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Obama identity fraud: The net closes in -- WND, Lord Monckton

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  • Obama identity fraud: The net closes in -- WND, Lord Monckton

    Obama identity fraud: The net closes in

    Exclusive: Lord Monckton predicts accountability on 'birth certificate' will come soon


    Lord Monckton


    Mike Zullo, the volunteer chief investigator for Sheriff Joe Arpaio of Maricopa County, Ariz., is not letting go. Like a bulldog, he continues to investigate the outrageously bogus “birth certificate” Mr. Obama personally endorsed as his own when it was posted at the White House website a year before the last presidential election.

    Recently, Zullo gave a briefing to the Constitutional Sheriffs’ and Peace Officers’ Association setting out just some of the evidence that the document must be a forgery.

    One of the many bombshells he dropped was the news that a certified document examiner with 20 years’ experience had closely examined the “birth certificate” and had concluded that it was the most obvious forgery he had seen in those 20 years.

    The examiner was not making a party political point, for he is a registered Democrat.

    Mike Zullo’s investigation has now continued for almost two years. He has amassed many thousands of pages of evidence. His draft investigation report is already more than 300 pages long, and he reckons it will be 700 pages before it is complete.

    There is some explosive evidence that he has not yet disclosed, because it concerns third parties who may be connected with the forgery.

    His determination is commendable. But there is one question the Obots raise that now needs an answer. If it is so very plain that the “birth certificate” is forged, why has Sheriff Arpaio been unable to put the matter before any court? Why is Obama still in the White House and not in the jailhouse?

    Part of the answer lies in the terrified reluctance even of Fox News to cover the story properly. Fox calls itself “fair, balanced, and unafraid.” But it is afraid. Very afraid.

    A concerned citizen sent every congressman, every senator, every state governor and attorney general, every member of Obama’s Cabinet, every member of the Democratic and Republican National Committees and every member of the Supreme Court a copy of my own briefing paper summarizing the evidence for forgery. Fewer than half a dozen replies were received. There are a lot of fraidy-cats in your governing class.

    I asked one congressman why he had done nothing about the forgery. He replied: “It is unquestionably a forgery. We all know that. But you, with your experience of what the left will do to the reputations of those who challenge it, know that if any of us were to raise this issue we would be subjected to the same hatred, vilification and organized reputational damage that you have had to endure because you challenged them on climate change.”

    He added, “Scientifically and economically, your challenge was correct. But they didn’t care about that. They did their level best to trash your reputation anyway. I value my reputation, and I dare not take the risk of having it destroyed.”

    So there is no media pressure to bring the matter to court, and no political pressure either. A state of such fear and funk now subsists in the United States that no one will touch the birth certificate issue.

    And that is a shame, because the in-your-face forged “birth certificate” is arguably the biggest news story of our generation. In defiance of your Constitution, the current occupant of the White House clings to office even though his endorsement of the bogus document creates serious doubt about whether he is entitled to hold that office, and still more serious doubt about his fitness to hold it even if he were constitutionally entitled.

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    View the complete article at:
    B. Steadman