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WHITE HOUSE INSIDER: Obama In Serious Trouble – And That Makes Him Very Dangerous

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  • WHITE HOUSE INSIDER: Obama In Serious Trouble – And That Makes Him Very Dangerous

    WHITE HOUSE INSIDER: Obama In Serious Trouble – And That Makes Him Very Dangerous

    The Ulsterman Report



    “He owes them for everything. Everything he’s got – they gave to him. Everything. The guy’s Manchurian to the shoes on his feet.” -WHI

    Note: For the past two years we have been receiving information from a longtime Democratic Party operative who has worked at the highest levels of American politics -including direct access to presidential administrations. Once closely allied to the Clinton machine, and then later playing a significant role in helping to elect Barack Obama in 2008, this individual came to realize just how inept and dangerous was the then-newly elected President Obama and his circle of closest advisers, namely Valerie Jarrett. Since that time this insider has time and again shared information that has later proven accurate, including rampant White House infighting, re-election strategies, Obama’s strained relationship with Democrats in Congress and the U.S. military, and more personal details specific to Barack Obama the man – a figure who suffers from emotional extremes including depression and who spends far more time in his second floor White House study than he does working in the Oval Office as President of the United States.

    Here now is Part One of our most recent face to face interview with White House Insider…

    UM: We agreed to a series of word associations to start this off. You still ok with that?

    WHI: Sure – yeah. Fire away.

    UM: Mitt Romney.

    WHI: The next President of the United States. He better be – or…or people don’t know – they don’t realize how bad – how dangerous things will get. And fast.

    UM: Hillary Clinton

    WHI: Don’t trust her. Never have. I used to respect her…I still want to…Hope she proves herself – hope she does the right thing and stays the f-ck away from this administration when she leaves. IF she leaves.

    UM: Bill Clinton

    WHI: (Long Pause)

    …..Disappointment. But he might surprise us yet. He…he could be playing this about right. Maybe. He’s still got game, but word is…he gets tired fast. Ain’t got the focus…I’d still count him as a friend though. Yeah – I would.

    UM: -Name Deleted- (Wall Street Insider)

    WHI: God bless him. And I mean that. What he’s going through…tough little son-of-a-b-tch. I’ve come to love that man. He still scares the sh-t out of me too. But man oh man…no way we could have kept at this without him. He’s pushed this-this…whatever we call what we’ve been doing here…he’s legitimized it. Protected it. Protected us. I don’t know if you’ll ever know how much…he don’t talk about it…but I know. I’m seeing things in the news everyday now – just about everyday…I read the headline and smile. It’s him. He’s doing it. Will it be enough? (shrugs) Maybe. Maybe not. But g-dammit I’m sure as hell grateful we got him on our side.

    UM: Valerie Jarrett

    WHI: Most dangerous woman in America. Bar none. She’s the conduit – Obama and Chicago.

    UM: Michelle Obama

    WHI: Second most dangerous woman in America. And both those ladies…they scare the hell out of the president. I was told he hates them both – on some level. Hates them both. Now I don’t – I won’t pretend to know the psychology behind that kind of thing…but it don’t take a degree to know whatever it is they got there…it’s all kinds of f-cked up.

    UM: Eric Holder

    WHI: Borrowed time. Tough-tough-tough. Smart. You know…now don’t take this the wrong way here now…I come to respect him on some level. Not saying I like the man – not in the least. But he has managed to intimidate enough people…use the machine to his advantage…the guy is good. Real good. And that is horrible for the country. That’s why I have been saying for – since we started this. The guy has got to go. Got to be forced out – removed…whatever. I called him Obama’s firewall…long time ago. Right? Day one that’s what I called him. Obama’s firewall. Jarrett’s firewall. Jarrett has kept him in place. Confirmed that. There was a moment…last year. Late last year. Talks within the administration – they were getting heat from some of the boys on the Hill. Wanted the bad P.R. that was surrounding the DOJ to be put to bed long before the election year stuff ramped up. Take their licks and then move on. So they wanted Eric Holder to step down. Put a fresh face in there.


    You mind if I go on about this for a bit?

    UM: Go ahead – please proceed.

    WHI: So…where was it? Where was I?

    UM: Members of Congress wanted Holder gone. Before the election year started.

    WHI: Right – that’s it. They – not a big group of them…but some big names. Handful of them telling the White House…they were worried the hearings might catch on with the public…Fast and Furious – they didn’t want to contend with that situation during an election year. So they wanted Holder out. They made that clear – made it very clear to the White House.

    …then Jarrett got word of it. Real quick of course because almost everything that is to get to the president she approves of first. I told you that – two years ago. Before almost anyone even knew who the hell Valerie Jarrett was, right? She is management in the White House. She has the veto power over who gets in and who stays the f-ck out. So she got word of these particular Democrats – a Senator in particular who the rest of them were hiding behind. And she brought the wrath of God down on that poor bastard. There was a meeting. The two of them. Face to face. He was at the White House on something totally unrelated – but she had someone send him up to the second floor – her office upstairs. The real West Wing in the Obama White House…and she absolutely destroyed a United States Senator and she didn’t give a sh-t who overheard it. The man left her office…he was pale. Shaking like-like one of them poor palsy bastards."


    View the complete article at:
    B. Steadman

  • #2
    It’s 9:30 In America – “John 9:30″

    The Ulsterman Report



    "As I prepare to publish the second part of our latest interview with a longtime D.C. political operative, there appears to be a resulting movement afoot coming from something Insider said in part one of the interview – “John 9:30″ is spreading across America as voters prepare to either re-elect Barack Obama’s Big Government socialism to a second term, or, with OPENED EYES, banish him to the scrap-heap of political mistakes…"

    John 9:30 You go look it up. I been getting religion lately son. For real. I was never one for praying…but I am praying every damn day now. Praying for all of us. My own f-cking redemption. Yours. Mine. This country that’s hanging by a thread like nobody knows. And my eyes have been opened.

    -WHITE HOUSE INSIDER: Obama In Serious Trouble – And That Makes Him Very Dangerous

    View the complete post at:
    B. Steadman

