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Anti-Arpaio Probe Dropped by Obama's DOJ as Eligibility "Trade Off" Feared

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  • Anti-Arpaio Probe Dropped by Obama's DOJ as Eligibility "Trade Off" Feared


    The Daily Pen

    Dan Crosby


    OBAMA’S “MONTY HALL” PROBLEM – In the wake of Joe Arpaio’s Cold Case investigation of Barack Obama’s fraudulent birth certificate and Selective Service registration, the federal government has mysteriously closed its criminal probe of alleged misconduct by the Arizona lawman saying no charges would be filed, according to the U.S. Attorney's Office. However, the sudden reversal by the Department of Justice after such vigorous pursuit of Arpaio leaves many wondering if a deal was struck to prevent Arpaio’s evidence of forgery and identity fraud against Obama from damaging the democrat's 2012 re-election bid.

    PHOENIX, ARIZONA – Despite a vigorous two year investigation, federal authorities speaking Friday on behalf of Obama-appointed Attorney General, Eric Holder, said that the Department of Justice will not be filing charges against Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio’s office after closing what amounted to be a politically motivated investigation into false allegations of racial bias and abuse of power.

    Confirming Arpaio’s innocence, the initial inquiry by the DOJ found no evidence of wrong doing on the part of MCSO officials, Arpaio or his deputies. However, Arpaio’s concurrent year-long investigation of Obama’s eligibility has discovered evidence to support criminal charges of document forgery and identity fraud against unknown individuals working on behalf of Obama.
    With the 2012 election looming, the timing of the decision by the U.S. Department of Justice to discontinue the investigation is raising suspicion. The DOJ dropped the investigation just as Arpaio’s own investigation into the forgery of Barack Obama’s alleged birth certificate and Selective Service registration card gained powerful public interest after a July 17, 2012 press conference during which Arpaio’s investigators revealed vast and condemning evidence of an attempt to cover-up his illegitimacy as president.
    In the second of two press conferences, Arpaio’s Cold Case investigators presented findings after a 10-month law enforcement investigation indicating that the digital image of Obama’s alleged 1961 “Certificate of Live Birth” posted to an official government media source by the Obama White House, was a computer manipulated forgery. It was also determined through testimony provided by the Hawaiian Assistant Attorney General, Jill Nagamine, that the digital image presented to the American people was not the form originally provided to attorney's on behalf of the Obama administration in April, 2011 by the Hawaiian Department of Health.

    Millions of Americans, including Arpaio's investigators, have strongly refuted claims from the administration that the .pdf file peddled by liberal pro-Obama media as authentic ever existed in paper form. The municipal government of the State of Hawaii simply did not possess the technology to produce a "certifiable" computer (.pdf) image of a birth certificate in 1961 therefore indicating that operatives secretly working for the Obama administration forged the image sometime between April 25th and April 27th, 2011.

    Many Obama supporters lack the intellectual ability to understand that the very existence of a computer image of any original birth document alleged to have been issued by an official government office, regardless of the accuracy of the information within it, is, by definition, a counterfeited record. The State of Hawaii does not, nor has it ever, issued "certified" birth certificates in the form of a computer image because it is commonly understood that such records are vulnerable to digital manipulation.

    "Obots are developing clear signs of mental illness over this specific issue," says TDP editor, Pen Johannson, "because they simply do not have the moral or intellectual capability to accept the fact that someone other than the State of Hawaii created this computer image!"

    "When confronted with this mind crushing reality, there is no other possibility other than a criminal forger working on behalf of Obama! There is simply too much psychological pain to admit this because such an admission opens the flood gates of indictment against Obama's lies. They have no way to provide an explanation for how this computer image was created by any valid objective source which can legally and verifiably support Obama's documentable legitimacy as president. The truth is simply not on their side...and they are becoming collectively psychotic in there toil to defend these epic and unprecedented lies."

