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Watch The Final Press Conference From Sheriff Joe Arpaio Maricopa County.

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  • Watch The Final Press Conference From Sheriff Joe Arpaio Maricopa County.

    Where's Obama's Birth Certificate -- Home Of The Sheriff's Kits
    by Mike Volin

    Watch The Final Press Conference
    From Sheriff Joe Arpaio Maricopa County.

    December 15, 2016

    Obama's Birth Certificate And Other Documents Are A Forgery.
    A Live Feed Link Will Be Posted Here When It Is Released

    ...... The Investigation Conducted By The Sheriff's Office Which Determined By Forensic Evidence Obama's Birth Certificate And Selective Service Registration Form Are Forgeries. Copies Of The Investigation Have Been Available For Anyone To Download Or Request One On Dvd Or By Mail

    All Of The Above Investigative Information Was Placed On A Dvd Known As A "Sheriff Kit" All Members Of Congress, All Govenors, All State Attorney Generals, All Sheriff's Departments Have A Copy

    View the complete post, including images and videos, at:
    Last edited by bsteadman; 12-13-2016, 12:19 AM.
    B. Steadman

  • #2





    Important Announcement from PNN and Freedom Friday With Carl Gallups radio program (1330 WEBY)

    This Thursday, December 15, at 4:00 pm MST, 6:00 pm ET - Sheriff Joe Arpaio and Investigator Mike Zullo will hold the final press conference regarding their continuing investigation into Barack Obama's alleged forged Birth Certificate document posted on the White House website - and the implications thereof.

    If anyone was under the impression that the investigation was over, there were sorely mistaken. The investigation remained open and ongoing until a finalization of the matter could be announced. That day has arrived. If you have been a regular listener of Freedom Friday or a subscriber to the PPSIMMONS Twitter Feed or FB page, you also have been kept informed along the way.

    We have been in contact with Mike Zullo and Sheriff Arpaio and can assure you the astounding evidence is in, and ready for a report to the nation.

    The conference will be live streamed, however at this time no link has been revealed. When the link is provided you will receive notice from us.

    On the Friday after the conference, Carl Gallups and Mike Zullo will be live on Freedom Friday for the entire two hours. On that same evening Gallups and Zullo will appear on the Hagmann and Hagmann Report for two hours as well.

    View the complete post, including image, at:
    B. Steadman


    • #3
      Final Page Turn on an Illegal Endeavor

      THURSDAY – DECEMBER 15, 2016 – 6:00 pm EST

      The Post & Email

      by Sharon Rondeau


      by TPATH, ©2016

      (Dec. 13, 2016) — As the Demonic Democrats and their cohorts in the media continue their attempts at creating scandal out of thin air regarding DJT, the most criminal of all activities of the Obama Administration is about to be presented to the public and news outlets. Most likely this will be the last time this information will be presented to the public. And it will be completely snubbed by the establishment, just as it has from the first day it was discovered.

      Outgoing Sherriff Joe Arpaio, having lost his re-election effort in Arizona resulting from Soros spending millions of dollars in Maricopa County to defeat him, will end his long career, midnight December 31, 2016. He and Cold Case lead investigator Mike Zullo have been investigating Obama’s Birth Certificate which is posted on the White House website. As many will recall, it was finally posted after several years of delay because of a challenge from then-businessman Donald Trump.

      Both Zullo and Arpaio have said from the very beginning that the investigation had nothing to do with where Obama was born or if he was eligible or ineligible to hold the office of the President. The investigation centered entirely upon the possibility that the document presented to the American people, by the Obama Administration, is not what they claimed it to be. That is, that it is a photocopy of the original Birth Certificate of one Barack Obama, as issued by the state of Hawaii.

      If a government document is manufactured or altered, that is a federal criminal offense. If any document is provided by an individual in support of certification for that person in an effort to deceive the government and that document is forged or created in a graphics program, that, too, is a federal crime. The person or persons who create a forged government document as well as anyone involved in the deception and presentation of that document are guilty of yet another federal crime.

      Experts in graphic design and many people who have had occasion either for work or other activities who looked at the birth certificate posted on noticed some strange anomalies related to it. These people and others have, for a long time, known that there was something uncomfortably wrong with that document. As a result, Sheriff Arpaio was asked by several citizens to look into it. After having done so, utilizing several experts and some basic common sense, the lead investigator, Mike Zullo, called a press conference during which he laid out what they had discovered. Their determination was that there were significant reasons and facts to state the high possibility that the document in question was a forgery.

      .................................................. ....

      View the complete article, including image, at:
      B. Steadman


      • #4
        Final showdown: Sheriff Joe slaps Obama with new birth-certificate bombshell

        Arpaio holding news conference to release 3 years of analysis of 'fake' document


        by Bob Unruh


        It’s an issue that badgered, befuddled, bothered, bugged and bedeviled Barack Obama from before he was inaugurated until well into his second term.

        Now it could rain on his legacy.

        His birth certificate.

        Because now there’s a news conference scheduled on Thursday about an official law enforcement investigation into the validity of the document he presented to the nation in a press conference at the White House.

        Investigations already were done, lawsuits were filed, the Supreme Court was lobbied but skeptics of Obama’s constitutional eligibility repeatedly were stymied by federal judges and officials, who said, effectively, “There will be no discussion about this.”

        The issue is that the U.S. Constitution requires the president to be a “natural-born citizen” but does not define the term. Scholarly works cited by the Founders defined it as a citizen at birth, born in the country to two citizens of the country, or merely the offspring of two citizens of the country.

        The birth certificate Obama displayed on the White House website as “proof positive” of his eligibility states he was born in Hawaii to an American mother and a Kenyan father.

        Some immediately pointed out alleged anomalies, questioning its validity, while others argued it also could prove his ineligibility because his father was not a citizen. Some of the lawsuits argued Obama was a dual citizen at birth through his father, contending the framers of the Constitution excluded dual citizens from qualifying as natural born citizens.

        Eventually, just as the No. 1 bestseller “Where’s The Birth Certificate?” was combining with a challenge from billionaire businessman Donald Trump to force Obama’s hand, Obama held a White House news conference to release a copy of his birth certificate.

        WND reported Obama explained he decided to release it because the Internet “chatter” was becoming a “distraction.”

        .................................................. ................

        View the complete article, including videos, links and images, at:
        B. Steadman

