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Dr. Jerome Corsi hints about future eligibility developments -- Free Republic Thread

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  • Dr. Jerome Corsi hints about future eligibility developments -- Free Republic Thread

    Free Republic is running a thread titled, 'Dr. Jerome Corsi Hints About Future Eligibility Developments on Bill Cunningham's Radio Program', which was started 5/21/2012 by 'Hetuck'

    The thread references the 5/20/2012 'Bill Cunningham Radio Program'

    "Dr. Jerome Corsi was the first guest on tonight's Bill Cunningham Radio Program on the Premier Radio Network and he spent about 20 minutes talking about the Obama literary agency biography and other eligibility-related issues. The presence of this topic was a bit surprising, as Cunningham has previously been dismissive and condescending of these questions, instead towing the line that Obama was politically misguided but nonetheless a nice guy and good family man who was clearly eligible to be president [Article II Section 1 be damned!].

    Much of his appearance covered the basics of these questions, but Dr. Corsi did say that he expects Sheriff Joe Arpaio and the Cold Case Posse's next press conference -- probably to be held in mid-June -- to bring explosive news on Obama's birth location and the COLB forgery. He also said that, given the information being uncovered, he wouldn't be surprised if Obama was NOT the Democrat candidate for president in November!"

    (bold and underline emphasis added)

    View the complete Free Republic thread at:

    COMMENT #58, by 'Nasher' in the Free Republic thread:;page=1

    "Just found where the Bill Cunningham Sunday Night Show podcast (5-20-2012) is now available. He had Jerome Corsi who hinted that something big could be coming up. Verrry interesting:

    Bill Cunningham - Where's the Birth Certificate? -

    The Jerome Corsi interview is from approx. 16:40-30:00 minute mark."
    Last edited by bsteadman; 05-22-2012, 05:51 PM.
    B. Steadman