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Obama to Military Leadership, “Will you fire on American Citizens?”

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  • Obama to Military Leadership, “Will you fire on American Citizens?”

    Obama to Military Leadership, “Will you fire on American Citizens?” Foreword by Fred Brownbill.

    Constitution Legal Watch

    Fred Brownbill


    As you know from previous published articles here on your favorite non-politically correct source for real news, a number of high ranking military leaders have been removed recently from their posts and replaced with liberal and progressive new style leadership who do not understand the Oath they took, or that Oath never meant anything to them as they never intended to stand by it in the first place!

    To some, me included, the current President and Commander in Chief, Barack Hussein Obama, who many, again including me as a birther, believe he is fraudulently elected, is currently purging the military of high ranking officers who would not obey unconstitutional orders such as firing upon American citizens or removing the firearms from law abiding American Citizens, or as in the case of two of them, for wanting to save the lives of the four Americans in Benghazi that Obama as good as murdered himself. He is systematically destroying the military from both the top and the bottom, squeezing both towards each other to destroy all that our incredible Military was. This pattern of purging the military is a common tactic of all dictators in history who understand that they need the military on their side, despite personal loathing of all things military. I saw this in Zimbabwe where all top brass were replaced with men from the same tribe who swore allegiance to Mugabe and not Zimbabwe. They understand that they need the military run by men and women of the same agenda and political views to keep them in power.

    Obama understands that we, the people, will resist attempts to remove or register our firearms, even to the extent of civil unrest. I believe he expects this, no, he wants it, and is preparing the Federal Agencies like the ATF, ICE, DHS etc by arming them with incredible amounts of ammunition and weaponry and is now making the military his next target.



    View the complete article, including video, at:

    Excerpt from the information provided with the video:

    The Obama administration is openly escalating its campaign against private gun ownership, and shaking up the top ranks of the military command structure -- but is it also preparing to make war on the American population? According to a person identified as a former senior military official, the answer to that shocking question is yes.

    World-renowned educator and human rights activist Jim Garrow says that the source, man regarded as "one of America's foremost military heroes," told him that President Obama is using a new litmus test for "determining who will stay and who must go" among top-ranked military leaders. That test is whether they will fire on US citizens or not. Garrow says that his source made the disclosure in order to "sound the alarm" over the administration's plans.

    While Garrow will not yet reveal the identity of the source, it's important to note that Garrow himself is a man of considerable accomplishment. He is the founder of the Bethune Institute, which has established hundreds of schools throughout China. Three years ago, he was nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize for his work though a group called Pink Pagoda, which combat "gendercide" in China -- that is, the practice of rescuing baby girls who had been abandoned or targeted for infanticide because of the government's one-child policy. He was personally involved in helping to save the lives of more than 50,000 Chinese girls. He joins Gary Franchi on WHDT World News to discuss this new "Litmus Test."

    Next News Network's WHDT World News Program airs daily at 6pm and 11pm Eastern on Comcast, DirecTV and Over-the-Air and Online at

    Last edited by bsteadman; 01-31-2013, 07:35 PM.
    B. Steadman

  • #2
    >>> " WE THE PEOPLE " are 320,000,000 strong and approximately 210,000,000 are well armed .
    If the military or any other so called ' law enforcement group dare to fire on AMERICAN citizens ,' WE ' will certainly return fire and they will lose . Armed civilians greatly outnumber military and law enforcement personnel combined .
    Last edited by AMERICAN ADVOCATE; 02-02-2013, 03:28 AM.

