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Obama Media Plans To Use "Birther" Issue: Obama Supporter Calls Romney White N*gger

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  • Obama Media Plans To Use "Birther" Issue: Obama Supporter Calls Romney White N*gger

    Obama Media Plans To Use "Birther" Issue: Obama Supporter Calls Romney White N*gger

    Birther Report



    Lib Media plans to use "Birther" issue to move voters away from Romney/Ryan ticket
    News Roundup Via Mara Zebest


    A summary of the article below (which I absolutely agree with): The Liberal TPM Media folks know that most Tea Party and conservatives are birthers... so they sifted through a ton of old articles to find a Ryan quote that will make conservatives angry with Ryan. I'm sure Libs are nervous about the pending debate results between Ryan and Biden (the intellect of the Democratic party) after Romney exposed the empty chair that Obama is at the last debate. So TPM found this standard memo letter on the birther topic to a constituent. And combined with the fact that a recent poll revealed 73% of Republicans and 40 % of ALL Americans doubt Obama's birhtplace, TPM has decided to marginalize the vote away from Ryan/Romney using the birther issue as a wedge. As much as I would love every Representative to take on the eligibility issue instead of fearing it... the MOST IMPORTANT GOAL is to get Obama out of Office... and Ryan is CLEARLY INFINITELY more conservative and a far more awesome alternative than any Liberal candidate. To quote the article below: DON'T FALL FOR IT... IGNORE THIS LATEST TRICK... the actual TPM article is titled: Paul Ryan has news for the birthers: He's not one of them...

    TPM knows Obama is F#%ked: Drags out year(s)-old Ryan response to Obama's eligibility - Obama's far-left Talking Points Memo knows Obama's wheels are coming off his bus after he was completely demolished at Wednesday's debate. They must have also noticed the recently released poll showing 73% of Republicans are "birthers" and 40% of Americans doubt Obama's birthplace. They are attempting to demoralize potential voters. Don't fall for it! TPM dug through years of television appearances and newspaper articles trying to find anything related to Obama's eligibility and Rep. Paul Ryan. All they were able to get their hands on was a uniformed response from 2011, that we have all seen before, and an inquiry that Rep. Paul made to the FEC back in 2008. Again, TPM is attempting to keep a very large segment of the voting population from voting on election day. Don't fall for it! Now, I know some readers may not like what they are about to read but I don't give a flying Soetoro. One of the main goals of this blog was to expose Obama for what he is, a complete fraud, which both the media and political establishment refuse to do. I know some readers here do not like the choices we have for POTUS-VPOTUS but there are only three choices you have on November 6th. You can vote Romney-Ryan. You can stay home. Or you can vote third party. Whether you like it or not the last two are a vote for Obama-Biden. It is as simple as that. Until the two-party system is broke up it is what it is. A two-party system. If you want four more years of Obama then choose one of the last two choices. I for one want the Usurper out of office and his crimes dealt with. If people believe the issue will go away after the election they are sorely mistaken. You can read TPM's smear piece titled; Paul Ryan Has News For The Birthers: He’s Not One Of Them... You can email the TPM "reporter" Ryan J. Reilly at and tell him to go pound sand and to stick his head back up Obama's ass where it fits nicely! http://obamareleaseyourrecords.blogs...-birthers.html


    The gift that keeps on giving and the hits just keep on coming.... starting with news in the too damn funny category: Obama's Hollywood backers "In Shock" after debate debacle, president flying to L.A. to reassure them... wonder if Obama will tell them about the "birther" issue as a wedge strategy.

    Obama flying to LA to reassure Hollywood donors

    Obama's homies admitting openly that Obama abuses drugs still... in case it needs to be said...

    [TWEET CAPTURE]: Rapper Ice T tells Obama 'No more weed before the next debate Homie'

    Obama-supporter Snoop Dogg elevating the discussion... there's another clear distinction between the two candidates (and their supporters)... it's a choice between gravitating towards values of G-dliness or those of the Profane...

    Snoop Dogg on Mitt Romney: "He's a White N*gg*r" - For some reason Snoop Dogg decided to insert himself into the political debate this year.

    Maher on Debate: 'It looks like Obama took my million and spent it all on weed'

    Even Obama's own Lib Representatives are stunned and neglecting their "circle the wagons" strategy...

    VIDEO: Delegate Eleanor Holmes Norton (D-DC): "Everybody Was Disappointed" With Obama

    [PHOTO]: "The choice is clear" billboard stops traffic in Michigan - And the Ottawa County Patriots from Western Michigan are selling bumper stickers too

    Obama asks Cleveland chicken seller how's business. Cleveland chicken seller: "Terrible since you got here."


    Liberal media host didn't like hearing the truth... but Allen West in typical great West style... sets him straight...

    VIDEO: Allen West to CNBC host: "Don't challenge my intelligence"

    Recall... Rush has been saying the same thing for several months...

    VIDEO: Santelli smells a rat: 'I told you they'd get it under 8% - they did!'


    View the complete Birther Report presentation at:

    B. Steadman