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CA Criminal Complaint Report Submitted To Grand Jury Regarding Obama Identity Fraud

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  • CA Criminal Complaint Report Submitted To Grand Jury Regarding Obama Identity Fraud

    CA Criminal Complaint Report Submitted To Grand Jury Regarding Obama Identity Fraud

    Birther Report



    California: Criminal Complaint Report Submitted To Grand Jury Regarding Obama Ineligibility & Identity Document Fraud

    Criminal Complaint Report of the Republic Citizens' Ombudsman Michael Lerman to the Grand Jury:

    Supported by the affidavit of Michael Lerman in support of the facts to institute a criminal indictment against Obama et al, California Governor Brown Jr., Secretary of State Bowen, Attorney General Harris and the entire Orange County Board of Supervisors including their council named on the notices for their immediate removal from public office.

    Due to repeated abuses of unlawful government this complaint is necessary in law and now at issue.

    We the people of California have a rightful, valid and lawful cause of action to have the crimes and the criminals stopped and the people in these organizations arrested for criminal bad behavior / moral turpitude / dereliction of duty / breach of oath and employment charter because of the violent interference with liberties and rights defined in the Constitution and federal law. The rights of both citizens and non-citizens are constitutionally mandated to be protected by public servant officers.

    Regarding the Barack Obama et al's treasonous criminal conspiracy and the Orange County Board and California Governor et al, aiding and abetting that criminal conspiracy - Concerning the late joining conspirator who takes the conspiracy as he finds it: "a conspiracy is like a train," and, "when a party steps aboard, he is part of the crew, and assumes the conspirator's responsibility for the existing freight ... "Id at 42; accord, United states v Saccoccia, 58 F3d. 754,778 (1st Cir,1995)

    Brief summary of the facts leading up to this complaint: [...]

    Notice of refusal for fraud of Barack Obama's oath and contract with 'we the people' to be employed as President of the united States of America, United States or any variations thereof:

    Dear Sheriff Hutchens and Foreman of the Grand Jury,
    On December 4,2012 and by Certified Mail # 7012 0470 0002 4199 4310 on December 17, 2012 the attached enclosed Writ of Mandamus and Quo Warrantor Notice were issued and served, under my authority as one of 'we the people', to the above named Orange County Board of Supervisors and to their principal supervisors and California electors by notice to agent is notice to principal to hold in abatement the California State republic's confirmation of Barrack Obama aka other alias until either a formal congressional investigation or a citizens' tribunal can investigate all the evidence provided and prove that Barack Obama is not in fact guilty of felony crimes and treason. This confirmation abatement did not occur and the Board is in dishonor and contempt of the Constitution as well as in violation of state and federal law (see title 42 see 1986). [...]

    Affidavit of Michael Lerman in support of a Criminal Complaint re Obama et al and California Orange County Board of Supervisors et al California Governor et al, California Secretary of State et al and California AG et al:

    Affidavit of Michael Lerman in support of a Criminal Complaint for misprision of a felony against the Orange County Board of Supervisors et al regarding factual grounds in support of a Criminal Complaint against California public servants the Orange County Board of Supervisors et al. named herein and their leadership the California Governor et al. , California Secretary of State et al. and California Attorney General et al. for their willful and intentional aiding and abetting of Barack Obama et ai's assent into office, his treason and criminal wrongdoings while in office and for their perjury of oath for dishonest services fraud. [...]

    Affidavits from Sheriff Joe Arpaio, Mike Zullo, Larry Klayman, Nick Purpura and Donald Lester included in the compiled docs...

    ALL DOCS/EXHIBITS BELOW AND HERE: --- ( Hat tip Linda Jordan )

    View the complete Birther Report presentation at:

    B. Steadman

  • #2
    Intimidation: Obama Challenger Overbilled Nearly $10K For Fighting Obama Identity Fraud

    Birther Report



    Carl Gallups: Obama Challenger Overbilled Nearly $10K For Fighting Obama Identity Document Fraud - VIDEO ...

    View the complete Birther Report presentation at:

    B. Steadman

