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Sheriff Joe Lead Obama ID Fraud Investigator In High Level Meetings In Washington DC

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  • Sheriff Joe Lead Obama ID Fraud Investigator In High Level Meetings In Washington DC

    Sheriff Joe Lead Obama ID Fraud Investigator In High Level Meetings In Washington DC

    Birther Report



    Mike Zullo hits Washington D.C. - Again!
    Meeting with still MORE Washington VIPS! MIKE ZULLO IS IN WASHINGTON DC TODAY - High level multiple meetings on Capitol Hill!

    PPSIMMONS News Exclusive Report

    PPSIMMONS News and Ministry can now reveal that Mike Zullo is in Washington D.C. today, Monday July 8, to meet with several high-ranking VIPS on Capitol Hill about the Sheriff Arpaio Obama Fraud case.

    These latest meetings were asked for and arranged by the VIPS. Zullo will be answering all their questions and presenting the entire criminal case for their review. It has been reported many times on PPSIMMONS News and on the Freedom Friday With Carl Gallups radio program that Sheriff Arpaio, investigator Zullo, and Gallups have been feverishly working for the last 5 months or so to get this case before a Congressional Investigation committee. Some months back Zullo and Gallups attended CPAC 2013 and met with Congress people on Capitol Hill and at CPAC. Those meetings have opened several very important doors that are leading this case closer and closer to a full blown Congressional investigation.

    Mike Zullo, in an exclusive PPSIMMONS News interview said, "Sheriff Arpaio is now pulling out all the stops. We are contacting and meeting with as many people as possible who can make a congressional investigation happen. We possess hard, irrefutable evidence of serious crimes being committed in, by, and around the White House in regards to the identity of Barack Obama. It is time for this evidence to be seen and heard in the proper venues where real results can come to fruition."

    When asked what the latest information was on the investigation Zullo responded, "We have never stopped collecting evidence and conducting further forensics analysis. The further we go with this case the more we are convinced that the evidence we possess is hands-down solid."

    Zullo continued, "What people have to realize is that we are now closer than we have ever been since this investigation started two years ago, to moving this to the level of a Congressional investigation. These things are painstakingly slow - they take time. However, it has been astounding the progress we have made ever since we went to CPAC and Capitol Hill just a few months back."

    We asked Carl Gallups for his input in the continuing process and he told us, "Mike and I have been telling folks several important things from the beginning of this process:

    1. All we want is the truth. Sheriff Arpaio said from day one - all Obama had to do was to present a 100% verifiable and legal identification of his birth and all this would go away. Not only has Obama not done so, but the matter has been further "locked down" and covered up.We even have reliable information that people's careers and even their lives have been threatened to keep this birth document matter covered up. As a former law enforcement officer I can say that this response is bizarre - unless, of course, you are hiding something. Now that we have the evidence that we have - I think I know exactly what Obama and his people are hiding. Mike and I have said many times in radio interviews that if we were ever presented with 100% factual evidence to the contrary of what we have collected - we would walk away from the matter. We put that challenge out to the world - over radio and internet. the Obama birth document is criminal forgery. No one has been able to provide what we asked for. One very credible resource took us up on the challenge and then when they examined only a part of what we possessed - they now see what we see...

    2. We have also been asking people to trust our integrity in this matter. Arapio and Zullo are seasoned and professional lawmen. They know what they are doing. This is a criminal case. It is a constitutional matter. It is a congressional investigation matter. This matter potentially goes to national soveriegnty and national security. This is nothing with which to be trifled. We have assured folks that we are doing many things - but some of them simply cannot be discussed in a public manner yet.

