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The Sea Change: Obama's Confirmed Forgeries Are Not Going Away -- American Thinker

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  • The Sea Change: Obama's Confirmed Forgeries Are Not Going Away -- American Thinker

    The Sea Change: Obama's Confirmed Forgeries Are Not Going Away

    American Thinker

    Monte Kuligowski


    "For several years, an Orwellian-type fear of being "marginalized" held reporters and pundits back from questioning Barack Obama's eligibility to hold the office of the presidency. To raise an eyebrow at the bizarre secrecy of Obama was off-limits. To question whether the historic definition of "natural born citizen" applied to Obama was taboo.

    The era of fear, however, is happily winding down. It will take some time for this realization to fully take hold. But make no mistake: the tables have turned.

    Like it or not, the ground has shifted, and it cannot shift back. The evidence of Obama's forgeries is not going away.

    Up until this point, Mr. Obama controlled everything, including the talking points and burden of proof.

    Rather than simply produce certified paper copies for state election officials and make the original available for officials to inspect in Hawaii, Obama played games with his purported birth certificate. We were told for three years that Obama's birth certificate had been posted online in 2008 -- though it turns out that it was a scant certification. In 2010, when confronted with the alarming doubts of the American people, Mr. Obama lamented to a sympathetic Brian Williams of NBC: "I can't spend all my time with my birth certificate plastered on my forehead." The following year, out of left field, on April 27, 2011, Obama "released" the elusive birth certificate by posting a now-discredited file image online.

    This time he wasn't teasing. It was "proof positive." Mr. Obama, in his robotic style, barked that it was time to stop the "silliness" and move on.

    No one ever wanted Obama to get all crazy and walk around with his birth certificate plastered on his forehead. But many took the reasonable position of wanting the mysterious birth certificate produced, not plastered or uploaded to a computer. Many wanted Obama to produce certified copies for state officials and make the original available for inspection.

    But because no authority forced him to comply with basic legal standards, Mr. Obama was able to create a sideshow atmosphere by selecting non-experts to verify his internet postings behind closed doors. His media sycophants were able to make those who questioned Obama's staunch secrecy appear as the unreasonable ones. Somehow the burden of proof was erroneously placed on the citizenry to prove that Obama wasn't born in Hawaii.

    Well, the burden never actually rested with the people to prove anything. That was all smoke and mirrors. No conspiracy theories are needed to demand that Obama comply with basic legal standards -- especially in context of a state with a history of certifying foreign births as Hawaiian."


    View the complete article at:
    B. Steadman