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WHITE HOUSE INSIDER: Obama Campaign Declares: Gonna Shove This Storm Up Romney’s Ass

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  • WHITE HOUSE INSIDER: Obama Campaign Declares: Gonna Shove This Storm Up Romney’s Ass

    WHITE HOUSE INSIDER: Obama Campaign Declares: “Gonna Shove This Storm Up Romney’s Ass”

    The Ulsterman Report



    According to a longtime D.C. political operative, the Obama campaign is thrilled at the timing of Hurricane Sandy and its resulting impact upon the election now just one week away. **ADULT CONTENT**

    (Will Hurricane Sandy deliver an election victory next week for Barack Obama?)


    Insider: The impact of this g-damn storm could be a hell of a lot greater than just cleaning up the mess over the next few weeks. It might leave us all with a real mess for the next four years. Obama team very happy this storm hit when it did. Media coverage 24/7 on the storm. Romney campaign has to halt movement for 48 hours. All that momentum we had on our side has been compromised. Can’t say it any other way than that. The storm bailed Obama out. He has more of a chance of winning now than he did just a few days ago. Not saying that is going to happen, but saying this latest 72 hour news cycle favors Obama over Romney and it has got me f-cking furious right now.

    Benghazi is getting buried and I’m worried the attention span of the voters is already passing on that issue. I know this because the attention span of some high profile names that were promising to make some real noise on the issue last week are now not returning messages. They don’t want anything to do with it since the storm hit. Where are the f-cking leaders on the Hill? I am so godd-amn tired of dealing with these gutless pukes who can’t see past their own f-ucking political well being and stand up for once and do what is right. Selling me down the godd-amn river again. And again. And again. One of these days.

    And you want to know just how sick the Obama people are on the storm issue? It’s party hats and cake over in Chicago. High f-cking fives for them. Heard LaBolt is telling them all “We’re gonna shove this storm right up Romney’s ass.” They already got scripts out to their media support. Gonna hammer the governor on earlier statements he made about the role of the federal government, FEMA, take things out of context and try and paint him as some uncaring assh-le at a time when the Romney campaign is limited in its ability to respond due to the temporary downtime during the recovery from the storm. Media is already pushing the governor on it right now. That means these scripts, the plan, went out yesterday while the storm was hitting. They were prepping this thing to turn it into something politically useful to Obama as people were dying.

    These are the motherf-ckers who want another four years to burn American to the ground.

    F-ck LaBolt. F-ck Obama. F-ck all those pricks over at 3A and that c-cks-cker Phil Griffin. F-ck the hurricane. F-ck Jarrett and her threats. And f-ck Rahm too. He knows better. They all do. Hillary. Bill. All of them. You don’t try and manage evil. These Obama motherf-ckers are evil.

    So the governor can do his little sit quiet routine today. But he better come out swinging hard tomorrow. He better be ready to push back against this bullsh-t.

    These Obama motherf-ckers are gonna steal this thing. They think they got a shot now.

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    B. Steadman