    3. We are very hopeful that within the next couple of months something monumental will break in this matter as far as a congressional investigation goes. We have promises from several people who can make this happen. We cannot "make" anyone do anything. The media won't report on the matter, the courts refuse to hear the case on its legal merits, many of our elected officials are terrified of it, and most Federal law enforcement agencies are under the direction of the Executive branch and the Department of Justice. The thing that is going to break this open is for congressmen to do their jobs and uphold their oaths. They have already done a full blown Senate investigation on the eligibility of John McCain. Their results were published in Senate Resolution 511. In light of the two year criminal investigation into the fraudulent document proffered by Obama - we are asking congress to at least do the same due dilligence in the matter of Barack Obama.

    4. We have also said that if in the final analysis, nothing is officially done by Congress - that we will eventually release EVERYTHING we have and know about this case. It will be released to the world in several big ways. Once the world sees what we know and then realize the very important people knew about it as well and then refused to act - it may blow the thing wide open - by the demand of We The People. We would much prefer that it be handled in an appropriate congressional manner - but if not, then we will do what we have to do. This is not going away - no matter how much the opposition wishes for it to go away. [...] - PPSIMMONS.

    View the complete Birther Report presentation at:

    B. Steadman

  • #2
    Free Republic is running a thread titled, 'Sheriff Joe Lead Obama ID Fraud Investigator In High Level Meetings In Washington DC (Stockman?)', which was started 7/8/2013 by 'Seizethecarp'

    The thread references the 7/8/2013 Birther Report article - http://obamareleaseyourrecords.blogs...-id-fraud.html

    View the complete Free Republic thread at:


    PPSIMMONS News and Ministry can now reveal that Mike Zullo is in Washington D.C. today, Monday July 8, to meet with several high-ranking VIPS on Capitol Hill about the Sheriff Arpaio Obama Fraud case.

    These latest meetings were asked for and arranged by the VIPS. Zullo will be answering all their questions and presenting the entire criminal case for their review.

    We have also said that if in the final analysis, nothing is officially done by Congress - that we will eventually release EVERYTHING we have and know about this case. It will be released to the world in several big ways. Once the world sees what we know and then realize the very important people knew about it as well and then refused to act - it may blow the thing wide open - by the demand of We The People. We would much prefer that it be handled in an appropriate congressional manner - but if not, then we will do what we have to do. This is not going away - no matter how much the opposition wishes for it to go away.

    Awaiting reporting of what happened today in DC...probably at least with Rep. Stockman.

    1 posted on Monday, July 08, 2013 6:14:54 PM by Seizethecarp

    To: LucyT

    Even if this investigation that Sheriff Joe started does absolutely nothing, he and his investigators are owed a debt by all of us.

    Not many people would undertake this task knowing how vindictive The Won can be and how several others have died under mysterious, cloudy circumstances. My hat is off to them.

    10 posted on Monday, July 08, 2013 6:27:39 PM by leapfrog0202 ("the American presidency is not supposed to be a journey of personal discovery" Sarah Palin)

    To: null and void; Seizethecarp; Absolutely Nobama; aragorn; Art in Idaho; Aurorales; autumnraine; ...

    Listened to the latest Zullo-gram on the link.

    Well, finally someone is paying attention to the murky circumstances surrounding Obama's "voluntary" surrender of his law license!

    Michelle's surrender of her law license was straight forward. She was ordered off the bar by the courts. One of her clients committed insurance fraud and perjury, of which she was judged to either have had knowledge, or should have had.

    Barry's surrender was in order to avoid an action for disbarment. He "voluntarily" and permanently surrendered his license in exchange for the Bar sealing the records. It's a common arrangement.

    Zullo noted the discrepancies between the Obama Bar Application and the "autobiography," particularly in regard to drug use. He also noted that Obama had neglected to list any aliases, when it became clear that he had used four (4)!

    6 years into this man's appearance on the national stage, and this Bar story is still unknown? In Congress? The members of which are largely lawyers? Surreal.

    33 posted on Monday, July 08, 2013 8:16:02 PM by Kenny Bunk ("Obama" The Movie. Introducing Reggie Love as "Monica." .)

