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White House Caves, To Turn Over Benghazi Emails -- Newsmax, Lisa Barron

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  • White House Caves, To Turn Over Benghazi Emails -- Newsmax, Lisa Barron

    White House Caves, To Turn Over Benghazi Emails


    Lisa Barron


    The White House plans to give the Senate Intelligence Committee access to emails next week related to the controversial CIA talking points about the attack on the U.S. Consulate in Benghazi, Libya, Fox News reported Friday.

    Citing a congressional source, the network said the administration had agreed to a request from committee members to review the emails.

    Republican lawmakers have charged that the talking points on the Sept. 11, 2012, attack were deliberately watered down and provided an inaccurate account of what really happened when delivered on Sunday talk shows by United Nations Ambassador Susan Rice five days after the attack.

    The source told Fox that the committee has already seen ways in which the talking points were changed from their original version, with words like al-Qaida stripped out, but it’s not certain which draft of the document the committee will actually review.

    The talking points were provided to Rice ahead of her appearance on all the major Sunday talk shows five days after the attack. During her appearances, she maintained the attack was a “spontaneous” reaction to protests in Cairo and elsewhere in the region over the release of an anti-Muslim video.

    It turned out that there was no demonstration at the Benghazi consulate prior to the attack, which Rice and others have since acknowledged.

    The decision to release the emails may be an attempt to ease the pressure being put on President Barack Obama’s nomination of White House counterterrorism adviser John Brennan for CIA director.

    During Brennan’s confirmation hearing earlier this month, he faced intense scrutiny from both parties over both Benghazi and the Obama administration’s drone program.


    View the complete article at:
    B. Steadman