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Ted Cruz Eligibility - something extraordinary happening

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  • Ted Cruz Eligibility - something extraordinary happening


    Devvy Kidd


    My, my, how things have changed since the first volley of lawsuits to keep the criminal impostor in the White House, Barry Soetoro aka Barack Obama [fictitious, made up name] off the ballot. Immediately shrill squawking came from the ethically bankrupt Democrat/Communist Party USA. Why, to challenge the constitutional eligibility of a candidate was racist pure and simple..............................

    'Conservative' biggies were just as outraged as the left that anyone should question Barry's eligibility:
    .................................................. .....

    Something is happening that is quite extraordinary. When the issue was Democrat Barry Obama, FOX and other powerful 'conservative' mouth pieces bent over backwards to help an ineligible candidate. Now the issue is a popular GOP senator (who usurped that office), Ted Cruz, and his eligibility and those same media mouthpieces and 'conservative' legal geniuses are again bending over backwards to make sure another ineligible candidate can run for president.

    Why hasn't Marco Rubio's ineligibility been brought up in all this frenzy? If the argument being put forth by all the above is that a natural born citizen means one parent is a U.S. citizen at the time of the child's birth, that sure as hell eliminates Marco Rubio. He was born in May 1971 in Miami, Florida. His parents did not become U.S. citizens until November 1975 - four years after his birth. Since neither of his parents were U.S. citizens at the time of his birth, he's out.

    Why this screeching from all of the above to protect Cruz's candidacy? Because the top four GOP candidates are Trump, Cruz, Rubio and Carson. If you knock out Cruz and Rubio that leaves Donald Trump and Dr. Ben Carson - unless one figures Paul, Fiorina, Bush and the rest of the single digit candidates can be resurrected from the dead. Democrats and their lackeys in the media don't want Trump. The GOP establishment and their lackeys in the media don't want Trump. Can the jury make the inference that both sides are working feverishly to keep Cruz and Rubio in the contest hoping Donald Trump will flame out or lose the early primaries? I submit to you that's exactly what's going on.

    Everything possible is being done by the GOP, with help from Megyn Kelly over at FOX, to keep Donald Trump from securing the GOP nomination: GOP Planning 'Firewall' to Stop Trump in South Carolina. A pathetic attempt to bolster the pathetic Jeb! Bush's chances: "GOP leaders increasingly see South Carolina as their last best chance to stop Donald Trump's populist political juggernaut. On Wednesday, influential South Carolina Republican Katon Dawson issued a plea for former President George W. Bush to step into the ring in the Palmetto State's Feb. 20 primary. Bush is quite popular among South Carolina Republicans, and Dawson called his involvement a potential "game changer."

    GOP "leaders" are so far out of touch with voters it defies imagination. As for a game changer, dream on. If voters wanted Jeb! he would be leading the pack.

    So, what happens now? Well, we have Barry Obama who usurped the office of president and has gotten away with it. His mother was a natural born citizen, but his father was a foreign national who never applied for citizenship. Barry Obama was born with dual citizenship and ineligible to be president.

    Marco Rubio was four years old when his parents became citizens. Rubio is hardly a natural BORN citizen and therefore, clearly ineligible.

    Ted Cruz's mother's birth certificate shows she is a natural born citizen, but Cruz's father was a foreign national and not a U.S. citizen at the time Ted was born. Cruz believes because he renounced his Canadian citizenship at age 44 and his mother being a U.S. citizen he can be a natural born citizen.

    Likely more lawsuits will be filed. Donald Trump could file a lawsuit; 'standing' would not be an issue; or shouldn't be. But, make no mistake: The stakes are as high as they can get because if Ted Cruz is not eligible then neither was the criminal fraudster in the White House in 2008 and 2012. If anyone thinks the shadow government is going to let this new challenge regarding Ted Cruz blow that whole thing out of the water, they are sadly mistaken. Ted can continue to 'cruz' along hoping he would be Trump's pick for VP. But, since he's ineligible for the presidency he's also ineligible to be VP.

    Should Donald Trump dive in or continue steamrolling his competition? Baring some catastrophe, if he stays on course and doesn't fall into the trap of filing a lawsuit, he will be the nominee regardless of what GOP "leaders" want. As I said in a past column, big hay is being made Cruz is ahead in Iowa.