    To: Seizethecarp; Absolutely Nobama; aragorn; Art in Idaho; Aurorales; autumnraine; azishot

    IMO, Donald Trump is in many ways responsible for the WH making the attempt to use fraudulent documentation to answer his questions.

    However, he soon went dormant on the issue. I suggest that now he step up and buy full page newspaper ads minutely explaining The CCP's evidence, and calling for a Congressional Investigation of it.

    35 posted on Monday, July 08, 2013 8:20:57 PM by Kenny Bunk ("Obama" The Movie. Introducing Reggie Love as "Monica." .)

    To: Kenny Bunk

    This has never been about Obama. It’s been about the handlers who executed this coup and the criminal political and media forces that knowingly allowed it to happen, in spite of a large outcry from we the peons. This is the mirror that shows us what this country has become. And if we don’t find a way to stop the absolute power we will never live without absolute corruption.

    None of that changes when Obama is out of office. In many ways Obama himself is a moot point.

    I want heads to roll at the HDOH, DOJ, DOS, Selective SErvice, Supreme Court, Congress, in every state AG’s office, and in every media outlet who knew the story was real and instead mocked those telling the truth.

    And I want the heads of ALL the enablers to roll - with Fast & Furious, with Benghazi, with IRS-gate, with NSA lawlessness, with the Boston marathon bombing and knowingly letting Bin Laden’s son escape scott-free, with the threats to the media over all these things, with the downing of SEAL Team 6 and the desecration of their bodies, etc, etc, etc.

    I know it’ll happen in eternity, but I hope justice also happens here - if for no other reason than to give these people a chance to come eyeball to eyeball with what they’ve done and repent of it before they meet their Maker. Because He is not bribed, distracted, or forgetful. Precious in His sight is the death of His saints, and it will be better for those who don’t repent if they were thrown into the sea with a millstone around their necks. They may get away with stealing from you or me, but everything in this world rightfully belongs to the Lord, and they will NOT get away with stealing from Him.

    47 posted on Monday, July 08, 2013 11:24:48 PM by butterdezillion (,)

    To: Kenny Bunk

    “Let’s say The House takes the Special Prosecutor’s findings and decides to impeach the Mombasa MF. Then the Senate has to convict him. Fat chance. Even if the RINOs take it over in 14, there still will not be the necessary number to convict.”

    It depends on how incriminating the “new, secret evidence” is that Zullo intimates he is showing to DC VIPs...

    48 posted on Monday, July 08, 2013 11:25:48 PM by Seizethecarp (Defend aircraft from "runway kill zone" mini-drone helicopter swarm attacks:

    To: Kenny Bunk

    Elections are rigged. As long as the CONSERVATIVE media is threatened and the liberal media corrupt, elections will be close enough that the fraud in large cities (democrat) will be enough to rig an election.

    We’ve GOT to get some semblance of law enforcement. As long as politicians are immune from prosecution (ironically, because law enforcement personnel don’t want to be “political”) nothing will ever hold anybody accountable, and we will have absolute corruption like we have now. Obama is in the White House right now because one law enforcement chief nixed a routine document fraud arrest warrant when he found out it was for Obama. He didn’t want to be punished by the system. That’s the power that got and kept Obama in office - which the “insider threat” program under Obama codifies, the NSA surveillance further enables, and all the inspector general firings document.

    Somebody has said that all it would take to get these insiders to talk is to be defunded. The power of the purse belongs to the House, which is controlled by R’s right now. When they as a group begin to talk seriously about defunding Obama’s abuse mechanisms, then I will believe that they MIGHT care about this country and MIGHT comprehend what is strangling her to death before our very eyes.

    Until that happens, neither elections nor scandals make one hootin’ hill of difference, no matter how much outrage you or I have.

    64 posted on Tuesday, July 09, 2013 8:37:12 AM by butterdezillion (,)
    Last edited by bsteadman; 07-09-2013, 02:50 PM.
    B. Steadman

