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Sheriff Joe demands Obama draft registration -- WND, Jerome R. Corsi

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  • Sheriff Joe demands Obama draft registration -- WND, Jerome R. Corsi

    Sheriff Joe demands Obama draft registration

    Selective Service regulation changed days after probe announced


    Jerome R. Corsi


    "Providing proof that Sheriff Joe Arpaio intends to continue his investigation of President Obama’s eligiblity, his Cold Case Posse has pressed the director of the Selective Service System not to destroy any microfilm records that may yet exist of Obama’s 1980 draft registration form.

    In an emergency letter Wednesday to Selective Service System Director Lawrence Romo, Mike Zullo, the lead investigator in the Cold Case Posse, asked for reassurance that the microfilm records still exist.

    “We would like to be assured of the disposition of the microfilm reel or reels containing President Obama’s Selective Service registration form,” Zullo wrote. “Please indicate whether or not you have possession of the microfilm reel or reels containing President Obama’s records or access to them.”

    The concerns were raised after Arpaio’s office received official confirmation from the Selective Service System that Obama’s paper draft registration records have been destroyed after being microfilmed.

    In addition, an article published Monday by the Washington Times “Communities” social journalism section reported new Selective Service privacy rules might allow existing microfilm records to be destroyed as well.

    Zullo expressed concern the microfilm records of Obama’s draft registration form might already have been destroyed.

    “In the unfortunate event the microfilm reel or reels containing President Obama’s Selective Service registration form has been destroyed, can you please advise of the date the records were destroyed and the location at which they were destroyed,” he asked.

    Zullo’s letter gave Romo 10 business days within receipt of the letter to respond.

    Romo, who was appointed director to the U.S. Selective Service System in 2009 by President Obama, reports directly to the president.

    Selective Service admits destruction

    On March 28, Arpaio wrote Romo a letter directly asking if the Selective Service System still retained the original paper and ink copy of Obama’s draft registration form.

    “If your office has the original, authentic Selective Service registration form for Barack Obama from July 29, 1980, please indicate whether or not you have possession of this document,” Arpaio wrote. “If the document is in your possession, please make it available for inspection by my Sheriff’s Office investigators. We will travel to your facility to analyze it.”

    On April 3, Richard S. Flahavan, associate director of public and intergovernmental affairs for the Selective Service System, responded to Arpaio with a letter indicating the agency had destroyed Obama’s original paper and ink draft registration form.

    “The simple response is no; it was destroyed in 1980,” Flahavan wrote. “Per agency policy and practice, when a Selective Service System record is created from the registration card, the card is microfilmed and the paper card is then destroyed. This has been our policy for more than 30 years.”

    Is the microfilm safe?

    In the Communities @Washington Times article, Alan Jones noted that the Selective Service System published new privacy rules in the Federal Register Sept. 20, 2011, four days after WND reported Sept. 16, 2011, that Arpaio had commissioned the Cold Case Posse to open an inquiry with full subpoena power into the alleged forgery of several Obama identity documents, including his long-form birth certificate and his Selective Service draft registration form.

    Jones article noted it was the first update to Selective Service privacy regulations in 11 years.

    The key change is that the new regulations reclassify the status of draft registration forms from “record copies” to “non-record copies,” with the proviso that “non-record copies” are subject to disposal.

    The new privacy regulations further allow the Selective Service System to destroy microfilm copies of Selective Service registration forms under certain circumstances."


    View the complete article at:
    B. Steadman

  • #2
    Free Republic Thread: 'Sheriff Joe demands Obama draft registration'

    Free Republic is running a thread titled, 'Sheriff Joe demands Obama draft registration', which was started 5/10/2012 by 'Seizethecarp'.

    The thread references the 5/10/2012 WND article having the same title, written by Jerome R. Corsi

    View the complete Free Republic thread at:
    B. Steadman


    • #3
      Why are McCain and Kyl merely watching Obama and Holder’s war on America’s Sheriff?

      Why are McCain and Kyl merely watching Obama and Holder’s war on America’s Sheriff?

      Coach is Right

      George Spelvin, staff writer


      "Barack Obama and his Attorney General Eric Holder are going all in with their fight to silence America’s Sheriff, Joe Arpaio of Maricopa County Arizona. Reports from Arizona are pulling back the curtain on the staggering amount of taxpayer money along with unlimited leftist private funds being thrown against Arpaio. “Obama has joined forces with George Soros and LaRaza-not to mention the ENTIRE Leftwing liberal political establishment-in a multi-million dollar smear campaign to DESTROY AND DISCREDIT Sheriff Joe,” says blogger Conservative Patriot.

      Unbelievable here is the abject silence of Arizona’s two “conservative” Republican Senators, John McCain and Jon Kyl!

      They say nothing about Obama’s documents problems, as they go about trying to look useful. Why do they say nothing about use of taxpayer dollars for partisan election tactics to protect the amnesty crowd and illegal minions who many observers fear will swell Obama’s vote totals in November?

      Kyl is ending his run having done extremely well off of Arizona taxpayers and only McCain’s own huge war chest put him back in for another six years. Term limits are vitally needed because Americans deserve better. Yet these two fat cats have no compassion for the 79 year old lawman with over 50 years of experience internationally and nationally as an honest law enforcement officer and sheriff. Arpaio proudly declares, “I work for the people.”

      The opprobrium of America’s citizens need to be brought to bear on Arizona’s two do nothings. They can be called toll free at 1-877-762-8762. This federal vendetta against the people’s sheriff needs to stop now!

      One commenter said of Arpaio, “He’s obviously getting to Obama! The American people want Obama to answer why his records are forged and missing. The only way they know how to stop people from finding out is to attack Arpaio.” Another anonymous poster boldly states, “This administration is the most corrupt we have ever seen!” Former Vice President Dick Cheney’s remark about Obama being “an unmitigated disaster to the country” certainly echoes the feeling expressed by citizens writing about what is going on in Arizona. Hard indeed to fathom are the actions, or rather lack of actions of our Congress, our courts, our watchdog agencies who continue to remain silent for even a call for investigation into the NBC status problem facing our sitting President."


      View the complete article at:
      B. Steadman

