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Alabama Democratic Party Submits Different Obama Birth Certificate in Appeal

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  • Alabama Democratic Party Submits Different Obama Birth Certificate in Appeal

    Free Republic is running a thread titled, 'Alabama Democratic Party Submits Different Obama Birth Certificate In Ballot Challenge Appeal', which was started 4/25/2013 by 'Cold Case Posse Supporter'

    The thread references the McInnish-Goode-v-Chapman-Appeal-ADP-Amicus Brief -


    In a unusual rare move, the Alabama Democratic Party has submitted a amicus brief in the McInnish Goode v Chapman Appeal case. The reason being is most likely because the Alabama Supreme Court has Chief Justice Roy Moore presiding over it. He supported Lt. Col. Terry Lakin during his court martial. Another worry for them is another justice named Tom Parker. He once opined in a prior McInnish case:

    "McInnish has attached certain documentation to his mandamus petition, which, if presented to the appropriate forum as part of a proper evidentiary presentation, would raise serious questions about the authenticity of both the “short form” and the “long form” birth certificates of President Barack Hussein Obama that have been made public."

    This has reasons for the Alabama Democratic Party to be alarmed. In the amicus brief, the Alabama Democratic Party attacked the merits of the appeal, calling the evidence submitted by McInnish “inadmissible and not worthy of belief” and stated:

    "A county sheriff from Arizona is not an “official source” of anything in Alabama."

    One thing that stands out in the amicus brief filed, specifically on page 33 is something new. It's a Barack Obama long form birth certificate that has a different backing, something not seen before. It's not the normal security paper backing that the Hawaii Dept. Of Health has been using. It is raising a lot of questions that even has Obama supporters baffled. Click on the link and scroll to page 33 of the brief to see the birth certificate.

    View the complete Free Republic thread at:

    To: Cold Case Posse Supporter

    That looks like a moiré pattern which safety paper was designed to produce when copied. It does that so one can distinguish a copy from the original.

    28 posted on 04/25/2013 11:49:16 AM PDT by Sgt_Schultze (A half-truth is a complete lie)

    To: Sgt_Schultze

    That looks like a moiré pattern which safety paper was designed to produce when copied. It does that so one can distinguish a copy from the original.

    Very logical. So.... Since a scanner uses the same technology to read a document, then why doesn't Obama's "scanned" BC on the WH website show the same security pattern?

    104 posted on 04/25/2013 2:41:28 PM PDT by MMaschin

    To: Cold Case Posse Supporter

    The person who signed this is guilty of perjury. They said that Onaka twice verified that the image on the White House website is a “true and correct copy” of the original paper record on file at the HDOH.

    That is what Onaka was twice asked to verify AND WOULDN’T. IOW, he verified the exact opposite: to Bennett he verified that it is NOT a “true and correct representation of the original record on file, and to Kobach he verified that the information contained in the White House image is NOT “identical to” the information contained in the original record on file.

    Furthermore, the chair of the Alabama Democratic Party (Mark Kenneday) was informed of what Onaka’s letter of verification to Ken Bennett really meant, by Larry Klayman on or around Sept 10, 2012 (The signer of the certified mail receipt, Teresa Smiley, didn’t put a “date received” on it).

    42 posted on Thursday, April 25, 2013 3:03:33 PM by butterdezillion (,)

    To: nickcarraway

    The Clintons planned on presenting this at the DNC Convention - you know, the one where the Obamabots were planning to “Recreate ‘68”. Their plans took a detour when Bill Gwatney was killed the day after he agreed to present a petititon that would have sent the vote into a 2nd round, thus enabling delegates to no longer be bound by the primary election result in their state and thus free to consider whether Obama is even eligible to be the dem candidate. So then Stephanie Tubbs said she would do it. She dropped dead of a supposed aneurysm within days.

    I think it was the day after Tubbs died that Hillary supporter Phil Berg filed a lawsuit against the DNC and Obama, saying that they have proof that he was not born in Hawaii. Since anybody who would present the petition would be killed, they had to take the battle to the courts.

    Bettina Viviano, who was doing filming for the Hillary supporters, said she heard Bill Clinton himself say that he knows Obama is not eligible, and also says she was told by the “higher-ups” that the Clintons dropped the issue only after Chelsea’s life was threatened. Not a vain threat considering the 2 who had just been killed within the 2-week timespan before the DNC Convention.

    This shouldn’t be a surprise to anybody; we also know that the media was threatened if they reported on the eligibility issue. Zullo has confirmed that at least one person fled the country in fear for her life and that of her child.

