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Columbia Daily Herald Publishes; Nothing Beats A ‘Natural Born’ Leader For POTUS

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  • Columbia Daily Herald Publishes; Nothing Beats A ‘Natural Born’ Leader For POTUS

    Shocker: Columbia Daily Herald Publishes; Nothing Beats A ‘Natural Born’ Leader For POTUS

    Birther Report



    Although the following Letter to the Editor was published at a local media outlet it is amazing it saw the light of day.

    Excerpt via Columbia Daily Herald: Nothing beats a ‘natural born’ leader for president

    If being a natural born citizen made people true and responsible patriots, most of our problems would go away, but it doesn’t. So what were the Founding Fathers intentions when they drafted the eligibility rules for presidential candidates?

    Assuming Barack Hussein Obama’s grandmother was wrong, and Obama wasn’t born in Kenya, let’s dismiss the other alleged evidence of a forged birth certificate, and focus on the Founder’s concerns articulated by Alexander Hamilton’s writing in Federalist No. 68:

    “Nothing was more to be desired than that every practicable obstacle should be opposed to cabal, intrigue, and corruption. These most deadly adversaries of republican government might naturally have been expected to make their approaches from more than one quarter, but chiefly from the desire in foreign powers to gain an improper ascendant in our councils. How could they better gratify this, than by raising a creature of their own to the chief magistracy of the Union?” — Alexander Hamilton.

    How many natural born citizens, running for president of the United States, had a Muslim, Communist, anti-colonist foreign father, whom they never knew?

    How many natural born citizens, during their formative years, received their education in an Islamic state, and then ran for president of the United States? e.g., Barry Soetoro (President Obama’s name inherited from his stepfather) was a citizen of and schooled in Indonesia. By his own testimony it is there Barry learned to appreciate Islam and the sound of the morning prayers.

    How many natural born citizens had a self-confessed communist for a mentor, such as Frank Marshall (Barry’s mentor while living in Hawaii)?

    How many natural born citizens, schooled in America, grew up respecting Marxism and community counterculture organizers and writers such as Saul Alinsky, author of “Rules for Radicals”? OK, besides most of Obama’s czars and Hillary Clinton … .

    How many natural born presidential candidates had a proclivity to not salute the flag during the national anthem, not wear a flag lapel pin and not celebrate Christian holidays?

    How many natural born, past presidential candidates advocated a “civilian force as well equipped and trained as the military,” and wanted to “fundamentally transform America?”

    How many past presidents cut the military and retired hundreds of generals (ideological adverse) in times of war and global turmoil, while simultaneously arming domestic three-letter agencies in the federal government?

    It is ironic, despite Obama’s father’s contempt for colonist nations, and Obama’s commitment to his father’s ideals, e.g., “Dreams from My Father,” Obama is essentially doing the same thing as predator nations have done to conquered indigenous people — destroy their customs, culture, economy, government and religion.

    [...] Continued @ Columbia Daily Herald. Hat tip Systemic Treason.


    Gabe Zolna; Here Is The Problem, For Us Soldiers!

    A soldier tries to explain why the Military has not intervened to protect the American people from this criminal, and dysfunctional Administration.

    ( Video via Gabe Zolna )


    All US Presidents Eligible After Grandfather Clause Born On U.S. Soil To Two U.S. Citizen Parents

    View the complete Birther Report presentation at:
    B. Steadman