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Networks may have WH emails commanding defenders to stand down on Benghazi rescue

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  • Networks may have WH emails commanding defenders to stand down on Benghazi rescue

    Gingrich: Senator told me networks may have White House emails commanding counterterrorism group to stand down on Benghazi rescue

    The Daily Caller

    Jeff Poor


    On Tuesday night’s “On the Record with Greta Van Susteren” on the Fox News Channel, former House Speaker Newt Gingrich said that major news networks might have secret emails proving that the White House canceled plans to assist the besieged U.S. consulate in Benghazi.

    Gingrich said that the bombshell emails could be revealed within the next two days.

    “There is a rumor — I want to be clear, it’s a rumor — that at least two networks have emails from the National Security Adviser’s office telling a counterterrorism group to stand down,” Gingrich said. “But they were a group in real-time trying to mobilize marines and C-130s and the fighter aircraft, and they were told explicitly by the White House stand down and do nothing. This is not a terrorist action. If that is true, and I’ve been told this by a fairly reliable U.S. senator, if that is true and comes out, I think it raises enormous questions about the president’s role, and Tom Donilon, the National Security Adviser’s role, the Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta, who has taken it on his own shoulders, that he said don’t go. And that is, I think, very dubious, given that the president said he had instructions they are supposed to do everything they could to secure American personnel.”

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    View the complete article, including video, at:
    B. Steadman