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Beck: End Of Obama Admin; White House Editing Documents; Saudi Visited White House

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  • Beck: End Of Obama Admin; White House Editing Documents; Saudi Visited White House

    Glenn Beck: End Of Obama Admin; White House Editing Documents; Saudi Visited White House?

    Birther Report



    Audio: Glenn Beck: Beginning Of End Of Obama Admin; White House Editing Documents; Saudi Visited White House?

    ( Beck: Today Is Beginning Of The End Of Obama Admin )

    Excerpts Via Erica Ritz @ The Blaze

    For the past week, Glenn Beck has been investigating a Saudi national once identified as a “person of interest” in the Boston Marathon bombing. The story has taken a number of alarming twists and turns, but on his radio program Wednesday, Beck released some of the most interesting information yet. [...]

    Here are a couple of new points, as Beck related them:

    • The event file created for Abdul Rahman Ali Alharbi indicated he was “armed and dangerous”
    • Alharbi was admitted into the country under a “special advisory option,” which is usually reserved for visiting politicians, VIPs, or journalists. The event file cover page indicates he was granted his status without full vetting.
    • One of the first excuses given by law enforcement when confronted about Alharbi’s pending deportation was an expired visa. But according to the event file, his visa is good until 11-NOV-2016.
    • The event file indicates he entered the U.S. on 08/28/12 in Boston, MA but says he is a student at the University of Findlay, in Findlay, Ohio. He has an apartment in Boston, and doesn’t seem to have been a full-time student in Ohio.
    • When a file is created in the system, the author(s) are notified via email when it is accessed and given the email address of the person accessing, so there is a record within the government data system of who was there. It was amended to remove the deportation reference, then someone later went in and tried to destroy both the original event file and an amended versions. We won’t say who at this time, but copies have already been made.
    • The original event file was reviewed and approved by two high level agents – Chief Watch Commander Maimbourg and Watch Commander Mayfield.

    Here is the text of the cover of the event file, which reveals still more:

    - MORE @ SOURCE: The Blaze -
    ( Beck: Saudi Armed & Dangerous; Event File Destroyed; Copies Made )

    Excerpts Via Mytheos Holt @ The Blaze

    Photos of a visit Michelle Obama is alleged to have had with Abdul Rahman Alharbi — the Saudi national previously considered to be “person of interest,” “armed and dangerous,” and worthy of inclusion on a watch list — may have appeared on a Facebook page associated with an English language school in Boston or students who share a common bond of going to English schools in the area.

    The above photo montage, which was posted at FreeRepublic today, originally appears on the Facebook page for “EC Boston Saudi’s.” EC Boston most likely refers to the EC Boston English Language School. The Arabic caption on the photo reads: “اخونا عبدالرحمن الحربي مع ميشيل أُباما واصاحبة”

    Filtered through Google Translate, this comes out to: “Brother Abdul Rahman Alharbi with Michelle [untranslatable] and Asahabh.” The photos were originally posted by Facebook user Yazeed Salem, who appears to be pictured with Alharbi in the top-left photo. [...]

    The individual photographs give every appearance of being genuine. There is no obvious sign of Photoshopping (although it’s possible they have been). Moreover, the business card in the photos belongs to an actual White House Staffer — namely, Robert Schmuck, Special Assistant to the President and Traveling Aide (although his title appears to have changed in the last year). The First Lady is also pictured in the outfit she wore to visit Boston area hospitals last week. [...]

    View the complete Birther Report presentation at:

    B. Steadman

  • #2
    Free Republic is running a thread titled, 'Breaking: Saudi Student Alharbi Visited the White House Several Times Since 2009', which was started 4/24/2013 by 'blueyon'

    The thread references a 4/24/2013 Gateway Pundit post by Jim Hoft -

    View the complete Free Republic thread at:

    The following is COMMENT #121 by 'Springfield Reformer' in the thread:

    The story is getting some traction. People are having a lot of trouble reconciling the two images of Tamerlan. Right now its just an ugly inconsistency, but the cognitive dissonance it is creating has an “inescapableness” to it. I was following this live here as it happened. The scanner clearly coordinates with the CNN footage showing a naked man, alleged at that time to be one of the two bombers, being arrested and seating himself in a squad car. I was shocked later to see allegedly the same person dead and badly damaged on a slab. There are only a few possibilities that I can see. 1) Not the same person, but then there must be three bombers, because he was clearly so identified on the night of capture. 2) The same person, alive and in custody, then dead and mutilated. I cannot imagine a scenario where he goes from living to dead without somebody in authority making it happen. And apparently, a lot of people are having the same problem I am.

