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Live Video Stream: Sheriff Arpaio Obama ID Fraud Presentation Live From Missouri

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  • Live Video Stream: Sheriff Arpaio Obama ID Fraud Presentation Live From Missouri

    Live Video Stream: Sheriff Arpaio Obama ID Fraud Presentation Live From Missouri

    Birther Report



    Live Video Stream: Sheriff Arpaio Obama ID Fraud Presentation Live From CSPOA Convention In Missouri
    - Birther Report | ObamaReleaseYourRecords -

    Programming note: We initially did not intend to live stream anything from the CSPOA Convention due to such short notice and very limited resources. A long-time reader and supporter of BR/ORYR provided us help with an Hangouts On Air account. The platform syncs through Youtube. We have two video cameras that will be recording the full Zullo presentation which will not be utilized for the live web stream.

    The live web stream will be a raw camera/audio feed from a laptop. The recordings from the two other video cameras will be produced and then published to Youtube for free viewing. Obviously we do not yet know how good the quality of the raw live stream will be in the actual presentation room. We ran a short test via the hotel and the stream appeared pretty stable. It is hosted through Youtube so load/traffic issues shouldn't be an issue. Though, those that have actually live-streamed before know how things can quickly change.

    So, barring any climatic weather, power outages, crashes, etc...We should be good to go live at 9 A.M. ET: Live feed .......

    View the complete Birther Report presentation at:

    B. Steadman

  • #2
    Free Republic is running a thread titled, 'Live / Archive Video Stream: Sheriff Arpaio Obama ID Fraud...(confirmed by HI expert Reed Hayes)', which was started 6/1/2013 by 'Seizethecarp'

    The thread references the 6/1/2013 Birther Report post - http://obamareleaseyourrecords.blogs...-id-fraud.html

    View the complete Free Republic thread at:


    Zullo's video @ 1:04:10: "Some of the anomalies that we have pointed out today were first discovered by a certified document examiner named Reed Hayes. Mr. Hayes has over 20 years of experience in document examination. In 1994 he was certified by the American Board of Forensic Examiners. In 2001 he was certified by the National Association of Document Examiners. He's testified 26 times in various courtroom proceedings in HAWAII. In 2006 he authored a book entitled Forensic Handwriting Examination: A Definitive Guide. He's also editor-in-chief of the National Association of Document Examiners Journal, and he's a board member of The Scientific Association of Forensic Examiners. Mr. Hayes conclusion after examining Barack Obama's long form birth certificate pretty much says it all. Mr Hayes says that: 'In over 20 years of examining documentation of various types I have never seen a document that is so seriously questionable in so many respects. In my opinion the birth certificate is entirely fabricated.'" - (bold and color emphasis added)
    Last edited by bsteadman; 06-01-2013, 07:57 PM.
    B. Steadman


    • #3
      Free Republic is running a thread titled, 'Sheriff Arpaio's Investigator Mike Zullo Reveals New Devastating Evidence On Obama's Birth Records', which was started 6/1/2013 by 'Cold Case Posse Supporter'

      The thread references the YouTube video -

      View the complete Free Republic thread at:


      Maricopa County Sheriffs Office Cold Case Posse chief investigator Mike Zullo this morning addressed the Constitutional Sheriffs and Peace Officers Association Convention (CSPOA) being held in St. Charles, Missouri. Much of the information that was revealed by Zullo we have already heard but he also unveiled new evidence that we have not been aware of. Commander Mike Zullo appears in the video at the 36:00 mark. The audio and video from the streaming isn't that good but pay attention very closely.

      To: TexasCajun

      They got a 20 year court certified document expert in Hawaii by the name of Reed Hayes who confirmed the document was built and forged. Mr. Hayes has testified in over 20 court cases. The Cold Case Posse obtained long birth from certificates from two African Americans in Hawaii who were born the same year as Obama. Their fathers on the birth certificates were both described with the term ‘negro’ confirming that the term ‘African’ was never used at that time. The Posse confirmed that they used a authentic 1960 vital statistics manual (not a 1968 manual that Obots claimed) to back up their claims that the numbering of the certificate indicated that the term ‘negro’ was the appropriate word to be used in the box. The posse exposed all the Hawaii players involved in the cover-up and how they were manipulative in their statements pertaining to Obama’s birth records.

