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Court Transcript Doctored: Obama SS Number Investigators Formal Complaint

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  • Court Transcript Doctored: Obama SS Number Investigators Formal Complaint

    Court Transcript Doctored: Obama Social Security Number Investigators Formal Complaints

    Birther Report



    Private Investigator Files Formal Complaint Against Judge Fuhry And His Court Reporter: Official Certified Court Transcript Does Not Reflect Actual Hearing

    As reported here private investigator Susan Daniels challenged Obama's ballot access in Ohio based on his bogus CT Social Security Number. Judge David Fuhry ruled the Ohio Secretary of State has no authority to bar Obama from the ballot and the use of an improper SSN does not disqualify ballot access. Susan now reports the court reporter scrubbed parts of the court transcript:


    Disciplinary Counsel Of The Ohio Supreme Court,

    A hearing on my pro se lawsuit (Case No.12M0000653) was held in Geauga County Common Pleas Court on September 4, 2012 before Judge David L Fuhry.

    My lawsuit, Susan Daniels vs John Husted, Ohio Secretary of State, was an attempt to keep the name of Barack Obama off the ballot in November 2012 until it could be determined if he is using a legitimate social security number. I have been a state-licensed private investigator since March 1995 and discovered in 2009 that Barack Obama is using a fraudulent Connecticut social security number and has been since he was twenty-five. I am including a copy of the lawsuit I filed.

    When no defense attorney appeared, the judge asked his bailiff twice if she had heard from anyone from the Secretary of State’s office and twice she answered: “No.”

    Judge Fuhry gave me two choices: to continue the hearing for a week so he could rule on the defense attorney’s Motion to Dismiss or to go ahead with the hearing. I believe that I should have been awarded a Default Judgment, since the defense chose not to attend. Given my options, I chose to go forward.

    During the hearing Judge Fuhry was dismissive, intimidating, belittling and assumed the role of the defense attorney, who deigned not to appear in court. In doing so, Judge Fuhry violated the Ohio Code of Judicial Conduct: Cannons 1, 2 and 3: [...]



    Regarding the transcription you did of my hearing before Judge Fuhry on September 4, 2012. You certified that what I paid for and received from you is a “true and correct transcript” but it is not. Other people in the courtroom read it and they found the same items missing that I did: [...]


    I am filing a formal complaint against Beverly J. Modic, the official court report for Judge David L. Fuhry in Geauga County Common Pleas Court.

    Ms. Modic was the court reporter for a hearing regarding a pro se lawsuit I filed in Geauga County. The hearing was held on September 4, 2012. I did not order a copy of the transcript until November. When I received it, I realized, and had it confirmed by observers who were in the courtroom, that the transcript did not accurately reflect what was said at the hearing.

    Ms. Modic arbitrarily removed some of the comments made by the judge, which reflected badly on him. Since she works under his direction, I suspect that she was instructed to do so. However, she certified it as “a true and correct transcript” of the proceedings. It was not.

    I sent her a certified letter which she received on December 4, 2012 and she has not responded. She has no right to hold the position of trust she has when she is dishonest with her work. I believe what she did is also illegal because she certified her work. [...]


    The Disciplinary Counsel of the Ohio Supreme Court responded by saying they see no violations but she could take it up with the appropriate appellate authority. Their full BS response letter is on page 6 of the Scribd doc.

    The Ohio Court Reporters Association responded by saying the allegations are serious but they have no authority to sanction the court reporter as she is not a member of the OCRA. Their full response letter is on page 4 of the Scribd doc.

    View the complete Birther Report presentation at:

    B. Steadman

  • #2
    Ohio thwarts Obama SSN challenge

    Exclusive: Jack Cashill covers latest rejection of suit involving Connecticut number


    Jack Cashill


    If the major media employed just a few people as relentless and resourceful as Ohio-based private investigator Susan Daniels, Barack Obama would not have been elected to a second term. Hell, he would not have been elected to a first term.

    Daniels had filed suit challenging Ohio Secretary of State John Husted to determine if Obama has been using a legitimate Social Security Number. Daniels contended that without such confirmation Obama was not eligible to appear on the Ohio presidential ballot in 2012.

    A state-licensed private investigator since 1995, Daniels had discovered in 2009 that Obama has been using a “fraudulent Connecticut Social Security Number” and that he had been doing so since he was 25. Daniels said as much in her suit.

    On Sept. 12, 2012, a hearing was held on this matter in Geauga County, Ohio, Common Pleas Court before Judge David L. Fuhry. Husted blew it off. When no attorney appeared to represent him at the hearing, Fuhry asked the bailiff at least twice if she had heard from anyone in Husted’s office. She had not.

    According to the Geauga County trial guidelines, counsel is “expected to be present and ready to enter the courtroom at the time scheduled for trial.” Husted’s absence, however, did not appear to overly bother the judge.

    Fuhry gave Daniels two choices. He could continue the hearing for a week until he could rule on a defense motion to dismiss, or Daniels could elect to continue with the hearing that day. Daniels chose the latter option.

    “I will take your evidence today, or anything additional you wish to say in support of your motion,” Fuhry told Daniels at the beginnings of the proceedings, but he did not quite honor that pledge.

    Fuhry particularly objected to an amicus brief I had written in support of Daniels’ suit. “In doing the research for my 2011 book ‘Deconstructing Obama’ and in subsequent research,” I wrote, “I could find no instance in which Barack Obama claimed to have even visited the state of Connecticut, let alone resided there.”

    Fuhry asked Daniels repeatedly whether this was “evidence.” Twice she said it was an “exhibit.” When he asked her again, she presumed the words were interchangeable and said, “Well, then, I guess it is.” Fuhry responded, “Then you cannot enter it because it is hearsay.”

    This exchange troubled Daniels’ supporters who had attended the hearing. To them, it seemed clear that Fuhry was openly badgering her. Someone official may have had second thoughts about the exchange as well because it was purged from the official “true and correct” transcript.

    Throughout the hearing Fuhry shocked Daniels by assuming the role of defense attorney. In the formal complaint she brought against him, Daniels described his demeanor as “dismissive, intimidating, belittling.”

    Daniels noted that Fuhry had violated several precepts of the Ohio Code of Judicial Conduct, which demands that a judge perform his duties “impartially and diligently” and that he be “patient, dignified, and courteous.”

    There is nothing about Daniels’ personality that should have provoked the judge. She is a soft-spoken septuagenarian, a widow and mother of seven. She is, however, a truth-seeker, and, in the age of Obama, the establishment has little tolerance of the same.

    It will not surprise to learn that Judge Fuhry dismissed Daniels’ suit, ruling that she had no “statutory authority” to bar the Democratic nominee from appearing on the ballot.

    In the grievance she filed against Fuhry, Daniels responded that she had at the very least made the judge aware that a crime may have been committed. According to state law, he had the responsibility to request an investigation. He did not.


    View the complete article at:
    B. Steadman