    So what? Santorum won in 2012 and Mike Huckabee in 2008. Both flamed out and never made it to the White House. The same fate was dished out to John Kerry, Al Gore[bechev] and others. Predictions are Trump will take New Hampshire and South Carolina. If that happens, Cruz will likely continue spending millions to catch Trump for the next set of primaries.

    We shall see if the lawsuits that have been filed move forward like Leo Donofrio's did only to be kicked to the curb by a deceitful batch of disgraceful "justices" on the U.S. Supreme Court. I sincerely hope they do and that there is just one judge, one, who believes in the supreme law of the land.

    As for the darling of the right, Mark Levin, referring to people like me as kooks, shame on you. Questioning the constitutional eligibility for president or even members of Congress is not kooky. It's our duty and obligation to make sure the Constitution is upheld.

    View the complete article at:

    Last edited by bsteadman; 01-10-2016, 02:34 PM.
    B. Steadman

  • #2



    Devvy Kidd


    The following was written by Leo Donofrio. It is an excerpt from his longer analysis here.


    I could understand rabid attacks if the legal theory I was relying upon had been thoroughly discredited by a Supreme Court decision or by statute, or even by historical texts, but it’s quite the opposite. Beside 200 years of Presidential precedent, the great weight of authority supports the argument that Obama is not a natural born Citizen.

    I understand the countering argument and I’ve welcomed debate of both sides of the issue in comments to this blog. But most of the published arguments on the natural born Citizen issue are recently published law review articles which haven’t done a very good job of presenting the whole truth and nothing but the truth.


    Despite popular belief, the 14th Amendment does not convey the status of “natural born Citizen” in its text. It just conveys the status of “Citizen”. And it’s very clear that in the pre-amendment Constitution, the Framers made a distinction between a “Citizen” and a “natural born Citizen”. The requirement to be a Senator or Representative is “Citizen”, but the requirement to be President is “natural born Citizen”.

    From the 14th Amendment:

    “All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and the State wherein they reside.”

    But even as to this conveyance of citizenship, those who were responsible for drafting the 14th Amendment made it clear that - to them - the meaning of “subject to the jurisdiction thereof” meant subject only to the jurisdiction thereof.

    Dr. John Fonte, Senior Fellow of The Hudson Institute had this to say about the issue at a Congressional hearing on dual citizenship from September 29, 2005:

    The authors in the legislative history, the authors of that language, Senator Lyman Trumbull said, ”When we talk about ’subject to the jurisdiction of the United States,’ it means complete jurisdiction, not owing allegiance to anybody else.” Senator Jacob Howard said that it’s ”a full and complete jurisdiction.”

    This illustrates that Congress recently discussed the issue, and they can’t claim they were unaware. But we don’t have to take Dr. Fonte’s word for it. The following discussion by the various 14th Amendment Framers took place on the Senate floor. I took it from P.A. Madison’s research at his link for footnotes):

    It is clear the framers of the Fourteenth Amendment had no intention of freely giving away American citizenship to just anyone simply because they may have been born on American soil. Again, we are fortunate enough to have on the record the highest authority tell us, Sen. Lyman Trumbull, Chairman of the Judiciary Committee… and the one who inserted the phrase:

    (T)he provision is, that ‘all persons born in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens.’ That means ’subject to the complete jurisdiction thereof.’ What do we mean by ‘complete jurisdiction thereof?’ Not owing allegiance to anybody else. That is what it means.

    Then Madison quotes Sen. Howard, another Framer, concurring with Trumbull:

    Sen. Howard concurs with Trumbull’s construction:

    Mr. HOWARD: I concur entirely with the honorable Senator from Illinois [Trumbull], in holding that the word “jurisdiction,” as here employed, ought to be construed so as to imply a full and complete jurisdiction on the part of the United States, whether exercised by Congress, by the executive, or by the judicial department; that is to say, the same jurisdiction in extent and quality as applies to every citizen of the United States now.[3]

    Mr. Madison continues with even more proof of what the 14th Amendment Framers meant:

    Sen. Johnson, speaking on the Senate floor, offers his comments and understanding of the proposed new amendment to the constitution:

