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Sampson v. Taitz: Sampson Obliterates Taitz; Threatens Defamation Lawsuit v Taitz

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  • Sampson v. Taitz: Sampson Obliterates Taitz; Threatens Defamation Lawsuit v Taitz

    Sampson v. Taitz: Sampson Obliterates Taitz; Threatens Defamation Lawsuit Against Taitz

    Birther Report



    View the complete Birther Report presentation, including video, at:

    B. Steadman

  • #2
    Very important update. Today on Peter Boyle show in CO John Sampson admitted that Arpaio told him not to show up in court in Indiana, and he, Zullo and Arpaio made a deal not to show up in court and not to testify!!!This means that three of them made a deal not to comply with court subpoenas

    Defend Our Freedoms Foundation
    Orly Taitz, Esq.


    Today I was on Peter Boyle show in Colorado. At this show I told listeners about the trial in Indiana and told them that they can help with something, specifically they can help by contacting John Sampson, who is running for Colorado state Senate, who appeared in my case before, to show up in court and authenticate his sworn affidavit.

    Peter Boyle had his producer call Sampson and put him on the radio as well. He asked him, why is he not willing to show up and testify.

    He stated that he is running for office and his time is important for him. He also said that he got involved with Sheriff Arpaio, who told him not to come and not to testify, and Arpaio, investigator Zullo and he (former deportation officer John Sampson) made a deal not to show up in court and not to testify in any of my cases after this deal was made sometime in May. Sampson claimed that it was done because of ongoing investigation, so that he will not have to state on the stand something that is part of the investigation.

    I responded that first and for most this trial has to do with the national security, with the well being of the country, which is more important than his campaign. I will pay for his air fare and his hotel, just as I paid for everything when he came to testify in Georgia. All he has to do, is show up for 5 minutes and attest to the judge that he is John Sampson, that is his signature on the affidavit and it is all true and correct under the penalty of perjury.


    View the complete post at:
    B. Steadman

