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Imprisoned Obama Challenger; Obama Is A Phony; Had To Have Pakistani Passport

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  • Imprisoned Obama Challenger; Obama Is A Phony; Had To Have Pakistani Passport

    Revealed: Imprisoned Obama Challenger; Obama Is A Phony; Had To Have Pakistani Passport

    Birther Report



    Exclusive: The Post & Email’s Interview with Man Who Claims the Obama Regime Imprisoned Him for a Year

    By Sharon Rondeau | The Post & Email

    (Jul. 16, 2013) — Last Friday, a man who identified himself as “Harry Butler” called in to Carl Gallups’ “Freedom Friday” radio show and said that he had been incarcerated for a year as a result of unmerited actions by the Obama regime.

    In an exclusive interview with The Post & Email on Tuesday, Butler said that during the waning days of the Bush administration and the opening of the Obama regime in January 2009, he had been attempting to point out that Obama was “a phony.” He said that he does not know if Obama “is a U.S. citizen.”

    Butler said he had suspicions about Obama’s passport from Butler’s extended overseas travel, particularly in the Middle East, while working for Gulfstream for 20 years transporting the world’s elite to various destinations. “In dealing with the passport service, those people run a tight ship,” Butler told us, “and we have to not only cross the ‘t’s’ and dot the ‘i’s’ on all our paperwork…and I know when somebody has a passport problem, it’s usually a big problem.”

    “This goes way back to when he was a senator,” Butler said. “I had never had anything against the guy in the world, but I started checking this thing, and I saw where he had a problem getting his passport.”

    Butler is a former Navy SEAL with parachute training, underwater demolition training, and is a recipient of the National Defense Service Medal. He left the Navy in 1973 and was in the Reserves for two years, after which he attended college and graduated with a degree in aviation. He said he always wanted to fly airplanes.

    Butler’s father stormed the cliffs of Normandy on D-Day and helped to liberate the Dachau concentration camp. Butler is proud of the fact that there have been four Navy SEALS in his family.

    “That’s all I’ve done my whole career is fly…dignitaries, kings, queens, ‘four-stars,’ presidents, military people, for 20 years…” Butler told us. He said that as a pilot, he always traveled with two passports in case one had been stamped by the Israeli government, in which case it would not have been accepted by the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

    “In my travels around the world, for a year, I flew the Sultan of Brunei around, who was the richest man in the world,” Butler said, adding, “He had no budget.” “Brunei is right next to Jakarta, so I spent a little time in Indonesia and Malaysia, and I know how those people think. It’s a different world than our world. It’s the same as in Saudi Arabia. In Saudi Arabia, they do not have the law like we have. Their laws are based on the law of desert-dwellers. Do you know how you buy land in Saudi Arabia? You can’t buy it.”

    “I spent a year with the Sultan in Brunei. I was on assignment. I was flying for Mohammed al-Fayed, whose son Dodi died with Princess Diana.” Butler has also transported such American well-known personalities as Oprah Winfrey, Tom Cruise and Bill Cosby.

    Butler said that Obama would have had to have possessed a “Pakistani passport” or one from a Middle Eastern country in order to have entered Pakistan at age 21 as Obama claimed he did during the 2008 presidential campaign. Butler said that he suspected that Obama obtained a diplomatic passport when he became a U.S. senator.

    Butler said that on January 23, 2009, he was taken to a hospital by family members who allegedly thought he was “having a breakdown.” The Post & Email asked Butler if he was ill, and he responded, “I didn’t think so, but I was sure putting heat on Obama. I was threatening him right and left; I was threatening unmercifully; but I never threatened bodily harm. What I threatened was ‘I’m going to expose you as a phony, because you’re playing with my Constitution and you’re playing with my country, and my name is Harry Butler III and I’m not going to stand for it.’”

    When we inquired as to how he was arrested, Butler stated, “The Secret Service had made all kinds of threats to them [his family members], and that was an option that they had. The bad thing about it is once they take you in for psychiatric evaluation, you’re gone for months on the statement of one individual…It finally took 12 of them to get me in chains and shoot me up with a bunch of medication,” he said.

    Butler denies the allegations made in the criminal complaint.

    Editor’s Note: Please watch for additional installments of our interview with Harry Galvin Butler III. - | The Post & Email.

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    B. Steadman

  • #2
    More dirty tricks from the obummer MIS - ADMINISTRATION .

