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A College 'White Rose' Revolt Will Destroy Obama -- Patriot Action Network

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  • A College 'White Rose' Revolt Will Destroy Obama -- Patriot Action Network

    A College 'White Rose' Revolt Will Destroy Obama

    Patriot Action Network

    Paul Szemanczky


    The Obama Propaganda Ministry and the New York Times have staged a fresh wave of obfuscation built by proxy spokesmen and insular journalists who refuse to navigate the foreign-Watergate of lies surrounding the destruction of the American embassy in Benghazi, Libya.

    If the real media hunters -what journalist Bret Hume called: the 'next Woodward-Bernstein team'- appear, they will want to be involved in the action that connects U.N. Ambassador Susan Rice with the selling of the false "Mohammed Movie" and non-existent protest before the Al-Qaeda attack and the memo/phone call from President Obama which dictated her obsessive pattern of lies to the public for one week after the 9/11/12 attack.

    For a start I would investigate and ridicule the official State Department moment by moment statements which were criticized ad nauseum on the Sunday talk shows (10/14/12). The 8-hour long attack which killed 4 Americans including Ambassador Stevens is riddled by lies and unrealistic efforts to hide the embassy's lack of protection, the inadequate or untrained Libyan security which apparently ran without killing any Al-Qaeda attackers, and (what seems ironical) a rising belief that this attack was staged to kidnap, not kill Ambassador Stevens, for an exchange for the blind sheik, Omar Abdel-Rahman, who is being held in Gitmo.

    The only means to bury the fact of an unpopular government, one stained by repeated corruption and omission of duty, and facing stiffer resistance, is to promote an inexorable barrage of criticism denying the obvious lies that are the entire conception of the Obama administration. His organization has become a regime of frustrating lies whose internal dimension of shame only rivals that of another head, a figure whose popularity when it began to crack, forced him to hide and withdrawal into isolation from his own people who veiled their eyes to his sins: Adolf Hitler.

    Passive resistance is however insufficient to bring down a charismatic leader, one who survives the lack of success in nearly everything he tries, when like any dictator (still un-assumed in Obama's case) the media empire uses propaganda as a drug for the people to swallow, while threatening 'prophecy' of destruction should Obama lose his re-election bid.

    It is why the outbreak of violence is trumped by either side which loses after November's vote. Deeply and unwavering, it is why Obama's opposition is joined to prevent the United States from going down the nearly parallel road of destruction which Nazi Germany took and why the resistance is growing enthusiastically.

    The Obama regime in extremis has become a blind faith rooted in self-interest and fear of the future. It refuses to adjust a no-policy disorder in the Mideast it created in Libya, Egypt, and a dozen other lands where our consulates came close to being extinguished. The Obama Party and State have become a solidaristic ideological theme of irrational decisions deployed both foreign and internally that have continuously weakened Constitutional guarantees and have led to an obsession of allusions resulting in a mockery of our downfall by every major nation in the world.

    The 'mandated budget reduction (sequestration) and automatic (Defense Department by $54 billion) budget cuts' set for 1/2/13 is just the first round of a proposed White House (half from domestic programs; half from the military) $1 trillion in federal spending cuts.

    This by far is a true symbol of the fruitless division between progressives and conservatives which can never be cauterized, or unfrozen by endless and indecisive controversy. Neither side wants to make the devastating cuts, yet this nation faces its own 'Waterloo' from within, promising a budget deal only after the cruel November election. This is just another example of 'passive surrender' and weak resistance on both sides who lie prostrate under a constant snow of "shields and spears in a confused pile".

    Do you understand this will be siege warfare as long as lords Pelosi-Reid ruin the middle class in budget game distortions, orchestrated by the altar-light of Obama, who has sold them down the same abandoned road he's placed both Susan Rice and possibly Hillary Clinton on.

    Governor Romney stands as the only one at this point who can shatter the siege that (without a real budget for 4 years) has destroyed millions of American dreams of economic growth and career for a subsistence offering the Democrat Party promises will be the most likely outcome. A middle class sucked of its life-essence, i.e. 100,000 Defense Department civilian employees will be laid-off 1/2/13. It is and should appear an endless dark tunnel to hell.

    Even the popular consciousness of the average 'Joe/Mary' voter should feel humiliation

    in the loss of meaning and prestige in our personal sacrifice of the non-definition of 'what is a citizen' to the Obama regime. Conservative economist Ben Stein sees an overbearing arrogance here:

    "Fathom the hypocrisy of a government that requires every citizen to prove they are insured... but not everyone must prove they are a citizen."

    Now add this, "Many of those who refuse, or are unable, to prove they are citizens will receive free insurance paid for by those who are forced to buy insurance because they are citizens."

    However the waves of obfuscation by Obama's media control can be nullified. During the war years '41-'45 German youth in colleges, communists (The Red Orchestra), the Church, monarchists, conservatives, senior soldiers opposed to Hitler, all actively supported attempts to remove Hitler from power. The boldest attempt was Valkyrie, but there were many others.

    What could have been the most pervasive movement to act against Nazism was a very small coalition of college friends called "The White Rose" which dispersed 7 different leaflets in thousands of copies to major German cities by brother and sister Hans and Sophie Scholl, Alex Schmorell, Willi Graf, and Christopher Probst, all in their early twenties. These students wanted to save their nation from destruction. After Winter '43 when they were arrested and beheaded, their leaflets were still being distributed by Allied aircraft over Germany as propaganda in the final months of the war.

    This is a great example of active resistance: writing that appealed to the intellect, endowed with a sense of morality, and showing courage to stand up to an oppressive regime in power. "Wir kampfen mit dem Wort" - We're fighting with words, Sophie told her accusers at her trial. Perhaps in the age of internet we've overreached the essence of an anti-war leaflet, although when you witness the lies inside the State Department, the UN Ambassador's office, and the White House, you can almost believe there is another 'Reich Ministry of Information Dr. Goebbels' bearing down on our sense of inadequacy. They're building the deformity of lies like a Tower of Babel all around us!


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    B. Steadman