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Alabama Lawsuit may remove Obama from the Nov. ballot

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  • Alabama Lawsuit may remove Obama from the Nov. ballot

    Alabama Lawsuit may remove Obama from the Nov. ballot

    Obama State Ballot Challenge 2012



    I think the ballots are already printed, but it could turn the race upside down.

    Two stalwart conservative Republicans, Hugh McInnish and Dean Johnson, have linked up with Virgil Goode, the Constitution Party’s candidate for President, running as an independent in Alabama, to file a lawsuit asking that the Alabama Secretary of State require all candidates for President on the Alabama ballot prove their legitimacy by having a bone fide birth certificate sent to her. The suit was filed in Montgomery Circuit Court.

    The plaintiffs in the suit are Hugh McInnish and Virgil Goode. They will be represented by attorney Dean Johnson of Huntsville and by nationally famed lawyer Larry Klayman. Klayman has been involved in numerous high profile cases, including the “hanging-chad” case in Florida in the election of 2000.

    In order to achieve “standing” and have the court hear the case, one of the plaintiffs must be a political party or a candidate for president. Earlier, Dean and Hugh appealed to the Republican Party to sign on with them, but they declined.

    Hugh and Dean cite the work of Sheriff Joe Arpaio of Maricopa County Arizona. Arpaio, after a months long investigation concluded that there was probable cause to believe that forgery had been committed. This evidence will likely be involved in the lawsuit.

    McInnish, Goode v Chapman, AL, CV-12-1053-R

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    B. Steadman