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Obama Campaign Gears Up For Massive Voter Fraud -- The Western Center for Journalism

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  • Obama Campaign Gears Up For Massive Voter Fraud -- The Western Center for Journalism

    Obama Campaign Gears Up For Massive Voter Fraud

    The Western Center for Journalism

    Kris Zane


    "Charlie Rangel, flanked by high-level Democrats, recently strutted up to the microphone declaring himself the winner against Hispanic opponent Adrian Espaillat in the race for New York’s 15th Congressional District. At least until his opponent discovered that polling places were illegally asking voters for ID, were turning away pro-Espaillat voters, and even were reporting zero votes to suppress the counts.

    What a shocker: Charlie Rangel was involved in massive voter fraud and intimidation.

    No one is surprised, really. Far-Left “Progressive” (i.e., socialist) Democrats have been involved in these tactics for years. Like Obama, Rangel was endorsed by the Democratic Socialists of America in 1996. Like Obama, Rangel has deep ties to the unions and Alinsky (ACORN-style) groups that are the shock troops of voter fraud.

    Imagine if the tactics used in the Rangel/Espaillat race were used on a national scale. Where the entire Democratic National Committee (DNC), all the major unions, and all the “Progressive” groups were engaged in a massive voter fraud and voter intimidation campaign.

    Well, we don’t have to imagine it as this is what occurred in 2008 with Obama supporters during the Democratic Primary, as countless poll workers, Hillary Clinton supporters, and simple bystanders extensively reported.

    And the mainstream media did what they do best and ignored it.

    Now imagine all the previous groups banded together with the power of the Obama presidency, the power of the DOJ, the power of all aligned city governments, etc., involved in a repeat of what we witnessed in 2008.

    We will have an attack on our election process that makes the ballot stuffing and intimidation of 2008 look like child’s play.

    Do we think Eric Holder is running around the country blathering about the evil of voter ID laws because he cares about minority voters? Holder is nowhere to be found when Espaillat, a Hispanic, is calling foul.

    The Obama campaign and Eric Holder’s DOJ are gearing up for a tidal wave of voter fraud and intimidation that will drown this country with a corrupt election beyond resuscitation."

    View the complete article, including video, at:
    B. Steadman