    [Now], all this amendment [citizenship clause] provides is, that all persons born in the United States and not subject to some foreign Power–for that, no doubt, is the meaning of the committee who have brought the matter before us–shall be considered as citizens of the United States. That would seem to be not only a wise but a necessary provision. If there are to be citizens of the United States there should be some certain definition of what citizenship is, what has created the character of citizen as between himself and the United States, and the amendment says that citizenship may depend upon birth, and I know of no better way to give rise to citizenship than the fact of birth within the territory of the United States, born to parents who at the time were subject to the authority of the United States.[4]

    No doubt in the Senate as to what the citizenship clause means as further evidenced by Sen. W. Williams:

    In one sense, all persons born within the geographical limits of the United States are subject to the jurisdiction of the United States…All persons living within a judicial district may be said, in one sense, to be subject to the jurisdiction of the court in that district, but they are not in every sense subject to the jurisdiction of the court until they are brought, by proper process, within the reach of the power of the court. I understand the words here, ’subject to the jurisdiction of the United States,’ to mean fully and completely subject to the jurisdiction of the United States.[5]

    Madison saves for last the greatest authority on the issue:

    Rep. John Bingham of Ohio, considered the father of the Fourteenth Amendment, confirms the understanding and construction the framers used in regards to birthright and jurisdiction while speaking on civil rights of citizens in the House on March 9, 1866:

    (I) find no fault with the introductory clause [S 61 Bill], which is simply declaratory of what is written in the Constitution, that every human being born within the jurisdiction of the United States of parents not owing allegiance to any foreign sovereignty is, in the language of your Constitution itself, a natural born citizen…[6]

    It’s important to note this statement was issued by Bingham only months before the 14th Amendment was proposed.
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    As the society cannot exist and perpetuate itself otherwise than by the children of the citizens, those children naturally follow the condition of their fathers, and succeed to all their rights. The society is supposed to desire this, in consequence of what it owes to its own preservation; and it is presumed, as matter of course, that each citizen, on entering into society, reserves to his children the right of becoming members of it. The country of the fathers is therefore that of the children; and these become true citizens merely by their tacit consent. We shall soon see whether, on their coming to the years of discretion, they may renounce their right, and what they owe to the society in which they were born. I say, that, in order to be of the country, it is necessary that a person be born of a father who is a citizen; for, if he is born there of a foreigner, it will be only the place of his birth, and not his country. For part one click below.

    View the complete article at:
    B. Steadman


    • #3
      Double Whammy: Columnist Devvy Kidd Obliterates Mark Levin Over Obama & Cruz Article II Ineligibility

      Birther Report


      Columnist Devvy Kidd obliterates phony constitutionalist and irritating sounding broadcaster Mark Levin over his idiocy in regards to Barry Obama's Artcile II constitutional ineligibility and now Canadian-born Ted Cruz's.

      Excerpts via News With Views:

      My, my, how things have changed since the first volley of lawsuits to keep the criminal impostor in the White House, Barry Soetoro aka Barack Obama [fictitious, made up name] off the ballot. Immediately shrill squawking came from the ethically bankrupt Democrat/Communist Party USA. Why, to challenge the constitutional eligibility of a candidate was racist pure and simple. The object of scrutiny has black skin, therefore, any attempts to uphold the Constitution were being done by kooks, racists, Kool-Aid drinkers and as Yule Brenner said in the 1956 movie, The King And I, et cetera, et cetera, et cetera .

      'Conservative' biggies were just as outraged as the left that anyone should question Barry's eligibility:

      Obama Citizenship Crisis & Industrial Strength Stupidity [...] News With Views. -

      The following was written by Leo Donofrio. It is an excerpt from his longer analysis here.


      I could understand rabid attacks if the legal theory I was relying upon had been thoroughly discredited by a Supreme Court decision or by statute, or even by historical texts, but it’s quite the opposite. Beside 200 years of Presidential precedent, the great weight of authority supports the argument that Obama is not a natural born Citizen.

      I understand the countering argument and I’ve welcomed debate of both sides of the issue in comments to this blog. But most of the published arguments on the natural born Citizen issue are recently published law review articles which haven’t done a very good job of presenting the whole truth and nothing but the truth.

      THE FRAMERS OF THE 14TH AMENDMENT [...] News With Views. -

      View the complete Birther Report presentation at:
      B. Steadman