      23 posted on Saturday, June 01, 2013 1:53:22 PM by Cold Case Posse Supporter

      To: Cold Case Posse Supporter

      The Cold Case Posse even went so far on public record to state that it can not be confirmed that Stanley Ann Dunham is Barack Obama’s mother.

      25 posted on Saturday, June 01, 2013 1:57:14 PM by Cold Case Posse Supporter

      To: Cold Case Posse Supporter

      Mike Zullo stated that hours right after the first Sheriff Arpaio press conference on March 1, 2011 that MSNBC’s Chris Matthews called him and wanted to set up an interview about their findings on the birth certificate. Matthews never called again. The studio heads blocked the interview.

      33 posted on Saturday, June 01, 2013 2:01:53 PM by Cold Case Posse Supporter

      To: VTenigma

      Registrar stamp was rotated therefore bc is forged. ALSO, 0bama’s father’s race SHOULD be ‘negro’, not ‘African’. Zullo’s team has located two bc’s of blacks born in Hawaii around same time as Obama and ‘negro’ is indicated on both of their bc’s. ‘African’ was not used by the HDOH nor was it proper protocol according to the guide used for bc’s by them at that time.

      37 posted on Saturday, June 01, 2013 2:07:14 PM by GeorgeWashingtonsGhost

      To: Cold Case Posse Supporter

      A certificate of live birth is issued to anyone, born anywhere, if they lived and paid taxes in HI for 1 year. HI does issue a “real birth certificate”. As indicated there is no “real” Birth Certificate for Obama in HI!

      Is there anyone born in the US who has not had to obtain and present some form of a legitimate raised seal birth certificate at some time? Obama’s political documents up to 2007 stated he was born in Kenya (that is an area included in now Kenya)

      The clip shown was interesting in that a birth certificate AND other supporting documents are required to prove citizenship. O's Citizenship is in question on several fronts, too. OCCAM'S RAZOR: OBAMA has NO US BIRTH CERTIFICATE.

      If proven that O does not have a United States Birth Certificate, as US Citizenship is required for the Pres. IMHO all appointments and laws signed (O-care) are sic INVALID. The Congress will not show itself to be weak and incompetent nor will they chance minority rioting. O's crappola is similar to his knowledge of Fast and Furious; IRS; Benghazi etc etc. He only has direct knowledge that Bush did it except for OBL which O masterminded himself and was remotely directing the capture / death of OBL. WOW! what a Pres.

      57 posted on Saturday, June 01, 2013 2:44:46 PM by Tuketu (The Dim Platform is splinters bound by crazy glue. We need a solvent)

      To: Mr Rogers; Theodore R.; GeorgeWashingtonsGhost; Ladysforest; Cold Case Posse Supporter

      Here is what the 1961 coding instruction manual says,

      “If the racial entry is “C,” “Col.,” “Black,” “Brown,” or ”A.A.,” “Afro-American,” and the birthplace is the United States, consider the parent’s race as Negro. If birthplace of parent is not in the United States, code as other nonwhite.”

      Ladysforest got a copy of this manual from the CDC. In today’s video the narrator said that they did not use the 1961 manual because it was published 10 days after Obama’s birth. The manual that the CDC gave to Ladysforest has a revision date of August 14, 1961. So I would assume that is the document they are talking about.

      The question is did they use the earlier version of this same instruction manual or some other 1960 manual?

      79 posted on Saturday, June 01, 2013 4:18:16 PM by 4Zoltan

      To: advertising guy

      I’m not sure if anyone posted this yet, but the morning session that was video taped was basically information most of us know already, the afternoon session is private and that is where Lt. Zullo will provide new details. We are waiting to hear how that session went. is supposed to have updates after the afternoon session is over, but they haven’t posted yet.

      83 posted on Saturday, June 01, 2013 5:27:50 PM by mrsadams
      Last edited by bsteadman; 06-01-2013, 10:00 PM.
      B. Steadman


      • #4
        SELECTED COMMENTS from the Free Republic thread:

        (Zullo presentation begins 36 minutes into the video)

        This morning Mike Zullo revealed for the first time the identity of the court certified forensic document examiner who produced the 40-page report concluding with the expert opinion that the White House pdf birth certificate was a forgery and he is prepared to testify to that in future proceedings.

