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Sheriff Joe set to release more Obama 'shockers' -- WND

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  • Sheriff Joe set to release more Obama 'shockers' -- WND

    Sheriff Joe set to release more Obama 'shockers'

    Arpaio schedules another news conference on eligibility



    "Sheriff Joe Arpaio and his Cold Case Posse investigating Barack Obama’s presidential eligibility have been promising more major revelations since their March 1 press conference, and now another event has been scheduled to unveil new information.

    Arpaio told WND a press conference will be held July 17 at 2:30 p.m. local time at the Maricopa County Sheriff’s Office in Phoenix, Ariz.

    WND will once again provide live Web streaming of the event.

    The evidence will include information gathered in the posse’s recent investigative trip to Hawaii as well as an update on the ongoing investigation.

    At the March 1 conference, as WND reported March 1, Arpaio and his Cold Case Posse announced there is probable cause that the document released by the White House in April 2011 purporting to be Obama’s original, long-form birth certificate is a forgery. The posse said it also found probable cause that Obama’s Selective Service registration form is fraudulent.

    WND reported last month that a letter from Hawaii’s Department of Health verifying Obama’s birth in Honolulu has “opened the door” to some “shocking revelations” the posse is promising to disclose.

    Among the details leaked early by Cold Case Posse lead investigator Mike Zullo: There are allegedly several stamps bearing Registrar Alvin Onaka’s name “floating around” inside the Hawaii Department of Health.

    “I can’t disclose to you what we’ve discovered, but it’s going to be a shocking revelation at our press conference,” Zullo told Tea Party Power Hour host Mark Gillar in a telephone interview from Hawaii.

    Three weeks after the March 1 press conference, Arpaio said there was “tons” more potentially shocking information on Obama in connection with his probe into the president’s eligibility.

    Zullo has said he and his investigators have reservations about a letter stamped with Onaka’s name that was sent to Arizona Secretary of State Ken Bennett as verification of Obama’s Hawaiian birth.

    Zulllo said the letter fails to list Obama’s birth date, and it’s merely stamped with the registrar’s name, while another set of initials – not Onaka’s – appears next to the signature."


    View the complete article at:
    B. Steadman

  • #2
    Finally – But Not Final – Sheriff Joe’s Next “Posse” Presser

    My Very Own Point of View



    "I’ve read the brand new World Net Daily piece on the upcoming Sheriff Joe Arpio’s Cold Case Posse findings.

    Two things jump out at me as concerning.

    First: It is mentioned that the investigation will continue to be ongoing past this July 17th press conference. While I can well imagine that there are nearly countless loose ends to chase around, I had hoped for this “shocking” revelation we were told to expect. This statement causes me to think that the shock will be survivable.

    The evidence will include information gathered in the posse”s recent investigative trip to Hawaii as well as an update on the ongoing investigation.

    Next is the reference to the Verification Letter requested by that chicken shit Arizona Sec. of State, Bennett. The reason this bugs me is that it is so recent. It is just so much more of the same crap that has been offered up on obama. It is not unique in the neglect to list obama’s date of birth as the SOS Bennett agreed to leave that off of the standard request. The fact that HI wouldn’t play ball with the SOS until he agreed to drop the “attached form” from his requested info shows us that HI wanted certain items left out of the official “verification”. The initial next to State Registrar Onaka’s rubber stamp is, however, very curious and interesting.

    Zullo has said he and his investigators have reservations about a letter stamped with Onaka’s name that was sent to Arizona Secretary of State Ken Bennett as verification of Obama’s Hawaiian birth.

    Zulllo said the letter fails to list Obama’s birth date, and it’s merely stamped with the registrar’s name, while another set of initials – not Onaka’s – appears next to the signature.

    Other than these items I have pointed out, not much info is available in the new article. As usual, most of the WND article is rehashed info and quotes from the last Cold Case Posse press conference and a few interviews with Mike Zullo, the lead investigator. Nothing there is “new” except the things I’ve mentioned. And that the presser is finally scheduled………..

    more than a month after the expectation that had been set, for “early June”.

    View the complete post at:

    B. Steadman

