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New York Post ad exposes Obama's 'real father'

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  • New York Post ad exposes Obama's 'real father'

    New York Post ad exposes Obama's 'real father'

    After rejection by USA Today, Washington Post, New York Times


    Jerome R. Corsi


    "The New York Post has accepted a full-page ad declaring Barack Obama’s real biological father is the late Communist Party activist Frank Marshall Davis, not the Kenyan Barack Hussein Obama.

    Filmmaker Joel Gilbert makes the case in his full-length documentary “Dreams from My Real Father: A Story of Reds and Deception.”

    The ad will run in the Post’s New York City, national and international editions Tuesday and Sunday.

    Convincing the newspaper to accept the full-page ad required Gilbert to go personally to the Post’s main editorial office in Manhattan.

    “It took a lot of discussion,” Gilbert told WND, “but we were given a very favorable position at the front of the newspaper in the news section.”

    Gilbert told WND the placement of the ad is “part of our national publicity campaign, designed to circumvent the mainstream media that is either too afraid or too corrupt to cover the evidence presented in this film.”

    In an effort to reach the voting public directly, Gilbert is planning to mail out millions of DVDs in bulk across the United States.

    Advertising anti-Obama DVD a ‘tough sale’

    In July, Gilbert tried to place a similar version of his full-page advertisement in three of the nation’s most prominent newspapers – USA Today, the Washington Post and the New York Times – offering first to pay USA Today $90,000.

    All three newspapers rejected the advertisement, with the New York Times specifically telling Gilbert, “The ad isn’t for us.”

    “You would think the print media could use the money,” Gilbert told WND. “But apparently, an ideological bias toward supporting Barack Obama is more important to the newspapers than the money.”

    Gilbert’s problems getting his DVD advertised have not been limited to establishment newspapers. also rejected the “Dreams from My Real Father” banner advertising campaign in early May, even after Gilbert had reached an agreement and paid for the campaign in advance.

    “Newsmax pulled the banner advertising campaign at the highest level of the organization,” Gilbert said. “Newsmax told me the organization was trying to appeal to the political center and the concern was that publicizing Gilbert’s DVD might make the news organization appear too conservative.

    Newsmax’s Tom Mulcrone told WND that Newsmax never accepted Gilbert’s banner ad.

    “We are a news organization, and we need to be careful with what we send out,” Mulcrone told WND.

    The cell phone call to Mulcrone ended abruptly and Mulcrone did not return voice messages WND left requesting to complete the interview.

    A Communist Party mentor

    “Barack Obama sold himself to America as the multi-cultural ideal, a man who stood above politics,” Gilbert explained. “His father was a goat-herder from Kenya, so Barack Obama would bring people together, so the story went.

    “However, as I show in the documentary, the truth is Barack Obama has a deeply disturbing family background, including a father who was a propagandist for the Communist Party USA – a fact Obama has intentionally hidden in order to obscure his Marxist political foundations.”

    Gilbert acknowledges voters are willing to overlook many faults a politician may have.

    “However, providing a false family background to hide a Marxist political agenda is irreconcilable with American values and a totally unacceptable manipulation of the electorate,” Gilbert stressed."


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    B. Steadman