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Would Obama Incite Civil Unrest to Win? -- American Thinker, Daren Jonescu

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  • Would Obama Incite Civil Unrest to Win? -- American Thinker, Daren Jonescu

    Would Obama Incite Civil Unrest to Win?

    American Thinker

    Daren Jonescu


    [I]Is President Obama willing to incite civil unrest to win re-election? As we have all been encouraged to wear our dog-whistle decoders these days, one can hardly be blamed for wondering. Worse yet, we know the answer. He is already doing it.

    Please bear with me, as this topic requires considerable delicacy.

    According to Rolling Stone, Barack Obama has now called Mitt Romney "a bull*****er," on the record. His anger at the challenger was palpable -- that is, carefully staged -- during each of the last two presidential debates. And he has made a central theme of his campaign the warning that a Romney presidency would erase all of the "equality" victories of the 1960s and '70s.

    Consider these typical words from his October 25 rally in Las Vegas:

    You can choose to turn the clock back 50 years for women and immigrants and gays. Or in this election you can stand up for the principle that America includes everybody. We're all created equal -- black, white, Hispanic, Asian, Native American, gay, straight, abled, disabled -- no matter who you are, no matter what you look like, no matter where you come from or who you love, in America you can make it if you try.

    This, to restate, is his message down the stretch: before the revolutionary uprisings of the 1960s, America only "included" white men. Romney is a white man who wants to return to that time. So if you are a woman, an immigrant, gay, black, Hispanic, Asian, Native American, or disabled, then you should not merely oppose Romney as a candidate who does not represent your interests; rather, you should fear him, as a man who wishes to eliminate you from the American portrait.

    If Romney wins, and you are not an "abled" white male, America will no longer "include" you, according to Obama. In less than two weeks, you are going to be reduced to second-class citizenship, your fortunes cast back to the bad old days of 1962, before radical feminism, the Nation of Islam, gay rights, the Black Panthers, free love, flag-burning, the "drug culture" -- and of course, before the days of America's first "gay," black, America-hating, drug-damaged, contraceptive-dispensing, progressive feminist Islamic-Christian president.

    And now, after scowling at him through two debates, after his vice-president spent ninety minutes calling Paul Ryan a liar, and in the context of all this fear-mongering about the threat of a return to White Male America, Obama has branded his opponent a "bull*****er."

    From Lyndon Johnson or Harry Truman, this kind of remark might have been regarded as innocuous, albeit unpresidential. From Obama, the Harvard genius with the well-creased pant leg, the bestselling author and master of political oration, it is an expression of bitter rage and supreme disdain. And in an era when representatives of Obama's base are flooding Twitter with threats to assassinate his opponent, such heated rhetoric could be dangerous.

    Anyone who wonders whether perhaps Obama just does not want to be president anymore should think again. He wants to be president. What he does not want is to have to exert so much effort to retain the presidency. What he does not want is what Hugo Chávez does not want, what Vladimir Putin does not want, what Mahmoud Ahmadinejad does not want: a fair fight, an unobstructed challenger, an unintimidated electorate.

    It was so easy in the past. Swept along on a wave of adulation and enthusiasm, protected by leftist media and academia, and helped out when necessary by an Axelrod-arranged scandal or two, Obama has barely had to lift a finger to gain political office and to climb the ladder. Authoritarians do not understand why one should have to do so.

    So he is angry. And this anger has become central to his campaign strategy. The fear he is seeking to inculcate among his base has an even uglier flip-side. The Obama campaign is attempting to cast Romney and his supporters not as people with the wrong ideas, but as The Enemy. In this circumstance, fear can easily give way to extreme outrage -- and perhaps to violence and intimidation. This is particularly true when the target audience of this fear-inducing invective is ignorant, emotion-driven, and dominated in its thinking by entitlement greed, rather than by considerations of right and wrong. Consider Sandra Fluke, Snoop Dogg, Occupy Wall Street, and student leftists (see examples).

    When Harry Truman's daughter, a singer, was panned by critic Paul Hume, the sitting president wrote a letter threatening to bust Hume's nose if they ever met. In 1950, however, none of Truman's supporters would have been inclined to do the dirty work for him, or even to take the whole thing seriously. Needless to say, Obama's supporters are quite different from Truman's.

