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Trump renews demand for Obama records -- WND, Bob Unruh

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  • Trump renews demand for Obama records -- WND, Bob Unruh

    Trump renews demand for Obama records

    College application with place of birth 'would be very interesting'


    Bob Unruh


    "Billionaire Donald Trump, who repeatedly has challenged Barack Obama’s eligibility to be president, is doubling down on those remarks, telling radio show host Sean Hannity that it would be very interesting to see Obama’s college applications.

    He said on yesterday’s show that probable GOP presidential candidate Mitt Romney should demand to see Obama’s records in return for meeting Democrat demands to release his tax records. Trump said Obama probably is more scared of releasing his own documentation than he is of releasing all the information about the Fast and Furious gun scandal perpetrated by his administration.

    Trump’s comments come in the wake of another news conference by Sheriff Joe Arpaio of Maricopa County, Ariz., on Obama’s eligibility. His Cold Case Posse team of investigators released documentation Tuesday they believe is proof the Obama birth certification posted online by the White House in 2011 is fake.

    “The fact is Sheriff Arpaio is, in my opinion, correct,” Trump told Hannity. “Nobody was ever in the hospital by the name of his mother … and a lot of crazy things.”

    He pointed out, however, the nation’s unwillingness to address the issue, including the role of the mainstream media in attacking anyone who challenges Obama.

    “If that were a conservative, let’s say a George Bush or somebody, he would have been out of office already,” he told Hannity.

    “Nobody has more sealed records than this president. So many of his applications … are sealed. He spent $3 million to keep everything sealed. You can’t find out anything about his college. I’m not talking about his marks. I’m talking about his application. It would be so interesting to see,” Trump said."


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    B. Steadman