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U.S. Supreme Court: Brief Of Newly Discovered Evidence Filed, Obama Eligibility Case

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  • U.S. Supreme Court: Brief Of Newly Discovered Evidence Filed, Obama Eligibility Case

    U.S. Supreme Court: Brief Of Newly Discovered Evidence Filed In Obama Eligibility Case

    Birther Report



    U.S. Supreme Court: Supplemental Brief Of Newly Discovered Evidence Filed In Obama Eligibility Case

    As reported here Dr. Orly Taitz filed a petition with the Supreme Court of the United States for the Obama eligibility case Noonan v Bowen. It was submitted to Chief Justice John Roberts on December 26th, 2012, and on January 9th, 2013, the petition was referred to the full court and distributed for conference scheduled for February 15, 2013. Below is the supplemental brief just filed:


    Case at hand is scheduled to be heard on February 16, 2013 (15th) in a conference of all the justices of the Supreme Court of the United States.

    This case came from the Supreme Court of California and was brought by Presidential Candidates: Edward Noonan, Thomas Gregory MacLeran and Keith Judd against the Secretary of the State of California, seeking to stay the certification of the votes for the candidate for the U.S. President Barack Obama due to the fact that the aforementioned candidate committed fraud when he provided his declaration of the candidate and when the Democratic party submitted the certificate of the nomination due to the fact that Barack Obama is not eligible for the position, as he is not a Natural born U.S. citizen, as required by the U.S. Constitution Article 2, section 1, §5. The declaration of the candidate and the certification of the nomination were based on fraud, on Obama’s use of forged IDs, , stolen Connecticut social Security number 042-xx-xxxx, use of a name that was not legally his use of Indonesian citizenship and based on aiding and abetting by corrupt governmental officials. most notable example of criminal aiding and abetting was signing by the chair of the Democratic Party of Hawaii Brian Schatz a falsified OCON (official certificate of nomination of a candidate) where the usual wording “eligible according to the provisions of the U.S. constitution” were removed in order to accommodate ineligible Obama.

    Plaintiffs provided the Supreme Court of California and the Supreme Court of the United States with over 100 pages of official records, sworn affidavits of senior law enforcement officials and experts showing that Barack Obama is:

    1. A citizen of Indonesia, as listed in his school registration #203 from Assisi school in Jakarta Indonesia. As a citizen of Indonesia Obama was never eligible and never legitimate for the U.S. Presidency.

    2. Obama is using last name not legally his. Plaintiffs provided this court with the passport records of Stanley Ann Dunham, deceased mother of Barack Obama, showing that he is listed under the last name Soebarkah in her passport. He was removed from her passport in August of 1969 pursuant to the request and sworn statement of Ms. Dunham and signed by the U.S. consul in Jakarta Indonesia. As the requirement for removal as listed in the passport, is obtaining a foreign allegiance, it is believed that Barack Obama Soebarkah was removed from his mother’s passport when he obtained his Indonesian passport. Barack Obama cannot not serve as a U.S. president as the legal entity Barack Obama does not exist. The only legal entity based on the only verifiable record is Barack Obama Soebarkah.

    3. Obama does not have a valid U. S birth certificate. Plaintiff provided affidavits from Sheriff of Maricopa County Arizona Joseph Arpaio, Investigator Zullo, experts Felicito Papa, Douglas Vogt, Paul Irey, showing that the image posted by Obama on is a computer generated forgery. When there is a question of authenticity of a document, the only way to authenticate, is to conduct expert evaluation of the original document. Registrar of the State of Hawaii and Director of Health and Deputy Attorney General of Hawaii in charge of the Health Department were obstructing justice and absolutely refused to comply with any subpoenas and produce the original 1961 birth certificate and as such there was never any authentication of the alleged birth certificate. After 4 years of obstruction of Justice, it is clear that the Hawaiian officials have nothing to show and genuine 1961 birth certificate for Barack Obama simply does not exist.

    Obama does not have a valid Selective Service certificate. Based on the affidavit of Sheriff Arpaio and investigator Zullo, alleged copy of Obama’s Selective Service Certificate, is COMPUTER GENERATED FORGERY. In this supplemental brief Plaintiffs are providing additional evidence, a sworn affidavit from the Chief investigator of the Special investigations unit of the US Coast Guard (ret) and former special agent of the DHS Jeffrey Stephan Coffman who attested under the penalty of perjury that Obama’s alleged selective service registration is a forgery.

    Plaintiffs submitted with their TRO and complaint the Affidavits of Sheriff Arpaio and investigator Zullo and as a supplement an affidavit of the Chief Investigator of the special investigations of the US Coast Guard Jeffrey Stephan Coffman. Based on those affidavits Obama’s alleged application for the selective service is a forgery. According to 5 USC § 3328.every man born after 1959 has to register with the Selective Service and cannot work in the executive branch if he did not register with the selective service. [...]


    4. Justices Kagan and Sotomayor should recuse themselves from this consideration due to the fact that they are appointees of Barack Obama and if the court rules that he was not eligible for office, their very nomination becomes questionable, as such their opinion might be biased. [...]


    View the complete Birther Report presentation at:

    B. Steadman