    Investigators also discovered historical evidence that the State of Hawaii has for decades issued native birth records to foreign born children essentially granting artificial U.S. citizenship to foreigners in a blatant violation of U.S. Immigration laws. The evidence for these conclusions was discovered in thousands of historical Census enumeration cards listing the foreign birthplace of children of heads of households in Hawaii cross referenced with their subsequent "native hawaiian" birth registration announcements in local news papers and archived birth records."


    View the complete article at:
    B. Steadman

  • #2

    The Daily Pen

    Dan Crosby


    STAYING ON POINT: Despite Barack Obama’s antagonism of a racially divisive political environment, Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio says he will continue his Cold Case investigation of evidence that shows the digital image of Obama’s alleged 1961 “Certificate of Live Birth” and Selective Service registration card are fraudulent records.

    NEW YORK, NY – Unless the recent announcement that the U.S. Department of Justice will not pursue charges against the Maricopa County Sheriff’s office is also accompanied with a confession by the unknown criminals who counterfeited and posted to the official White House website a faked computer image of Obama’s alleged 1961 “Certificate of Live Birth”, Arizona lawman, Joe Arpaio, says he will continue his cold case investigation of the fraudulent identity records.

    Arpaio spoke with WND’s Aaron Klein during a WABC broadcast of Klein’s “Investigative Radio” about Obama-appointed Attorney General Eric Holder’s recent decision to close what appears to have been a politically motivated probe into so-called misconduct by personnel of the MCSO.

    Although the unfounded allegations against Arpaio’s office began after the introduction of Arizona’s SB1070 immigration enforcement law, Obama's DOJ vigorously pursued the probe of Arpaio in the past year in what appeared to be a politically motivated retaliation for Arpaio’s highly publicized investigation of Obama’s fraudulent birth certificate and Selective Service registration card.

    “My office has been vindicated,” Arpaio told Klein.

    Arpaio continued by saying the investigation of his office has been ridiculous.
    “We’re glad it’s over,” he said, “…It’s been in the media constantly for four years. I guess it’s because it’s me. If it was somebody else, you probably wouldn’t hear about it.”

    Klein then asked the sheriff, “Leading up to the November election, do you plan to continue your investigation and make the eligibility issue and Obama’s birth certificate into a campaign issue?”

    “We’re continuing it,” Arpaio responded.

    “It’s not whether he was born here. We’re looking at the fraudulent government documents. That’s been my mission from day one…to see if those birth certificates were false.

    Since before the 2008 election, many have suspected that information about Obama’s past and his true identity have been intentionally obscured and counterfeited to prevent the American public from discovering what many believe is politically, if not legally, destructive evidence against Obama's legitimacy to serve as president.

    For many, the lack of verifiable information about Obama’s true identity disqualifies him, by default, from being a legitimate president. However, if authentic documents were discovered containing information about Obama's alleged birthplace and parentage of his birth; His citizenship status as a resident in Indonesia; His unverified identity records, including a suspicious social security number issued from Connecticut, a state he never resided in, and a foreign passport used to travel to Pakistan, they would have a cataclysmic impact on Obama’s legitimacy as president if any of them either a.) revealed he was not born in the U.S. to two citizen parents or, b.) proves that he did not maintain his citizenship from birth to election or, c.) shows he has been lying about his real identity.

    “We haven’t given up on it,” Arpaio continued. “We have a lot of information. We’ll see what happens.”
    When Klein asked the sheriff if he thought the birth certificate would be a significant issue in the election, Arpaio said he believes the issue will, unfortunately, continue to be ignored by the political parties and the mainstream media.

    “I don’t think so,” Arpaio responded, “…because everybody’s ignoring it on both sides of the fence. Even the media ignores the evidence we have. But we did our job, I was asked to do it, we used my volunteer posse at no cost to the government. We did a great investigation; we’re still coming up with information, so we’ll see what happens on that issue.”


    View the complete article at:
    B. Steadman

