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NY Judge Orders Obama Eligibility Challenger Chris Strunk To Pay $177,000 Sanctions

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  • NY Judge Orders Obama Eligibility Challenger Chris Strunk To Pay $177,000 Sanctions

    NY Judge Orders Obama Eligibility Challenger Chris Strunk To Pay $177,000 In Sanctions

    Birther Report



    Brooklyn judge slams birther lawsuit as 'fanciful, delusional and irrational' and orders theorist to pay $177G

    Judge Arthur Schack wrote that if the case brought by Christopher Earl Struck claiming President Barack Obama was not truly born in Hawaii were a movie script it would be entitled 'The Manchurian Candidate Meets The Da VInci Code.'
    By Oren Yaniv @ New York Daily News

    A birther's lawsuit was born of a crackpot theory. That’s what an irritated Brooklyn judge said in slapping a preeminent conspiracy theorist with a hefty bill for filing “a frivolous” suit and wasting the court’s time.

    Christopher Earl Strunk sought to have President Obama disqualified as a candidate. The author of some 20 other lawsuits — most of which have been dismissed — Strunk was ordered to pay $167,707 in attorney fees plus a $10,000 sanction for the 2011 lawsuit that named Obama, New York’s Board of Elections and a list of others as defendants.


    REMINDER: Chris Strunk and Ken Allen were the first to obtain the Stanley Ann Dunham and Lolo Soetoro passport records received under the Freedom of Information Act. It was those records that showed Obama's Indonesian surname "Soebarkah" and led to the discovery that the Department of State destroyed Obama's mama's pre-1965 passport records.

    View the complete Birther Report presentation at:


    Check out the 3rd comment in this thread, posted 4/4/2013 by Lucas Daniel Smith, which includes an interesting quote from Chris Stunk's website regarding Obama's birth in Kenya!
    B. Steadman

  • #2
    $177,000.00! I hope this will get a lot of attention and that someone might be able to help him appeal the sanction.

    I don't know a whole lot about Strunk other than that he has filed MANY civil actions (some regarding gold) and that he may not have a fond opinion of me (if I am remembering correctly), but it seems that $177,000.00 US dollars is a significant and atypical amount (although I have zero evidence that it is or that it isn't) of money to be sanctioned for filing a "frivolous" (courts wording, not mine) lawsuit(s) against a state or federal government agency or a US President.
    Last edited by Lucas Daniel Smith; 04-04-2013, 12:36 AM.


    • #3
      I guess I was wrong about Strunk's opinion or me, either that or he has changed his opinion. He appears to acknowledge that Obama's 1961 Coast Province General Hospital (CPGH), Mombasa, British Protectorate of Kenya birth certificate is authentic:

      "Based upon what I have obtained and learned so far, beyond the fact that he has a dual allegiance at his Birth, is that it appears now that the Usurper, Barry Soetoro, has as many a four allegiances: British, Kenyan, Indonesian and USA (and maybe even from Canada); and because I have seen a copy of his Birth Certificate, He was in fact born in Kenya at the Coastal Hospital in Mombasa on August 4, 1961 - not Hawaii.

      "The copy of the actual long form birth certificate was obtained in Kenya by an investigator in February, and that is filed along with the record of the Birth obtained by a Hawaiian Attorney in the divorce case between Dunham and Obama in 1964, and both documents await verification in the case Barnett et al. v Obama 09-cv-000082 in CACD before Judge David O. Carter."