    Could Obama really be reduced to attempting to win re-election through mob protests and intimidation -- i.e., through a climate of fear?

    Let us examine the broad facts. According to the recent polls, most of which have been conducted by organizations sympathetic to Obama, Romney appears to be on his way to victory. Obama's policy record is insupportable on the basis of its results, and his campaign knows it. His one ace in the hole, his alleged effectiveness in the Middle East, has been exposed once and for all as a disastrous lie. And his opponent's past seems to be scandal-free, thus eliminating the one major comeback technique his inner circle has shown any past skill in executing.

    All appears lost for Obama according to normal campaign channels. It is time for the Hail Mary pass. But do we have any grounds for imagining that he and his team would stoop so low as to seek to incite mass incivility, on or before Election Day?

    Let us examine a few more facts. Barack Obama's primary occupation before electoral politics was as a community organizer in Chicago. He was an adviser to ACORN, the election fraud racket and socialist activism organization founded by former SDS radical Wade Rathke. His mentors in Chicago included Bill Ayers and Bernardine Dohrn, the Weather Underground leaders who staged the Days of Rage in 1969; Rashid Khalidi, apologist for and promoter of anti-Israeli violence; and Jeremiah Wright, whose most famous words are "God damn America!" In his youth, of course, Obama's primary male role model was Frank Marshall Davis, a communist and, naturally, a community organizer.

    Would any of the people I just named stop short of using intimidation or civil unrest to achieve their political ends, if they believed it would be effective -- or that it was their only hope?

    Too speculative, you say? What does any of this have to do with Obama himself, you ask?

    A few more facts. On Election Day 2008, New Black Panther militants, one carrying a billy club, stood threateningly in front of a polling station in Philadelphia. (See here.) They were charged with voter intimidation. Obama's Justice Department dismissed the charges. In March 2012, when Florida was on pins and needles over the Zimmerman-Martin case, and the Al Sharpton types were trying to escalate the tensions and incite racial unrest, Obama spiked his presidential message of national "soul-searching" with the race-baiting Sharptonesque observation that "f I had a son, he'd look like Trayvon."

    View the complete article at:
    B. Steadman

  • #2
    Obama Campaign Strategy: Vandalize Cars of Romney Supporters

    Political Outcast

    Philip Hodges


    I don’t think this strategy will work to sway undecided voters or to get Romney supporters to vote for Obama. But, apparently some Obama supporters thought it might work in Alta Loma, California. Two owners’ cars were hit by the vandals who keyed “OBAMA” into a couple cars and slashed the car seats. The cars were targeted because there were “Romney/Ryan” signs in the owners’ front yards. Ironically, one of the victims Ken Slown is an Obama supporter whose family was staying with his Romney-supporting in-laws. I don’t think he’s feeling the love from his fellow Obama supporters. CBS reports:

    “‘I don’t know if they were trying to get a point across, to vote for Obama,’ said Slown, ‘but to do something like this is not going to get the point across.’ He estimates the damage to both of his vehicles at about $3,400. In addition to both cars being keyed, his wife’s vehicle had her seats slashed, as well. Said Slown, ‘They pretty much cut the backs of all of the seats.’”

    Obama supporters engage in this kind of behavior because they think they are immune from national scrutiny. They know the mainstream media won’t care that much. In fact, mainstream media might find it a little humorous. And we all know that if these acts of vandalism had been done by Romney supporters on Obama supporters, that would be news, and the pundits would be calling them racial hate crimes and evidence that whites hate Obama because he’s black. If you support Romney, it must be because you hate blacks and women. Therefore, these vandals are simply teaching these haters a lesson.

    Speaking of Romney’s hating of women, one Indiana church was hit by some vandals who rearranged some letters on the church’s marquee to read, “Romney hates women.” Being that Mitt is married to one and has 5 kids with her, I’ll go out on a limb to suggest that he doesn’t really hate women.

    Of course, people accuse him and Ryan of hating women because they both want to repeal Obamacare, which provides coverage for sterilizations, contraception, and abortion. Anyone who is opposed to a government mandating coverage for pre-natal murder must hate women.


    View the complete post at:
    B. Steadman

