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Boom: Sheriff Joe Lead Investigator: Affidavit Tip Of The Iceberg; Another Obama BC

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  • Boom: Sheriff Joe Lead Investigator: Affidavit Tip Of The Iceberg; Another Obama BC

    Boom: Sheriff Joe Lead Investigator: Affidavit Tip Of The Iceberg; Another Obama BC

    Birther Report



    Videos: Parts 1 & 2

    View the complete Birther Report presentation at:

    B. Steadman

  • #2
    Setting The Record Straight For Orly Taitz: I Did Not Hit The Delete Button; Nor Will I

    Birther Report


    This is in response to Mary whom left the following comment: ORYR, Orly says you scrubbed the Gallups and Zullo interview from this site. What is she talking about? - Mary.

    Via Dr. Orly Taitz: ORYR has followed and removed from its’ website the interview of Carl Gallops and Mike Zullo which attacked and me and where they made defamatory statements - Dr. Orly Taitz. -


    Again: Dr. Taitz is referring to an interview with Sheriff Arpaio's lead Obama identity document fraud investigator Mike Zullo on Carl Gallup's radio show broadcast out of Florida on WEBY whereas they question whether or not Dr. Taitz is an Obot. The show aired May 17th and the part in question is the last two and a half minutes of an 18 minute interview. This site tries to provide information pertaining to all aspects of Obama's constitutional ineligibility and identity document fraud. Can't help it if some of it offends some...

    The fact of the matter is the full interview is still available at the same link it was Friday. And it will remain there.

    View the complete Birther Report presentation at:

    B. Steadman


    • #3
      From the leader of the arizona tea Party Brian Reilly, who organized a group of 250 citizens, who met with arpaio and demanded the investigation in the first place. He is pictured with Arpaio during the press conference. He demands to file the criminal report and not keep the evidence for yet another book by Zullo and Corsi.

      Defend Our Freedoms Foundation

      Orly Taitz, Esq.

      With all due respect, Ms. Taitz, I responded to what was written on your website. I also responded because of what was discussed on Freedom Friday, May 17, 2013.

      Specifically, you wrote: “Moreover, as Zullo tried to attack me, he admitted that Arpaio will not file a criminal complaint as people expected. He stated at the interview held yesterday that there will not be a complaint under the color of the Sheriff of Maricopa county, but Zullo will write and will tell all because it is his work product.”

      The “work product” belongs to the corporation called “The Maricopa County Sheriff’s Office Cold Case” not the Maricopa County Sheriff’s Office as I understand it. Who runs the corporation? Mike Zullo is listed as a Director. His “work product” is the “report” that he apparently is still writing. As I understand it, if the full report is exposed.


      View the complete post at:
      B. Steadman


      • #4
        Verification that Beforeitsnews removed this defamatory interview by Carl Gallops and Mike Zullo

        Defend Our Freedoms Foundation

        Orly Taitz, Esq.



        Beforeitsnews DOES NOT ALLOW attacks upon other Beforeitsnews contributors. This story has been deleted. DO NOT attack other Beforeitsnews contributors EVER AGAIN please. obama-birthplace-controversy/2013/05/video-ppsimmons-is-orly-taitz-an-obot-2460482.html


        Stefan Mark Stanford

        View the complete post at:
        B. Steadman

