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Grassley ties gun from cartel shootout to central Gunwalker figure -- Examiner

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  • Grassley ties gun from cartel shootout to central Gunwalker figure -- Examiner

    Grassley ties gun from cartel shootout to central Gunwalker figure


    David Codrea, Gun Rights Examiner


    A gun that “may have been purchased by” the Assistant Special Agent in Charge for the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearm’s Phoenix Field Division has turned up at the scene of a cartel shootout in Mexico, Ranking Senate Judiciary Committee Member Charles E. Grassley told Department of Justice Inspector General Michael Horowitz in a letter today.

    “The weapon apparently purchased by Gillett was recovered in the same area and on the same weekend as an AK-47 purchased by Uriel Patino was recovered.,” Grassley wrote, also maintaining Gillett had given “false information.

    “The Firearms Transaction Record which suggests Gillett was the purchaser of the weapon is one of three such records in Gillett’s name which list a non-residential address,” Grassley explained. “The Firearms Transaction Records list the addresses of the ATF office as well as a local shopping center.

    “Using false home residences on Firearms Transaction Records is a felony,” he reminded Horowitz. “Jaime Avila, the straw purchaser of a gun found at the murder scene of Customs and Border Patrol Agent, was recently sentenced to 57 months in prison for using false addresses on the same form.”


    View the complete article at:
    B. Steadman