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What Republicans forgot to say -- WND, Joseph Farah

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  • What Republicans forgot to say -- WND, Joseph Farah

    What Republicans forgot to say

    Exclusive: Joseph Farah asks why GOP failed to highlight bloody Obama scandal


    Joseph Farah, 'Between the Lines' Editorial


    "TAMPA, Fla. – You might think with all the speeches delivered here this week at the Republican convention, that every aspect of Barack Obama’s administration of epic scandal and corruption was covered for the American people.

    That’s what one would expect Republicans to do with their nine hours of prime-time television programming – or at least with some of the other minor, non-prime-time speeches. Why not tell Americans what that “biased media” we’re always hearing about didn’t tell us over the last four years?

    Sadly, there was no attempt to do that by the GOP. They didn’t set the record straight on what I believe is one of the biggest political scandals in all of American history – and I’m not talking about the eligibility of Obama. That, indeed, is a story bigger than Watergate or the Teapot Dome scandal, but I never had any expectation of hearing about it at the Republican convention.

    I did, however, think we might hear at least a mention of a policy decision by Obama and his Justice Department that actually resulted in the murders of hundreds of people including several U.S. law-enforcement agents. I’m referring, of course, to “Fast and Furious,” the forgotten scandal, the scandal that has actually been covered up by the ineptitude and impotence of Republican investigations.

    I was wrong.

    But that’s not to say that delegates to the convention would have it that way. In fact, they ensured that the Republican platform sharply condemned the Obama administration for the action that resulted in arming Mexican drug cartels with U.S. guns.

    Behind the scenes, away from the television cameras, the Republican delegates adopted a platform that says the operation run by Eric Holder’s Justice Department “resulted in the murder” of Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry.

    “We condemn the reckless actions associated with the operation known as ‘Fast and Furious,’ conducted by the Department of Justice, which resulted in the murder of a U.S. Border Patrol agent and others on both sides of the border,” reads the platform.

    This scandalous sting operation has been under investigation for more than 18 months, but has yet to result in any indictments or even calls for impeachment from the Republican majority in the House. It began with the credible accusation by an agent of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives that the Justice Department agency refused to prosecute straw buyers of weapons for the purpose of tracking smuggled firearms to Mexico’s drug cartels.

    Hundreds of guns sold to suspects monitored by the program have gone missing, the ATF concedes, and two assault rifles purchased months earlier by one of those suspects were recovered at the scene of Terry’s killing.

    The episode sparked an investigation by Rep. Darrell Issa, R-Calif., chairman of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee, who has accused Holder of withholding documents he says are vital to the probe – a charge Holder has denied.

    “Justice has blood on their hands,” Issa said in January.

    If Justice had blood on its hands in January, why have Republicans forgotten about it in September?

    Holder has been held in contempt of Congress – the first time for an attorney general in the history of the republic. Why not hold him in contempt of the American people on prime-time television? Why not tell the amazing, surreal story of “Fast and Furious”? Are Republicans afraid the Democrats and the media will be mean to them if they bring up the fact that Obama has blood on his hands in what may be the biggest political scandal in American history?"


    View the complete article at:
    B. Steadman