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Did Bill Clinton Deliver a Coded Warning about Obama? -- American Thinker

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  • Did Bill Clinton Deliver a Coded Warning about Obama? -- American Thinker

    Did Bill Clinton Deliver a Coded Warning about Obama?

    American Thinker

    Jason Kissner


    "A crescendo of jabs from Bill Clinton aimed at Barack Obama's re-election chances have caused much commentary, but the pundits have ignored an anomalous digression in a recent speech, which may be a startling coded warning about Obama.

    In a June 4 New York City fundraiser speech featuring the joint appearance of Messrs. Clinton and Obama, Mr. Clinton says, at 16:23 of this CSPAN link and after having praised Mr. Obama's economic policies and extolled Mr. Obama's contributions to national security:

    And he's had to get all this done while people as recently as last week were still saying he wasn't born in America [and one should note that Mr. Clinton said just last week that the evidence was merely "pretty clear" that President Obama was born in Hawaii."]. He's had to get all this done with a House of Representatives that had one of the Tea Party members claim that 78-81 members of the Democratic Caucus were members of the Communist Party and neither the presidential nominee nor any of the leaders rebuked him for saying that. This is not the 1950's -- -at least Joe McCarthy could skate on the fact that there was [sic] at least one or two communists walking around...nobody's seen a communist in over a criticism is too vicious."

    Has Mr. Clinton ever heard of Mr. Van Jones -- avowed Communist and Obama "green jobs" czar (albeit former czar, but Mr. Jones is, then again, still "walking around")?

    Many readers will have heard that Mr. Jones is a self-declared communist. Has he lately declared himself a communist?

    No. But wait: let us now parse Mr. Clinton with utmost care, and note once again that he said in the New York speech that "nobody's seen a communist in over a criticism is too vicious."

    Indeed, no criticism is too vicious. Did the word "decade" materialize out of thin air? In all likelihood not, especially when you consider that it is very reasonable to believe that Mr. Van Jones' communism formally ended guessed it...2002, about a decade ago:

    Usually accusations of communism bring to mind memories of Joe McCarthy and hapless leftists being ruined (at least for a while) by being asked, "Are you now or have you ever been a member of the Communist Party." Of course with the death of the Soviet Union and with even China practicing a capitalism of a sort, being a member of the Communist Party is rather quaint and certainly not very threatening.

    According to Trevor Loudon, a New Zealand blogger, back in the 1990s, Van Jones was a leading member of an organization called Standing Together to Organize a Revolutionary Movement (STORM) in the San Francisco Bay Area. Loudon quotes a leftwing blog, Machete 48, is [sic] describing STORM.

    "STORM had its roots in a grouping of people of color organizing against the Gulf War in the early 1990's and was formally founded in 1994. The group's politics had a number of influences, but evolved towards what could be best characterized as third worldist Marxism (and an often vulgar Maoism). The group grew in influence until its disbanding in 2002 amid problems of internal dynamics and especially controversy around the leadership roles that members played in the youth movement (such as the fight against Proposition 21). Nearly the entire membership of the organization was staff members for various social movement non-profits in the Bay Area, many linked to the Ella Baker Center, which Van Jones steered" [emphasis added]"

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    Last edited by bsteadman; 06-08-2012, 07:30 PM.
    B. Steadman