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WHITE HOUSE INSIDER: Barack Obama’s High Tech Snuff Films -- The Ulsterman Report

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  • WHITE HOUSE INSIDER: Barack Obama’s High Tech Snuff Films -- The Ulsterman Report

    WHITE HOUSE INSIDER: Barack Obama’s High Tech Snuff Films

    The Ulsterman Report



    “This is sickening. What you’re telling me…this is disturbing on a whole other level…” -UM

    NOTE: This is Part Two of our latest sit down interview with a longtime D.C. political operative who has given insights into the workings of the Obama White House that have time and again later proven accurate by subsequent Mainstream Media reports.

    WHI: …Obama loves them drones. He has made them a personal priority above all else.

    The question that is also the answer to so much of this then – is WHY? From there…I got the goods…I told you what their re-election plan was. How they are gonna use race, division, chaos…that’s the re-election plan. Folks are talking now…from inside the administration. And they are afraid. Sh-t ain’t right. Where they wanna take us – and it’s got people upset. Military had wind of it first…the Old Man knew…now it’s spreading. Not about the election campaign -the second term plan. There’s denials being sent back…but nobody trusts them now. And the ones who do…they are in on it themselves. Others…like me…you might see us smilin’ and noddin’…but know that’s just the public face we are putting on. We gotta do that to maintain access. Don’t let that throw you – you’re gonna see more and more of that in the coming months. That just needs to be done. We lose our access…makes it a hell of a lot tougher to plan, right? So you may see me saying one thing…I’m doing it different. You gotta trust me on that. There will come a time in all of this…it’s gonna get tough, it’s gonna get weird…you’re gonna feel used up. Betrayed. When we reach that point, and we will – I’m tellin’ you now – we will reach that point…trust is what will keep it all together. If we don’t have that…they win. And if they win – we all are gonna lose and lose hard.

    The country’s really in the sh-t now…and the papers runnin’ low…

    UM: I need to your to expand on the Drone thing – Obama’s love of using the drones. You say you “got the goods” – your words. What do you mean?

    WHI: It’s what has been brewin’ for well over a year now…it’s causing all kinds of hell between the administration…the military…infighting and concern among the staff…even Jarrett don’t have a handle on all of it. Even she is not entirely comfortable with how the president has sunk his teeth into the drones…the kill list. She’s not bothered by their use specifically…she’s more…I would guess she’s more worried over the political implications of Obama’s obsession…that eventually enough people will stand together and say ENOUGH. She can’t afford to have that happen too soon…the re-election makes them all vulnerable…the plans…the obligations to others…America can still stop them in 2012 and she understands that. So having Obama so oddly focused…not just focused…he gets excited…visually…the guy gets off on it and he ain’t even hiding that fact anymore. And some are repulsed by it. They’ve done video reviews you know…of the missions. The drones. The kills.

    UM: The president you mean? He watches videos of the drone attacks?

    WHI: Yeah – like it was…like it was porn. I can’t emphasize…I don’t think I’m painting a clear enough picture here for you of how this thing has people really freaking out inside the administration. It’s good on one hand because it’s got more of them willing to talk…but…the fact it’s gotten this bad…these drones…an American president who has the video sent up to his personal study so he can watch them over and over again…like I said – sh-t ain’t right. And more and more people are figuring that out – and that is what has Jarrett concerned. But even she…Obama won’t listen to her on this one. Those drones are the one thing he really feels he has control over…all the rest…he’s been told what to say and where to go…when to wake…when to sleep…but the drones. The drones are all his – and he ain’t given those up. For nobody.

    UM: So Jarrett is against the use of drones?

    WHI: No-no-no…I ain’t said that. Far from it. The drones are all part of this…the big big picture here…what she’s concerned over is that her boy…the president…he’s gotta get it under control…his obsession with using them like he has. The weekly meetings, the kill list…I mean c’mon now…he’s got his own personal kill list. The guy who campaigned against Bush era interrogations…Obama don’t interrogate. He picks a name off a list…some of these people have beenU.S. citizens…he picks that name off a list and orders the kill. Then he gets the video confirmation of the kill…and he watches it. Over and over and over again.


    Jarrett knows she has got to tap that down. That kind of display…it’s repulsive to people. And it’s freaking them out. Jarrett don’t mind the drones…she approves of the program…she approves of what…of how they will be utilized at home. But if the president…if his reaction to using them…how he gets off on it…that endangers them having control of those drones after 2012…and beyond. It’s a politically difficult – an extremely difficult argument to win. A guy who complained loudly about water boarding – it don’t kill the poor bastard. It makes ‘em talk. Barack Obama declared that to be offensive to the ideals of America, right? But now Barack Obama…he’s judge and jury. With a pointing of a finger to names on a list…Barack Obama gets to play God. No day in court. No guarantee innocent people won’t be killed as well – and they have been killed. Children. Women. Over and over again. And this president…he has that knowledge when he watches the kill confirmations. And he watches it over and over again. These are high tech snuff films – a multi-billion dollar snuff program…and he gets off on it.

    You ok?

    UM: This is sickening. What you’re telling me…this is disturbing on a whole other level.

    WHI: (Points finger) THAT’S the reaction people are having to this – right there. And that’s the reaction Jarrett is worrying over. She’s gotta try and contain it – but the president’s obsession is becoming too much to do that. The knowledge of it – it’s getting out now. Reaching other world leaders…it ain’t good. Even if it might give us a political advantage…you want sickening? I think to myself…what I just told you…I ask myself what if we lose? What if this guy is re-elected? You call it a whole other level? Yeah – you say that…but you don’t really understand it. Those drones…their domestic use…don’t think he ain’t thought about it. A lot.

    You see, Obama – he don’t trust the military. Not all of them…not many of them. But he trusts those drones, now don’t he? Don’t take him having to trust some military official to order troops to carry out an order inside the United States. It’s just inputting a bit of data – and the push of a button, right? And keep the f-cking military out of that equation there. Move the program…attach it directly to the White House. Make it…make it part of Homeland Security, right? Simple as that. One appropriations bill – just one…and it’s done.

    …And Valerie Jarrett – she wants that. Her…the investors who are behind Obama…they are completely in favor of that."

    View the complete article at:
    B. Steadman