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CA Eligibility Case Going to Kennedy of the U.S. Supreme Court: Plaintiff Rips Court

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  • CA Eligibility Case Going to Kennedy of the U.S. Supreme Court: Plaintiff Rips Court

    California Eligibility Case Going to Kennedy of the U.S. Supreme Court: Plaintiff Rips Court

    Birther Report



    Soetoro’s (aka BHO) Eligibility Case Going to Kennedy of the U.S. Supreme Court
    By Plaintiff: Edward C. Noonan, National Chairman – American Resistance Party

    The California Supreme Court last week refused to hear the case brought before it concerning the repeated accusation that Mr. Barry Soetoro (aka BHO) was not a U.S. Citizen. The lawsuit that was filed by Attorney Orly Taitz accused Mr. Soetoro of failing to provide documentation that he was born in the United States. Instead, in the past, Mr. Soetoro has provided bogus and forged birth certificates and placed those felonious frauds on the White House website. Since Mr. Soetoro has failed to provide valid citizenship documents, he is to be considered an illegal alien and not a valid U.S. Citizen.

    The next step will be to appeal to the U.S. Supreme-Court-Cesspool. Our case will be submitted to pro-Sodomite Anthony Kennedy. The ungodly Justice Kennedy sided with the court's liberal wing on the two major sodomite-rights cases to date, Lawrence v. Texas and Romer v. Evans.

    It is totally insane to believe that there can be any righteous and fair hearing to be received under the guardianship of the brain-dead sinner that Kennedy has proved himself to be. [...]

    And now, four years later, election fraud abounds! Not a single state can boast of fair and honest elections. Instead, the election process has become another cesspool for the DC slime-creatures to wallow in. And so the question remains on many Amerikan’s minds…”was the election stolen?”

    There is no question in my mind that Supreme Cesspool Justice Kennedy will dismiss our lawsuit without a hearing, and disregarding our right to be heard as claimed by our DEAD U.S. Constitution. When the Bill of Rights declares that all people have a God-given (inalienable) right to “to petition the Government for a redress of grievances then the Supremes fail to fulfill their Constitutional duties.”

    And for the next four years, the sleeping Supreme Cesspool has been unwake-able. The voices of millions of Amerikans have been unheard by the Supremes.

    It is my opinion that these jackals will be asleep next month as well. Perhaps they all will be semi-awake at the private (press denied access) swearing in of Mr. Soetoro on January 20th, but I can assure you that they will all be asleep again during the January 21st illegal swearing in of the DE FACTO alien-in-chief Soetoro. [...]

    CONTINUED HERE: http://americanresistanceparty.blogs...ase-going.html

    View the complete Birther Report presentation at:
    B. Steadman