        Not only is Reed Hayes very prominent in his field, but he is based in HAWAII!

        Zullo said that over 200 expert document examiners refused to examine Barry's BC pdf due to the implications of doing so, but Reed Hayes stepped forward, reluctant at first, but with conviction after only 20 minutes spent examining the pdf.

        Here is the full description of Reed Hayes credentials:

        Another Cold Case Posse expert, Don Jeffrey, affirmed that although Barry's SS# was associated with Harrison J. Bounel, as yet there is no evidence that Barry has attempted to portray himself as Bounel and thus has committed no crime of identity theft.

        The Social Security Administration's records are protected by Barry's political appointee at the top so further investigation and litigation to investigate the SS# origins is beyond the resources of the Cold Case Posse at this time, said Zullo.

        1 posted on Saturday, June 01, 2013 3:28:50 PM by Seizethecarp


        “They all have visions of rampaging mobs and burning cities.”

        Not if Barry is persuaded by the elders from his own party that he needs to “spend more time with his family” and he resigns on his own, as Nixon did. I don’t think would that result in a riot.

        It will be interesting to see what leaks out of the confidential “law officers only” presentation that Zullo made toda at which he claims significantly more damaging evidence will be revealed to the sheriffs and hopefully at least one congressman with whom he has at a minimum had a private meeting concerning the new evidence.

        6 posted on Saturday, June 01, 2013 3:46:02 PM by Seizethecarp (Defend aircraft from "runway kill zone" mini-drone helicopter swarm attacks:

        To: Seizethecarp

        The obots already have Reeds pictures and Hawaii phone number up at the Fogbow and are calling him a crackpot and ridiculing his book writings. One stated that it doesn’t matter how a PDF is created, what’s important is that the information is verified, and that official records are self-authenticating.

        8 posted on Saturday, June 01, 2013 3:50:51 PM by Cold Case Posse Supporter

        To: Cold Case Posse Supporter

        “One stated that it doesn’t matter how a PDF is created, what’s important is that the information is verified, and that official records are self-authenticating.”


        While the SOS or AG of a state might be legally required to honor a dissembling “authentication” from Onaka that the information in the WH BC “matches” the vital records under the full faith and credit clause, no federal court will consider a pdf file with a floating signature stamp to be prima facie “self-authenticating” under the federal rules of evidence.

        The “best evidence rule” in any court or congressional proceeding would require that an actual paper certified copy, not pdf, be presented in court and if challenged the custodian of the vital record could be subpoenaed, IIRC.

        By all appearances, Barry, Onaka and other HI officials have used every trick to the book to evade actually having to legally release a certified paper copy of the BC or allow physical inspection of the HI vital records.

        9 posted on Saturday, June 01, 2013 3:58:18 PM by Seizethecarp (Defend aircraft from "runway kill zone" mini-drone helicopter swarm attacks:

        To: Seizethecarp

        “The obots already have Reeds pictures and Hawaii phone number up at the Fogbow and are calling him a crackpot and ridiculing his book writings.”

        Fogblowers won’t have a leg to stand on unless they can produce their own expert of equal stature with a history of meeting the tough Daubert expert witness standard that Hayes has repeatedly met. In all 26 cases in which Hayes appeared the opposing side would have tried to prevent him and his testimony from being entered in the trial record and in all 26 cases Hayes prevailed.

        12 posted on Saturday, June 01, 2013 4:02:45 PM by Seizethecarp (Defend aircraft from "runway kill zone" mini-drone helicopter swarm attacks:

        To: SERKIT


        The worst thing that could happen is for us to continue the current lawlessness without anybody even blinking. And that’s what most members of Congress are intending to do.

        But if we’ve got some true freedom-loving Constitutionalists in Congress, they can force the others off their comfortable kneepads where they are servicing Obama and his entire illegal, thug regime. To get the ball rolling with those first Congressional voices we need law enforcement and regular citizens to bust down their doors with encouragement to do the right thing.

        As with hypothermia, if you give in to the numbness you’ll never wake up alive. Cynicism at this point in time is the choice to let this country die. We HAVE to add our “yop” to put all our voices in Who-ville over the top and be heard, for the sake of all that is good.

