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Catholics To Vote 3 To 1 Against Obama -- Western Journalism, Kevin "Coach" Collins

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  • Catholics To Vote 3 To 1 Against Obama -- Western Journalism, Kevin "Coach" Collins

    Catholics To Vote 3 To 1 Against Obama

    The Western Center for Journalism

    Kevin "Coach" Collins


    "In the Leftist controlled media stories are shouted if they are helpful to Democrats, whispered if they are bad news for Democrats. This is an absolute axiom.

    This is why a new poll a new poll commissioned by the American Life League (ALL) is so important. The poll conducted between August 15 and 19 spoke to 900 self-identified Catholic registered voters. There are few English language superlatives that can accurately portray the findings of this survey.

    “Earth shaking” “Sea Change” “Devastating” read them and take your pick.

    The story was whispered on a recent NPR segment and here’s why.

    A stunning 27% of Catholics told the interviewers they support Barack Obama. This is a 27 point fall from 2008.

    Seventy four percent (74%) of Catholic men over 50 refuse to support Obama.

    Moreover an almost identical 25% of Catholic men under 50 support Obama and 31% of Catholic women under 50 support him. Catholic women over fifty support Obama at just a 23% rate.

    Clearly Barack Obama’s plan to start a fight with Catholics is working but how can any Democrat be happy about the results? The ALL survey found that 73% of its Catholic registered voter respondents see the mandate Obama has placed on Catholic institutions (including Catholic hospitals and indeed the office of Cardinal Dolan) to commit abortions and distribute contraceptive devices as a violation of their religious freedoms.

    This explains why Cardinal Dolan the leader of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops was told he is not welcome to attend the Democrats’ convention in Charlotte North Carolina next month.

    This survey was conducted by cc Advertising of Centreville Virginia which claims a margin of error of +/- 3 points. Nevertheless, with numbers like this a 10 point MoE wouldn’t help Barack Obama and his Party. With Catholics who were 27% of the electorate in 2008 now intending to vote 3 to 1 against Obama there is very little chance of the president winning reelection in November.


    View the complete article at:
    B. Steadman