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Politisite: Sheriff Joe's Lead Obama Investigator Mike Zullo Reveals New Plan Over In

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  • Politisite: Sheriff Joe's Lead Obama Investigator Mike Zullo Reveals New Plan Over In

    Politisite: Sheriff Joe's Lead Obama Investigator Mike Zullo Reveals New Plan Over Investigation

    Birther Report



    Sheriff Arpaio’s Mike Zullo reveals new plan over eligibility investigation
    Excerpts Via Doc Vega @ Politisite

    For all of you who may have been wondering about where the Sheriff Arpaio cold posse investigation of the background and legal identification of one Barack Hussein Obama has gone, those efforts are still under way. Regardless of whether or not the US mainstream media has blacked out coverage of the ongoing investigation is superfluous. Just because the White House can and does manipulate the press corps into saying and doing anything they demand does not mean that Mike Zullo and his investigative staff have not continued pursuing probably one of the most important investigations in the history of the United States in their race against time to not only convict the President for his unlawful concealment of identity and background, but the damage his policies are presently inflicting upon the nation. [...]

    The intentional denial of the American press corps

    In an investigation that was crucial to the well being of a nation and its laws, the mainstream media gave little attention. Over an inquiry that should have been considered historic and should have raised serious doubts over our political system, the media was remiss in its duty to cover the issues and present both sides of the story. Instead, they refused to address the grave concerns that should have been brought up over how the Democrats and Republicans could have allowed an unconstitutional candidate to ascend into the White House without being properly vetted or having his background looked into. Yet, this was never done unlike such scandals as Watergate which was exhaustively covered by the US news media when Nixon did not commit a fraction of the violations that President Obama has been allowed to get away with. However, this is a sad reality of what America has descended into under a soft coup de tat completely enabled by a compromised US media. [...]


    View the complete Birther Report presentation at:

    B. Steadman