  • American Autumn -- My Very Own Point of View

    American Autumn

    My Very Own Point of View



    ... I’ll do the heavy lifting for you people. By heavy lifting I mean reading boring crap while looking for needles in haystacks. But sometimes I find a pitchfork sticking out of that haystack. I will post screenshot panels of those pitchforks and let you decide on a few things that are becoming ever more important and dangerous to us as a people and a country.

    Yes friends, I will permit you to make up your own minds.

    Isn’t there a wise old saying along the lines of, “if you listen closely they will reveal their intent?”

    I have always found this to be true, and the more outrageous the design the more clear will be the clues. Think, “Fundamentally change the U.S.”. Yes kind of like that. All the dopes are like, “it’s just rhetorical”, but it was not rhetorical – it was the revelation of intent. We have proof of that now as we are being bound by political correctness, mistreated by corrupt judges, swatted in our homes while napping on the couch, our babies and toddlers are being breast and crotch fondled by TSA employees, our young are being taught to distrust and disparage their own people and heritage.

    Autumn ushers in winter with its lack of bounty and postponed fellowship. With brittle bareness and grey, brief daylight. When profound and perfect vulnerability is our condition. America has sauntered into her Autumn, our patriotism suffocates under our own inability to discern corruption, while we hasten to unburden ourselves of our rights to elected men and women who despise us for our dearth of urbanity and abundant peon pettiness.

    There is a long game being played to relieve us of the Article ll, clause 5 Presidential eligibility requirements. Our Constitution has protected us from our highest office ever being the prize of a foreign prince or dictator. So far. At least it appeared that way until 2009 when a man that has a wisp of a past, was impossible to vet, and hid behind the powerful endowment of racial advancement, was magically crowned “the perfect Presidential candidate “.

    It is seven simple words that have protected us since our Constitution was ratified. Seven simple words that have been so powerful as to prevent the would-be usurper to the highest office of the powerful and plentiful United States of America.

    No Person except a natural born Citizen.


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    B. Steadman