    As for the blue dress, if you were watching the Clinton scandal unfold, you know it means far more than just hard evidence. It means game change time. That’s what happened when the blue dress turned up. It shifted the momentum. It made the impeachment inevitable, even if unsuccessful for political reasons.

    The following is COMMENT #156 by 'autumnraine' in the thread:

    Well, I did see a video of a naked man being escorted in handcuffs to the back of police car.

    Police said it was the carjack victim, but how many carjack victims are handcuffed naked and put in the back of a police car?
    Last edited by bsteadman; 04-26-2013, 01:59 PM.
    B. Steadman


    • #3
      Saudi ‘Person Of Interest’ Is Osama Bin Laden’s Son
      B. Steadman


      • #4
        Did Saudi 'person of interest' visit White House?

        Internet rumors fly as his name shows up on log


        Aaron Klein


        Did the 20-year-old Saudi national questioned in the Boston Marathon bombing probe visit the White House?

        As reported by The Right Scoop blog, the White House visitor log available online shows that an Abdulrahman A. Alharbi visited Dec. 8, 2009.

        The visit was listed as a group tour, however, and at that time, the Abdul Rahman Ali Issa Al-Salimi Al-Harbi who was questioned by authorities for two hours after the April 15 bombings was 16 years old.

        There are two entries on Oct. 14, 2011, for an Abdulrahman Alharbi with a different middle initial, S. The entries are also associated with a group tour.

        According to The Blaze, which has reported Alharbi was on a federal watch list, the Saudi national entered the U.S. last August on a student visa.

        Last week, WND was first to report Alharbi shares the same last name as a major Saudi clan that includes scores of al-Qaida operatives. Some in the clan are senior al-Qaida members while others are reportedly being held by the U.S. in the Guantanamo Bay detention camp in Cuba.

        DHS Secretary Janet Napolitano has insisted that authorities absolved Alharbi of anything to do with the Boston bombings. But The Blaze has reported the U.S. Customs and Border Protection’s National Targeting Center issued an event file for the Saudi calling for his deportation under Section 212 (a)(3)(B) of the Immigration and Nationality Act, which makes a foreigner inadmissible to the U.S. because of terrorism or related activity.

        Wednesday, The Blaze further reported the event file created for Alharbi indicated he was “armed and dangerous.”

        In addition, The Blaze said, emails that are automatically triggered when anyone alters an event file of that kind indicated someone removed the deportation reference.

        Later, someone tried to destroy both the original event file and an amended version, The Blaze said.

        In a hearing last week, Napolitano angrily dismissed an inquiry by a congressman about Alharbi as “not worthy of an answer,” but she admitted in a Senate hearing this week the Saudi was on a terror watch list.

        However, as WND reported, Napolitano still has not responded to a request by the lawmaker she indignantly brushed off last week, Rep. Jeff Duncan, R-S.C., for a classified briefing on Alharbi.

        While it is not clear whether the Alharbi questioned as part of the marathon probe is a member of the well-known Saudi clan, his Facebook page lists him as Facebook friends with at least seven other Alharbis, located in both Boston and in Saudi Arabia.

        One of the Alharbis on his Facebook friends list, Ahmed Alharbi, is listed as a pharmacy technician at the Saudi Ministry of Health. Most others live in Riyadh.

        The Alharbi clan has long been active in al-Qaida. Khaled bin Ouda bin Mohammed al-Harbi, for example, is a Saudi national who joined Osama bin Laden’s mujahadeen group in the 1980s. He reportedly became an al-Qaida member in the mid-1990s. He turned himself in to Saudi authorities in 2004 as part of an amnesty deal.

        The BBC reported Khaled Alharbi was married to the daughter of al-Qaida’s number two, Ayman al-Zawahri. He reportedly appeared with bin Laden in a video praising the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks.

        Another top al-Qaida operative is Adel Radi Saqr al-Wahabi al-Harbi, a Saudi national identified by the State Department as “a key member of an al-Qaida network operating in Iran.”

        The State Department has offered a multimillion-dollar reward for the capture of Abdel Alharbi, saying he is an Iran-based al-Qaida facilitator who serves as the deputy to Muhsin al-Fadhl, who runs al-Qaida’s Iran network.

        .................................................. ....

        View the complete article at:
        B. Steadman


        • #5
          Free Republic is running a thread titled, 'BREAKING Glenn Beck Obama is going to get impeached!', which was started 4/25/2013 by 'Nachum'

          The thread references a 4/25/2013 YouTube video -

          View the complete Free Republic thread at:

          B. Steadman