        16 posted on Saturday, June 01, 2013 4:16:11 PM by butterdezillion (,)

        To: Jude in WV

        “Someone dug into Dr. West’s history, but I’ve seen nothing about Dr. Sinclair’s.”

        Here is some stuff from his family.

        “Sinclair was a solo practitioner at the Dickson Bell medical offices on Bishop Street, with privileges at the three hospitals now known as Kapiolani Medical Center for Women & Children, the Queen’s Medical Center and Straub Clinic & Hospital, when Obama was born, his widow said.” from the Star Advertiser article

        51 posted on Sunday, June 02, 2013 12:23:37 PM by 4Zoltan

        To: Seizethecarp

        Cross-posting my comment from another thread:

        I think it is VERY significant that Arpaio and Zullo recruited a court certified forensic document examiner FROM HAWAII!!

        Mr. Reed Hayes must be professionally enraged and embarrassed that his home state officials have been bending over backwards using every weasel lawyerly parsing language trick possible to imply that the forged BC “matches” what is in the HI vital records.

        His entire career and honor as professional in Hawaii testifying under oath to the authenticity of documents in numerous court cases would mean nothing if he did not come forward to denounce this forgery, once it was presented to him in a way that he could not honorably evade. The man is like Lot! The only righteous man in the whole state of far.

        Will other honorable men and women who saw his 40 page forensic exposure of the forgery in Zullo’s private presentation this week now feel compelled to run the same gauntlet that the Fogblowers are already inflicting on Hayes?

        53 posted on Sunday, June 02, 2013 12:27:52 PM by Seizethecarp (Defend aircraft from "runway kill zone" mini-drone helicopter swarm attacks:

        To: Hotlanta Mike

        The CURRENT Lt. Gov....

        Schatz was the head of the HDP at the time.

        He was on the hook to submit the document required by law to declare their parties candidate CONSTITUTIONALLY qualified. Its Hawaii law.

        And the HDP did just that in 2004 for Kerry. Schatz or the HDP in general, removed the 2004 paragraph with Constitutional eligible language. The document template is the same except for that removal. If I recall, there was a tell tale misspelling incorrect word used in both documents. Showing they just took the template and reused it - but after removing the language.

        This removal of the language was a specific and deliberate act. Specific and deliberate. Maybe by Schatz personally. Maybe by a ‘committee’. But Schatz or the entire HDP knew they were trying ‘slide one by’.

        But the didn’t. This is exactly why Ms. Pelosi had to kick into action. Schatz’s document was WORTHLESS. It did not meet the legal requirements. So it has zero value in the process. And it would appear no one wanted to simply ‘fix’ it. So this is the national party had to submit a new OCON specifically with the eligibility language - to get their guy on the ballot.

        Schatz appears to have tried to commit fraud by submitting a knowingly invalid document and trying to slide it through. He clearly did not want to be tag with a document that declared Obama Constitutionally eligible with his signature on it. That would be fraud without a doubt. And we chose to go with ‘maybe fraud’ vs. ‘definitely fraud’. Either way - he appears to committed fraud.

        63 posted on Sunday, June 02, 2013 6:01:33 PM by bluecat6 ("All non-denial denials. They doubt our ancestry, but they don't say the story isn't accurate. ")
        B. Steadman


        • #5
          CONTINUED: Selected comment in the Free Republic thread:

          To: Seizethecarp


          The link I sent includes a youtube video embed (which is really just audio) of the 6 p.m.-ish interview wherein Gallups discusses with Zullo first the reaction to the open-door meeting and then the reaction to the closed door meeting.

          As a side note, some moments of the video are kind of funny to me, because in one sense nothing seems to have actually changed from the perspective of an outside observer, but in the interview they keep verbally high-fiving each other over the ultimate vindication that today has brought.

          I think I can totally understand though, If I were Cdr. Zullo and had just pulled back the curtain, revealing for the first time this firebrand product of nearly two years of his own blood and sweat, to a room full of dozens of peers (not to mention, a U.S. congressman, etc.) and found them all to be supportive and to varying degrees buying in and even offering support counsel and assistance, it would be a refreshing surge of encouragement and hugely invigorating to me. It was quite a payoff for his many months of grueling sacrifice, and it seems to have him feeling all the more assured that it will be a bit more of a downhill road from here.

          I pray he's right.

