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Supreme Court Releases Initial Granted Order List; Obama Eligibility Case Not Listed

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  • Supreme Court Releases Initial Granted Order List; Obama Eligibility Case Not Listed

    Update: Supreme Court Releases Initial Granted Order List; Obama Eligibility Case Not Listed

    Birther Report



    U.S. Supreme Court Releases Initial Order List For Granted Petitions: Obama Eligibility Case Noonan v Bowen Not Yet Listed

    As reported here and here Dr. Taitz filed a petition with the Supreme Court for the Obama eligibility case Noonan v Bowen. The petition was referred to the full court and distributed for conference scheduled for February 15, 2013.

    Here is the initial order list for February 15th, 2013. The short list of granted petitions does not include Noonan v Bowen. Another list will be released by the SCOTUS on Monday or Tuesday. It is normal for them to release a short list of the granted petitions before they release a very long list of denied petitions. The longer list sometimes includes a couple more granted petitions.

    Justice Clarence Thomas once admitted they're evading the Article II eligibility issue.

    View the complete Birther Report presentation at:

    B. Steadman

  • #2
    Free Republic is running a thread titled, 'Update: Supreme Court Releases Initial Granted Order List; Obama Eligibility Case Not Listed', which was started 2/15/2013 by 'Seizethecarp'

    The thread references the 2/15/2013 Birther Report article - http://obamareleaseyourrecords.blogs...lity-case.html

    View the complete Free Republic thread at:


    As reported here and here Dr. Taitz filed a petition with the Supreme Court for the Obama eligibility case Noonan v Bowen. The petition was referred to the full court and distributed for conference scheduled for February 15, 2013.

    Here is the initial order list for February 15th, 2013. The short list of granted petitions does not include Noonan v Bowen. Another list will be released by the SCOTUS on Monday or Tuesday. It is normal for them to release a short list of the granted petitions before they release a very long list of denied petitions. The longer list sometimes includes a couple more granted petitions

    The following is COMMENT #15, by 'Seizethecarp', in the thread:

    There was never any “hearing” scheduled by Roberts. That was an incorrect, misleading article. This was the weekly “conference” where a list of pending appeals that one or two judges have previously individually reviewed are routinely almost all rejected UNLESS four judges indicate they want the case to be scheduled (granted certiorari) for an actual hearing before the full court.

    SCOTUS is not a trial court, but an appeals court. Only a trial court can accept evidence yet Dr. Taitz persists in attempting to enter “evidence” into her appeals court filings. An appeals court like SCOTUS will only determine whether the lower courts correctly applied the law to the facts in evidence in the trial court. Orly never got a trial on the merits in this case so her evidence never even made it into the lowest trial court.
    Last edited by bsteadman; 02-16-2013, 04:13 PM.
    B. Steadman


    • #3
      Obama Eligibility Case At Supreme Court Requested To Move To Oral Arguments

      Birther Report



      Obama Eligibility Case Requested To Move To Oral Arguments At US Supreme Court
      By Tim Brown @ Freedom Outpost

      Yesterday [Friday], the United States Supreme Court was asked to move from conference to oral hearing concerning the Obama eligibility case. Dr. Orly Taitz’s application, to be heard on behalf of Edward Noonan, was denied by Justice Kennedy on December 13, 2012. However, the application was refiled and resubmitted to the Chief Justice on December 26, 2012 and listed as “Distributed for Conference of February 15, 2013, according to the SCOTUS website.

      According to Suzanne Eovaldi, “February 15, 2013, Attorney Orly Taitz brings her request to move the Obama eligibility challenge from conference to the oral hearing stage at the US Supreme Court. She is moving forward in spite of the fact that four African-American Supreme Court clerks refused to allow Taitz to see the signature of Justice Anthony Kennedy, who denied her petition originally. ‘But I resubmitted to Justice Roberts, and he sent it to the conference,’ Taitz said.”

      “The California attorney is asking ‘…how do we know that he (Kennedy) ever saw the brief?’ Eovaldi writes. “In no uncertain terms, clerk James Baldin told her that ‘I (Taitz) [was] not allowed to see the signature.’ This denial of her right to see Kennedy’s signature ‘does not make any sense.’”

      “Attorney Taitz is presenting evidence that 1 1/2 million invalid voter registrations were filed in the state of California!” Eovaldi concluded. “She is asking US citizens to ‘please, write and fax SCOTUS and demand to see the order by Justice Anthony Kennedy, who allegedly originally denied my case Noonan v Bowen before it was sent by Justice Roberts to the conference.’ Is not this the very least we can do to attempt to clear up this matter?”

      Not only is the claim that the birth certificate posted online at the White House website alleged to be a forgery and with good reason to suspect so, but also Obama’s passport records have never been released nor has his college transcripts.

      Obama’s Connecticut Social Security Number Flagged By E-Verify[/caption]Additionally there is the issue of his Social Security number allegedly being from Connecticut. Marv Dumon writes,”The SSN apparently fails the government’s own E-Verify system and generates the name ‘Harrison J. Bounel’. Bounel appears to be a relative of Michelle Robinson Obama. The incidence was first reported in the mid-2000s when a background check was conducted on Barack Obama when he was in the process of purchasing a home in Chicago. The purchase became a public scandal when it was discovered that Obama had received a favorable price (worth hundreds of thousands of dollars) on his mansion from a convicted felon and lobbyist.”

      Concerned citizen and “employer” of Barack Obama, Linda Jordan, even went so far as to write Obama to have him verify his information, after his Social Security number failed the government’s E-Verification.


      View the complete Birther Report presentation at:

      B. Steadman

