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Did Obama Stage A Chemical Weapons Attack In Syria? -- Western Journalism, Kris Zane

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  • Did Obama Stage A Chemical Weapons Attack In Syria? -- Western Journalism, Kris Zane

    Did Obama Stage A Chemical Weapons Attack In Syria?

    The Western Center for Journalism

    Kris Zane


    We know that Obama, under Fast and Furious, ran guns to Mexican drug cartels in order to curtail the Second Amendment.

    We know that Barack Obama was running weapons to Syria, using Benghazi as a base of operation and Ambassador Chris Stevens as his point man.

    But what if there was a new scandal, something so horrendous that it would make Obama’s gunrunning escapades look like child’s play?

    Obama has made no secret of the fact that he wants to depose Syrian dictator Bashar Assad. He would have ridden on the shoulders of NATO long ago, spurning Congress like he did when he conducted an illegal and unconstitutional war in toppling Libyan dictator Muammar Gaddafi.

    But in Gaddafi’s case, Obama had the UN and NATO supporting him. In Syria’s case, Obama lacks global support.

    There is only one way Obama has vowed he would get involved in the toppling of Assad: that is, if the so-called “red line” is passed, whereby there is evidence Assad used chemical weapons against his own people.

    There is every indication that Assad would never deploy chemical weapons against his own people. And in fact, Syria has long feared that the Obama administration would manufacture a false flag chemical weapons attack perpetrated by the Syrian rebels and then blame it on Assad.

    And that is what apparently has happened.

    With a twist.

    On January 26, Cyber War News reported on a huge cache of emails and documents hacked from the defense contractor giant Britam. The key document is an email between Britam director David Goulding and the company’s founder, Philip Doughty. They engage in a shocking discussion: a proposal is made whereby a chemical weapon would be launched on Syria, the blame would be placed on Assad, and delivery of the weapon would be blamed on the Russians. The proposal, per the email, was “approved by Washington”—that is, by Barack Hussein Obama. The email is as follows:

    Phil, We’ve got a new offer. It’s about Syria again. Qataris propose an attractive deal and swear that the idea is approved by Washington. We’ll have to deliver a CW [chemical weapon] to Homs [city in western Syria], a Soviet origin g-shell [gas shell] from Libya similar to those that Assad should have. They want us to deploy our Ukrainian personnel that should speak Russian and make a video record. Frankly, I don’t think it’s a good idea but the sums proposed are enormous. Your opinion? Kind regards - David

    - (bold, underline and color emphasis added)

    Along with this email, there is a huge cache of downloadable documents, including passports of the Ukrainian mercenaries whom it is presumed would be posing as the scapegoated Russians delivering the chemical weapons.

    Lo and behold on January 15, the leftist magazine Foreign Policy comes out with an “exclusive” article on a secret cable showing that Assad used chemical weapons against his own people. According to the article:

    An Obama administration official who reviewed the document, which was classified at the “secret” level, detailed its contents to The Cable. “We can’t definitely say 100 percent, but Syrian contacts made a compelling case that Agent 15 was used in Homs on Dec. 23,” the official said.

    Exactly how Foreign Policy got access to a secret cable is unknown. What is known is that Barack Hussein Obama is probably gearing up to lead another invasion of an Arab country, leading to another Libya or another Egypt, where al-Qaeda-linked and Muslim Brotherhood Islamists take over the country.

    But isn’t that what Barack Obama wants?


    View the complete article, including video, at:
    Last edited by bsteadman; 01-30-2013, 09:21 PM.
    B. Steadman