    We are not dealing with piddles here. The machine that allowed Bin Laden’s son Hamza to visit the White House under an Alhamdi name, had Michelle visit him in the hospital after he was taken into custody at the Boston Marathon bombing, changed his classification from “known terrorist”, and deported him quick before anybody could realize that Bin Laden’s son had just avenged his father’s death with the full cooperation of this regime....... is the same machine that put Obama into power. Terror on the streets of Boston, terror in the newsrooms, terror at the DNC, terror in Arpaio’s office...... it’s all part and parcel. This is who these people are. The terrorism they are doing now is only possible because of the terrorism that put them into the White House as a foreign enemy combatant.

    And yes, it does matter. All of it. Because it all shows us that the enemies of this country have totally destroyed the rule of law and unless we get our heads out of our rear ends this WILL be the end of this country. If we’re too chicken or complacent to dig up the root, it’s never gonna work to try to prune the branches as they pop up one by one. This regime is an enemy, its roots are spreading all over the place, and it will choke the life out of this country unless we get out the Roundup and act like we mean business.

    58 posted on Thursday, April 25, 2013 3:17:54 PM by butterdezillion (,)

    To: Cold Case Posse Supporter

    The fact that the attorney didn’t even tell the provenance of his exhibits makes this totally laughable as a legal submission. And that’s for both the BC that has no raised seal on it and doesn’t say where it came from AND the “birth announcement” which has most of the page blurred beyond readability and is actually from a Honolulu Advertiser article, claiming to be from the same document as had other lines on it when created by Jeenaparadies using OCR software and handed off to

    This brief is utter bullcrap - using forgeries and not even attempting to say where these images came from. That’s because if they tried to say where they came from they would be legally liable, and we could provide evidence to dispute the claims as well as request to see the original documents (although that might not be the case for an amicus brief; I’m not sure about that. If the actual attorneys in the case had tried to submit this it would mean that...)

    77 posted on Thursday, April 25, 2013 3:37:07 PM by butterdezillion (,)

    To: Cold Case Posse Supporter; butterdezillion; Red Steel; Fantasywriter

    I notice that in page 20 the liars say “a 40-year-old government record from Hawaii” when referring to Barry’s original 1961 BC, which is obviously 50 years old.

    Was this a Freudian slip? Probably not, but the “original” on file could be an amended document that is only 40 years old.

    149 posted on Friday, April 26, 2013 12:58:26 AM by Seizethecarp (Defend aircraft from "runway kill zone" mini-drone helicopter swarm attacks:

    To: Seizethecarp

    Thanks, Carp. I have maintained for some time that the grandparents, specifically granny Dunham, paid to have the alcoholic wife-abuser flown to HI & put up at their expense in order to revise the BC/get the adoption ducks in a row. Well guess what. Obama Sr visited HI when Obama was 10—which matches the ‘40 yr old’ record to a T. -
    (bold and color emphasis added)

    ‘He [Obama jr] last saw his father in 1971, when he was 10 years old. “

    153 posted on Friday, April 26, 2013 1:34:00 AM by Fantasywriter
    Last edited by bsteadman; 04-26-2013, 04:32 PM.
    B. Steadman

  • #2
    Free Republic thread continued:

    To: Seizethecarp

    1971 would be that hazy period when they were phasing out Certificates of Hawaiian Birth and switching around the terminology of “Delayed” v “Late” BC’s. There wasn’t yet the provision of a HI BC being created for somebody if the parents could prove they were residents of HI for a year before the birth. And unless the timelines are all screwed up, neither parent had resided in HI for a year before the birth either. So if he got a BC 10 years after the alleged birth, he would have had to get a Certificate of Hawaiian Birth.

    But those are a totally different format with different numbering, and the only way for him to be able to get either a COLB or long-form is if he turned in his COHB and converted it to a LATE BC. A COHB would list the registrant’s identifying features and would have a photo of the registrant. It would not claim a hospital birth. It would have an evidence file associated with it, including affidavits.

    I’ve wondered at why they had to fabricate the birth announcements. Could be that Grandma Dunham reported the birth in 1961 and the record was not complete, so Verna Lee didn’t put it on the public list that the newspapers got. Or it could be there was no claim even submitted in 1961, and they got a COHB for him sometime before 1972(?). Either way, the record they had couldn’t result in any COLB or long-form being printed for him so he had to amend the record in late 2006, as indicated by HDOH and OIP UIPA responses.

    I lean towards Grandma Dunham submitting an incomplete claim in 1961, partly because the HDOH worked so hard to hide the “incomplete BC” section of the rules in effect for 1961 when they created a new PDF of the Administrative Rules right before making the rules accessible to the public again, as required by law, in early November of 2009. They wouldn’t let the public see the same PDF of the rules that the OIP was able to see; they created a new PDF that obscured 2 critical sections almost beyond the ability to figure out what those sections said. I suspect that is a “tell” pointing to what they don’t want us to know.

    160 posted on Friday, April 26, 2013 10:03:16 AM by butterdezillion (,)
    B. Steadman

