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Affidavit: Debt Collector Al Hendershot; Obama Using Harry Bounel's Social Security #

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  • Affidavit: Debt Collector Al Hendershot; Obama Using Harry Bounel's Social Security #

    Affidavit: Debt Collector Al Hendershot; Obama Using Harry Bounel's Social Security Number

    Birther Report



    Affidavit: Debt Collector Al Hendershot; Obama Using
    Harry Bounel's Connecticut Social Security Number

    Affidavit of Albert Hendershot:

    I, Albert Hendershot am a professional debt collector, I am over 18 years old, I have personal knowledge of the facts provided herein and I will be able to competently testify in court of the facts as listed in this affidavit:

    1. I personally performed a search with Merlin Information Systems and database which is routinely used by professional debt collectors.

    2. I found that both Barack Obama and Harry J. Bounel are listed as holders of the same Connecticut Social Security number 042-xx-xxxx and resided at the same address 5046 S. Greenwood Ave, Chicago, Illinois, Exhibit 1 attached herein is the true and correct copy of the printout from database. Exhibit 2 attached herein is the (FOIA) Freedom of Information Act request which was completed for numident 042-xx-xxxx with Harry Bounel as the name associated with said numident 042-xx-xxxx. Exhibit 2 clearly states that the aforementioned numident belongs to Harry Bounel and not Barack H. Obama as detailed in the response from the Social Security Administration dated November 2012. [...]


    View the complete Birther Report presentation at:

    B. Steadman

  • #2
    Free Republic is running a thread titled, 'Affidavit: Debt Collector Al Hendershot; Obama Using Harry Bounel's Social Security Number', which was started 2/5/2013 by 'Seizethecarp'

    The thread references a 2/4/2013 Birther Report post - http://obamareleaseyourrecords.blogs...endershot.html

    View the complete Free Republic thread at:

    I, Albert Hendershot am a professional debt collector, I am over 18 years old, I have personal knowledge of the facts provided herein and I will be able to competently testify in court of the facts as listed in this affidavit:

    1. I personally performed a search with Merlin Information Systems and database which is routinely used by professional debt collectors.

    2. I found that both Barack Obama and Harry J. Bounel are listed as holders of the same Connecticut Social Security number 042-xx-xxxx and resided at the same address 5046 S. Greenwood Ave, Chicago, Illinois, Exhibit 1 attached herein is the true and correct copy of the printout from database. Exhibit 2 attached herein is the (FOIA) Freedom of Information Act request which was completed for numident 042-xx-xxxx with Harry Bounel as the name associated with said numident 042-xx-xxxx. Exhibit 2 clearly states that the aforementioned numident belongs to Harry Bounel and not Barack H. Obama as detailed in the response from the Social Security Administration dated November 2012.

    The following is COMMENT #1, by 'Seizethecarp', in the thread:

    It is interesting that Social Security restricts disclosure of numident information on Mr. Harry Bounel (who coincidentally shared Barry's claimed SS#) when Bounel is supposed to be deceased, and Social Security is not supposed to withhold such information for the deceased...only on living persons whose privacy must be protected, IIRC.

    The following is COMMENT #16, by 'exit82', in the thread:

    The most intriguing thing is at the end of the affidavit: that A change to the SS record of Harrison J. Bounel was made in or around Nov. 2009 by.........

    Michelle Obama.

    And Michelle is listed as some kind of relative of Bounel.

    Methinks this may have something to do with why they gave up their law licenses in the early 90’s. maybe some kind of SS fraud.

    Bill Ayres and his fellow travelers were famous for stealing identities even in the late 60’s.

    The following is COMMENT #56, by 'butterdezillion' in the thread:

    I was told by a poster to my blog that he/she had helped to create the forged BC - admitted they committed a felony, so this wasn’t CIA kind of stuff - and that the FBI knew they did it and would protect them.

    I wouldn’t think much of it, except that the post was made using gates to hide where it came from and a tripwire to fry the computer of anybody who got close to finding who really posted it. And I mean BADLY fry. In the time between when I wrote the text explaining that in an affidavit I was composing, and when I C&P’ed the Wordpress notification into the affidavit as an exhibit (maybe a week?), the person in question (going under “Dr. Who”) deleted their online account. How do you suppose they knew to delete the account within that week?

    I already knew that the FBI is useless at best on this, because when I spoke to the local FBI office they told me that the FBI doesn’t investigate document fraud - so then I filed a report online, where I was told it would be forwarded to the FBI. And the fact that this FBI person lied to me about this 3 times on the phone was confirmed by the police officer to whom I reported the crime. He confirmed that both the FBI and the NE AG’s office had lied to me when they claimed they couldn’t do anything with what I was reporting.

    Wanna know what’s ironic? I filed an affidavit showing evidence of crimes, and also mentioned that this person MOCKED law enforcement, saying law enforcement would cover the a$$es of the criminals..... and the Lincoln City Police chief told the officer he could neither investigate this crime himself nor send it on up to the AG’s office. So I reported this to the AG’s office. They would not investigate it; sent it to the SOS’s office as if this wasn’t a CRIMINAL complaint for law enforcement purposes.

    I had previously emailed my county sheriff who had said they didn’t have the resources to investigate but that he would send it to the county attorney. That was a couple years ago, before we had the conclusive evidence of crimes that we now have. So I gave a synopsis of the evidence we have to the county attorney within the past 6 months and he said it had to be reported in the city where the crime occurred - Lincoln.

    IOW, the ENTIRE LAW ENFORCEMENT SYSTEM - from county up through FBI - is doing exactly what this mocker said they would do: cover for the criminals.

    The first post I posted at my blog was called “Red Flags in Hawaii”, and right after I posted that I posted a welcome to my blog which explained that this issue is about the rule of law. I was speaking out publicly because I saw that the State of Hawaii and all the law enforcement entities I had dealt with thus far had been corrupt and/or law-breaking. The country could survive an ineligible President, but CANNOT survive the level of lawlessness within the system.

    And now that reality is becoming more and more apparent to everybody. The question is how we take back the system. If we can’t, it’s time to scrap this system and start over.
    Last edited by bsteadman; 02-06-2013, 04:31 PM.
    B. Steadman

