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Anti-Obama Film Set to Become Box Office Hit

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  • Anti-Obama Film Set to Become Box Office Hit

    Anti-Obama Film Set to Become Box Office Hit

    ABC News

    David Wright


    "It's rare that a low-budget documentary becomes a genuine blockbuster, but conservative firebrand Dinesh D'Souza's controversial new film, "2016: Obama's America," is one of the hottest tickets at the box office right now.

    "I'm overwhelmed," D'Souza said. "This is my first venture into film territory."

    The film is now showing in more than 1,000 theaters, and that number is expected to double by Friday, which would put the movie's release on par with a major Hollywood blockbuster. Last weekend, "2016" was already earning more money per screen than "The Bourne Legacy" and "The Expendables 2" -- combined. The film has grossed an estimated $10.5 million to date, according to

    D'Souza's controversial screed makes the case that President Obama has a secret un-American agenda. He claims the president is desperate to fulfill the anti-colonial dreams of his late father, a man Obama barely knew, and that he is intentionally trying to diminish America's power abroad. D'Souza makes the case that by 2016, a second Obama term would inexorably lead to an utter collapse of the United States' economy and the rise of a United States of Islam, led by a nuclear-armed Iran.

    "I think he would like to see America have a small economy, use less energy, he'd like to see money redistributed away from America, towards the rest of the world," D'Souza told Nightline at the Republican National Convention in Tampa, where delegates have been an especially receptive audience.

    In the movie, D'Souza stalks his way through the president's life story, retracing the sojourn Obama took in his bestselling memoir, "Dreams From My Father," but with a totally different spin. D'Souza attempts to turn the narrative upon which Obama has built his political career against him.

    Many have dismissed the film and the bestselling book upon which it is based, "The Roots of Obama's Rage," as conspiracy theory. But D'Souza insists he's being scholarly and fair-minded.

    "We hold Obama accountable for what he actually not only wrote, but actually recorded in audio books," D'Souza said."


    View the complete article, including video, at:
    B. Steadman