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Atty. Klayman: Obama's POTUS Ineligibility; Legal System Has Failed American People

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  • Atty. Klayman: Obama's POTUS Ineligibility; Legal System Has Failed American People

    Attorney Larry Klayman: Obama's Article II Ineligibility; Legal System Has Failed The American People

    Birther Report



    Obama Article II ineligibility Attorney Larry Klayman telling it like it is!

    Excerpt via Renew America:


    First, there are the cases I (and others) brought challenging the eligibility of Barack Hussein Obama to run for and be elected president of the United States. Despite the strong election laws in Florida, my home state, where any taxpayer or voter can challenge a candidate on the basis of fraud or misconduct, the courts there, in three successive cases going all the way to the Florida Supreme Court, dismissed all challenges without nary writing a coherent word explaining why. A similar result occurred in Alabama, although the chief judge there, Roy Moore, had the integrity to write a dissenting opinion agreeing with me. The hard fact: No judge in this country, other than Moore, would make such a ruling against an African-American president like Obama, who has spent his career, a la Al Sharpton playing and using the race card to destroy anyone of a different color who gets in his way. While judges are supposed to adjudicate cases and controversies regardless of political, economic and social pressures, it is revolting at best that they have bent over to this despot and his black and white leftist racist allies and apologists in the media. The result: The country has been sold out to foreign and Muslim interests, including the terrorists Obama refuses to even call Islamic, lest he offend his own bloodline.

    Now in the lead-up to the 2016 presidential elections, ironically, two white Republican candidates also do not technically qualify as natural-born citizens eligible to be president. It will be interesting to watch what mostly politically compromised and conflicted judges now "find in their legal hearts" to write should legitimate challenges be filed with regard to the candidacies of Sens. Marco Rubio and Ted Cruz, who were not born in this country to two citizen parents at the time – the uncontroverted Supreme Court precedent that applies (Minor v. Happersett, 88 U.S. 162, 1875). The Founding Fathers clearly inserted this requirement into the Constitution to avoid a president being too close to foreign influences – a tragedy if not a disaster we have seen played out and foisted upon us by one President Barack Hussein Obama, our first and hopefully only "Muslim president," born to a Muslim father, educated in Islamic schools in Indonesia, and likely birthed in Kenya and not Hawaii. (While I personally really like and admire Ted Cruz as a true patriot and would be happy to see him as president, he sadly does not qualify.)

    [...] Continued @ Renew America. -

    View the complete Birther Report presentation at:
    B. Steadman