          110 posted on Saturday, June 01, 2013 10:06:09 PM by ecinkc (Alvin T. Onaka: Long-time "public servant" who twisted technicalities to deceive a nation)

          To: ecinkc

          Something Zullo told me that I think is relevant: If a law enforcement entity notifies a Congressman of a crime, that Congressman is legally accountable for acting on it.

          Gallups referred to a Congress member who had arranged to meet with Zullo and then pretended to not know anything about those arrangements. That is because once they have that report from law enforcement, they are legally obligated to act.

          The legal groundwork is being laid so that Congress HAS to act on this issue.

          The significance of Congress acting is that they can compel production of records - records which will show not only the wrong-doing by Obama’s people but also the wrong-doing by the very Hawaii officials that most members of Congress cite as having affirmed Obama’s birth story. When the records are made available and depositions compelled, the world will see exactly how corrupt the entire system has been - and it will make the IRS scandal seem like piddles in comparison.

          If/when Congress investigates and an independent prosecutor gets access to the records, THAT is when arrests will be made - because then the names of the people involved will be known, together with the proof of their involvement. Without the actual records it’s near-impossible to pin down the specific actions to specific individuals.

          At that point it will also be known that Obama has no legally-valid Hawaii BC, and I believe the records will show that his birth was originally reported by his grandma and his BC was not complete until late 2006, when he amended it to add a birth weight. The rules in Hawaii were so lax, about the only reason for a local registrar to not be able to gather all the necessary information is if the child was nowhere to be found in Hawaii within that first month after the birth. Which would be very strange indeed if the child was born in Hawaii, because the airlines would not let so young a child fly out of Hawaii. The amendment that Obama made in late 2006 reveals the Hawaii birth claim as fraudulent, and that is why he had to have a COLB forged.

          It’s also why nobody knew whether to claim a Queens or a Kapiolani birth until after Obama had already announced his run for the presidency, even though he referenced his birth at Queens Hospital in his Feb 2007 announcement that he was running: his actual record didn’t claim ANY hospital as the birthplace, and Obama didn’t realize until June of 2007 (when he ordered a copy of his COLB and it came back showing his 2006 amendment adding a birth weight) that they were going to have to come up with a fake so nobody would know about the original birth claim being a home birth reported by Madelyn Dunham.

          This is what I suspect, and I’ve got some good reasons to suspect it. But until the records are produced, none of it can be absolutely proven. And that is why they have fought like heck all these years to keep the records hidden.

          At my son’s optometrist appointment yesterday I looked at the records disclosure policy. I remembered reading something similar at a dr’s appt I had last year but I can’t find that actual statement. Here’s what the optometrist’s statement says:

          “In some limited situations, the law allows or requires us to use or disclose your health information without your permission. Not all of these situations will apply to us; some may never come up at our office at all. Such uses or disclosures are:...Disclosures for law enforcement purposes, such as to provide information about someone who is or is suspected to be a victim of a crime; to provide information about a crime at our office; or to report a crime that happened somewhere else...(snip) Uses or disclosures for specialized government functions, such as for the protection of the president or high-ranking government officials; for lawful national intelligence activities; for military purposes; or for the evaluation and health of members of the Foreign Service”

          When Zullo and Mackiewcz (sp?) showed up at Kapiolani Hospital, identified themselves as law enforcement, and asked to see the labor room log, that was a law enforcement purpose regarding a criminal investigation, and that disclosure is thus allowable by HIPAA, if I’m understanding correctly. The military people that Lakin asked to check out Obama’s eligibility would presumably also have been allowed by HIPAA to see that log, for the military purpose of determining the lawfulness of orders.

          So all the excuses they’ve hidden behind are a bunch of crap. But if an independent federal investigator/prosecutor issued a subpoena for those records, they would have to be produced. Or a search warrant for the records could be obtained, bypassing the involvement of the people who have hidden records for Obama’s sake.

          Right now we have to push for a Congressional investigation. That’s the only way we’re going to get access to the critical records. And anybody who wants to keep those records hidden... exposes their own understanding that the records would incriminate Obama. There is no other reason to want those records hidden.

          117 posted on Saturday, June 01, 2013 11:04:09 PM by butterdezillion (,)
          Last edited by bsteadman; 06-03-2013, 02:38 PM.
          B. Steadman

