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Washington Times Ad: Michelle Obama Offered Charity For Look At Obama's Birth Records

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  • Washington Times Ad: Michelle Obama Offered Charity For Look At Obama's Birth Records

    Washington Times Ad: Michelle Obama Offered Charity For Look At Obama's Birth Records

    Birther Report



    The Real $64,000 Question

    Lord Monckton offers Michelle Obama $64,000 for charity if her husband and the State of Hawaii will allow Sheriff Joe Arpaio’s experts to verify his sealed birth records

    Mr. Obama, Donald Trump has offered to donate $5 million to any charity of your choice if you release your college records just like previous occupants of the Oval Office.

    I will trump Trump by donating $64,000 to Michelle’s favorite charity when you and Hawaii open just two records to deputies acting for Sheriff Arpaio of Maricopa County, AZ.

    The two records his posse want to see are the original bound volumes of Hawaiian birth certificates for 1961 and the Kapi’olani Hospital’s 1961 birth record bound records. That’s all.

    The posse went to Hawaii this summer and asked to examine these records. Hawaii refused. As soon as the investigators tell me you and Hawaii have given them the access they want, my check goes to Michelle’s charity. This offer is serious. The funds are in escrow now.

    I challenge you to answer the $64,000 question. Will you prove the document on the White House website is your genuine long-form birth certificate from Hawaii? Or is it a forgery?

    In the 1960s Hawaii let its citizens register their foreign-born children as Hawaiian-born. Is that why two Hawaiian newspapers listed your birth? Do some good by proving me wrong.

    I am no “birther”, but your “birth certifi cate” is bogus. Is the President the President? (at details the forgery. Wherever you were born, the White House website is the most visible crime-scene in history. A crime has been and continues to be committed there. A forgery is a forgery is a forgery.


    View the complete Birther Report presentation at:

    Last edited by bsteadman; 10-30-2012, 04:58 PM.
    B. Steadman